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Suggestions for Japan


Oct 23, 2008
I'm fluent enough to pass as Japanese but I often get asked where my dialect is from. Haha!

The best services (IMHO) are the role playing clubs otherwise known as Imekura (Image club). I went to this place which had a makeshift classroom where I played the role of a student and had this super hot teacher come onto me. :D

Unfortunately, you really have to be very fluent in Japanese since a big part of the service is the dialogue.


New member
Nov 22, 2007
I am heading to Tokyo this weekend. I will try out some of these suggestions. If any other terbites are in the area, feel free to drop me a PM and we can tour the 'sites'.


Mar 5, 2005
obie said:
I am heading to Tokyo this weekend. I will try out some of these suggestions. If any other terbites are in the area, feel free to drop me a PM and we can tour the 'sites'.
please report back, obie.


Toujours galant
Jan 16, 2007
Une de perdue dix de retrouvées
pooner416 said:
As the others have mentioned, your best bet would be to acquire the services from a Filipino, Chinese or Korean girl since the Japanese protect their own girls like a national treasure. The non-Japanese girls are usually easier because the "mama-san" herself is non-Japanese as well. Of course you'll need a Japanese friend to mediate the initial encounter.
Hey I commend the Japanese for protecting their girls like a national treasure. I would do the same thing if I was Japanese. Sucks not to be Japanese and be denied sexual heaven.


Feb 3, 2007
soapland is hard to get in if you are a foreigner(gai jin) unless you know the dialect fluently the best bet is the hotetoru or outcall girls that go to your hotel but watch out and be careful. or if you wanna have fun go to azabu or ikebukuro. the bars are ok a little bit expensive thought. been there and my best bet is pickup girls in the club at roppongi. have fun. otanoshimi
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Mar 5, 2005
we should go to Japan as a group from Terb. hehe


New member
Jul 5, 2008
Why would you have to pay for it in Japan. I was there with my GF who hails from Japan and there was no lack of smiles even when I was with her and when I wasn't I was a good boy, never alone long enough to get into trouble :) but here was lots of friendly local girls....foriegners are relatively rare in Japan and there for a bit exotic I guess, same as a Japanese girl here....


New member
Jul 23, 2009
bubba989 said:
Why would you have to pay for it in Japan. I was there with my GF who hails from Japan and there was no lack of smiles even when I was with her and when I wasn't I was a good boy, never alone long enough to get into trouble :) but here was lots of friendly local girls....foriegners are relatively rare in Japan and there for a bit exotic I guess, same as a Japanese girl here....
I am in Japan a couple of times a year minimum for work, and I lived there for two years. Being a caucasian foreigner is not really a novelty anymore, especially in the any medium sized or larger city. Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Sendai, etc., have so many foreigners living there, so it is not that big a deal these days. Now if you are in the rural areas, that is different. It is very true that many soaps, fashion spas, pinks, video boxes, etc. won't let non-Japanese into their places. It some cases it is because you are not Japanese, and in many cases it is because of the language barrier. Many places have a set way of doing things, and they fear that a foreigner will not be able to understand the method. Now I have gone to places and shown that I can at least understand how their system works, and have a decent grasp of the language, and they do a 180 and welcome you like a long-lost relative. Other places, especially the triad run places don't care. For that matter most of the yak run places are the same.
Everyone talks about Kabukicho as the place to go in Tokyo, but it is intimidating for a newbie. There are so many places in Tokyo or Osaka where pay for play fun can be had. Outside every mid-sized and major JR/subway station, there is a red-light district. Just stay away from the shills trying to get you into their places, as they are set ups for big prices. I am rambling, so i will end this now. If anyone wants some recommendations on places, just ask.


