Steve Garvey. Mr. Clean...Not so much.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Steve Garvey’s bizarre Senate campaign: I think I figured out why he’s really running. (

In the months since Steve Garvey, the former Los Angeles Dodgers legend turned Republican political candidate, won a surprise slot in the general election of California’s Senate race, he has continued to run a blank-slate campaign virtually free of substance and mostly under the radar.

But Garvey’s days of coasting along scrutiny-free in this election are over.

In the late ’80s, at the end of his lengthy baseball career, it was revealed that Garvey—known then as Mr. Clean, ironically—was embroiled in multiple extramarital affairs and had also accumulated a staggering amount of debt. The ’90s and early 2000s brought additional, damning reports about how Garvey was racking up more debts with his luxury-filled lifestyle. Now stuffed-away skeletons are once again falling out of his closet.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Steve Garvey was known for annoying his team-mates, Don Sutton punched him out. Why isn't Caitlyn Jenner running?

Toronto Passions

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Steve Garvey was somewhat of a focal point with his baseball card, for one of my favourite movies of all time. The hard to find streaming online movie Mask with Cher, Sam Elliott and Eric Stoltz from 1985.

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