Actually,.. you did insult me,. it was just a veiled lame attempt to call me a shill without actually typing the word. Your idea is that SR's reviews are great,.. I 100% agree with you,.. Looks like SR has some classy ladies,.. I am not exactly unfimilar with who runs the service either. I'm fairly sure that the owner of SR is gonna be annoyed that you draged her into your bullshit.
Agencies always get more reviews,.. there are more ladies,.. Kinda makes sence when you stop and think about it for half a second. Having a hate on for raven is stupid,. she kicks ass,.. I've never had a complaint,.. I am just not into agencies,.. for allot of reasons,.. not sure why you have an irrational hate on for one sp that if you have seen, have never reviewed. You haven't reviewed shit in fact and your aparently the high roller of durham,.. mkay,.. not even sure what that means exactly,.. your one of the most active SP patrons in durham,... soooo you have to pay for allot of sex,.. alrighty,.. the way you stated it I think you where trying to prop yourself up but I dunno man,.. not sure it's really the angle you wanna lead with. Just sayin'