Nov 13, 2003
I was there 2 years ago... I'm canadian born asian (not japanese). I would hit the clubs in roppongi at night and had no shortage of girls coming to talk to me... They do love foreigners, white or otherwise. I would just sing along with the english songs that were playing and they totally loved that, guys included. Guys would talk to me and my friends, and even buy us drinks... I found japanese people to be very friendly/helpful... and the girls are very easy to talk to and take home :D


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
Back Burner said:
I guess a black guy has no shot in Japan.
No, they have just as good a shot as any. Blacks are exotic .The people who have less a shot are the people who are not "exotic" to them.. basically other asians.


Mar 5, 2005
Are you a Japanese, Don?

I don't think that is true. It depends on one's preception on 'exotic'.
It does not mean one do not see each other exotic just because that person/group is the same race with the other person/group. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


New member
Jul 23, 2009
I agree, it totally depends on the girl, and to a lesser degree where you are located in Japan. 20 years ago being a foreigner there was a big deal, now it is not. Go into any large city, and there are many non-Japanese living and working there. The myth that being white/black/etc. and going to Japan will be getting you girls all night every night is BS. There are some girls who are into foreigners, but the majority of the ones I see are not as "desirable" as a lot of the other girls around.

It also depends where you are in Japan too. If you are a foreigner you have a better chance of getting a girl in Roppongi than in Ginza, but it has really gone downhill as a hot spot. Tourist-wise it is still busy, but the clubs in Roppongi on the weekends are full of a lot of ex-pats and visitors, as a lot of the locals don't hit there as often. Ebisu is where a lot of nice clubs/bars/restaurants are, and the area was jammed on the weekends in Feb. Ikebukuro is also a great spot, and to a lesser extent Shinjuku, but the prices are higher in regards to drinks,food and cover charges, unless you hit Kabukicho which has a lot of small restaurants and a couple of small bars that are really affordable.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Back Burner said:
I guess a black guy has no shot in Japan.
Historical, the Japanese are very xenophobic and don't like foreigners, but recently, say the past 20 years some young Japanese women have become notorious with their promiscuity at home and abroad with respect to foreigners and the foreigners that the have sex with look like the characters in the Japanese anime, Japanamation characters, which are sharp featured caucasians with big round eyes, square jaws and sharp noses, the same type like McArthur that dropped the atomic bomb on them. Black guys are not really in the picture, except for some Japanese club girls that have a rare rap fetish. Japanese girls in my experience are for the most part kind of ugly, with fucked up teeth and many have bow legs, but the rare extremely beautiful Japanese girls that I have seen are almost always with Japanese guys. Interestingly enough, a Japan's economy enters it's second decade of recession, brothels are a growth industry as almost all other industries are in decline, with the amount of whorehouses up by 4x in ten years, with likely more independants operating now, out of the clutches of the gajin hating Yakuza, and if the recession continues perhaps Japan might get sex tours like Thailand.
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New member
Aug 8, 2008
Back Burner said:
I guess a black guy has no shot in Japan.
If you resemble either Rampage Jackson or Samuel L. Jackson, I'd think you could score bigtime. Hell, you'd probably need to beat them off you with a stick.

"Are you the number one?"


Dec 9, 2008
Chimpanzeethat said:
I found a girl I liked on fuzoku, copied her data, but don't read Japanese. So I pasted it into babelfish. The resulting gibberish left me hard as a rock.
Funny. :D
and if the recession continues perhaps Japan might get sex tours like Thailand.
Started already. Came across few on tour in Hawaii & Channel tag141 is among few in T.O. Same idea for Kgirls, thou result of past sweeps, not economy.
Ikebukuro is also a great spot, and to a lesser extent Shinjuku, but the prices are higher in regards to drinks,food and cover charges, unless you hit Kabukicho which has a lot of small restaurants and a couple of small bars that are really affordable.
Good advice.

Ikebukuro looked interest, should've spend more time. Hard to peel away from Shinjuku JR & back alleys. LF took us to few Kabukicho hangouts, easy enjoyable atomsphere yet not break the bank.


Sep 2, 2009
agree with you guys here, japan is a very close-minded country :D I was in tokyo red light district last x'mas. man....I was hugely pissed off simply because I didn't speak any Japanese.
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