Also base on history I know the USA lied on WMD on IRAQ… Also know Putin and Russian are also liars & murders no different that the west ( like USA Who started the second IRAQ war ( fake WMD narrative also). What I am saying every one lies! Looking at past history and the current event happening now. I agree there are truth somewhere hard find the truth.OK, so somewhere in this mess of a sentence is something true - there isn't a simple "Good and Evil"/"Black and White" explanation of world events.
There are a number of actors with agency and different levels of power and with complex and often conflicting goals, even within a single nation or regime.
This also means "The Secret Masters of the World" is also a bullshit explanation.
Unfortunately, Addict2Sex, you aren't going to get a lot of support for "people have complicated and different motivations and make imperfect choices in a complicated world where they don't have perfect information" on this board. You won't get much of it even on the internet. Hell, you constantly post articles that are violently opposed to this position that you claim to support.
"There is no master plan" is something people really hate thinking about most of the time.
What you saying I can’t disagree at all yet! But WEF do exists and Davos do exits.. global financial reset cannot discount yet! Anything is possible.. “ monetary reset”. New global currency… maybe? If US no longer becomes the petro dollar And no longer the world reserve currency. All it take is Saudi not to support the US dollar and depeg their oil to the US dollar.
Think this conflict is ties to Changing of the world order” see Ray delio video.
The Collapse of America - A Warning From the $200 Billion Dollar Man
Start from beginning to 4:45 mins
Then skip video 4:46 mins to 7:43 mins ( becausE it advertised sponsor)
continuing to rest 7:44 minutes to end of video.
PS. This conflict is about saving “ world reserve global currency “ and the New global world vs current global world current order…
Looking at history to explain the current confict situation now. We had lots money printing , we had some sort crazy internal conflict in USA during leading up to election 2020 election ( “clown world “ ), high inflation now, and market falling from all time high. Now a proxy war in Ukraine . Russia pipeline blown up. International conflict or proxy war or economic war .. seizing of assets from both side. ( sanctions)
PPS. A complete details actual original video long form from Ray delivo himself you can find in YouTube or in the order threads I posted.
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