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STEROIDS to get BIG... anyone have experience and info??????

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
STFU u botch. Aren't u embarrassed of spending all day truying to get freebies from retarded whores? Go fuck ur polluted mother,
Ok, I want to know how did you know that Blackies mother is polluted? It was supposed to be a secret between Blackie's mother and Red, Brill and Rub and sometimes Tees.


Unregistered User
Aug 20, 2011
Dude I am somewhat skeptical that you are serious about this. If you are however, here is some free advice. I played University football for a couple of years. Needless to say I was around many guys who were willing to take whatever drug-stimulant necessary to make the cut. Frankly speaking you are an idiot if you take steroids to "look good on vacation". Is going prematurely bald part of your plan to look good?

I might consider taking steroids, and consequently ruining my health, for an million dollar NFL contract and pension. Even then it would be a tough decision.


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
Read some were that one of the "side effects is, it makes your dic smaller, not joking.

ahahahahaha this whole idea of an Asian guy taking steriods looks like a disaster ... the asian brother want's to take steroids to get jacked up for the Cuba trip.. I'm guessing his plan is to pick up some hot chick out there for some fun times... Asians have small dicks in general so I hear. Steroids shrinking his dic even more beats the whole purpose xD

Let's not forget the numerous negative effects of taking steroids - looking flabby once you stop working out, going bald, liver problems... and we all know the premature deaths many atheletes from WWE , baseball etc that are likely the result of steroids


Nov 20, 2006
If he were to take a single 8 week cycle the long term effects would proably be minimal to none. The liver problems, baldness etc are more from the long term heavy users.

I knew someone who went on a single cycle, with the idea of doing the it the one time. Got some good effects then went on a second cycle, then went on vacation overseas ran out of food money and went on a third cycle when he got home rather then wait to gain back the lost muscle naturally.

I am sure there are some people who have done one cycle, and managed to keep some of the gains and never went back. I am not one of them.


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
If he were to take a single 8 week cycle the long term effects would proably be minimal to none. The liver problems, baldness etc are more from the long term heavy users.

I knew someone who went on a single cycle, with the idea of doing the it the one time. Got some good effects then went on a second cycle, then went on vacation overseas ran out of food money and went on a third cycle when he got home rather then wait to gain back the lost muscle naturally.

I am sure there are some people who have done one cycle, and managed to keep some of the gains and never went back. I am not one of them.
What are the chances he'll only do a single cycle? It would've been me years ago saying, "I'll try an SP once only".. I keep being drawn back even though it hits my wallet, risks, and other unfavorable things


Nov 23, 2010
Have you tried creatine? Not steroids, but I've had good results with it in the past. Combine creatine with good mass-building shakes, and you should be able to pack on a few pounds pretty quickly.
I agree. Creatine pre-workout. Bio Steel (amino acids) during. glutamine and protein after. Creatine after as well helps. Best is Purple K. None of the above will harm you assuming you follow the directions. They work. Oh and of course heavy lifting. 5 by 5's.

warren buffet

New member
Oct 31, 2002
Honestly horrible idea, do not do this under any circumstances. You will regret it when you get older. That I promise you


Nov 20, 2006
What are the chances he'll only do a single cycle? It would've been me years ago saying, "I'll try an SP once only".. I keep being drawn back even though it hits my wallet, risks, and other unfavorable things
What was kinda my point with the example.


Active member
Oct 19, 2002
so just to cover the know people who are probably doing steroids. but you'd rather have a stranger tell you where to get them and how to use them. sure. that'll work.


New member
Aug 12, 2010
hey listen to my advice.
there's no point in skinny guys to start roids. A good base plus a bulk is the best way to go. A good base is years and years of dedicated lifting. You don't know dedication until you sleep at 10pm, never miss your meals, meet your macros, never drink, smoke etc... Years. Please don't post your bright idea of a skinny guy on the steroid forum as you will get laughed at. It requires hard work even with steroids and its not a couple months to a year process. Its years and years of accumilation of hard work.


May 13, 2006
Bodybuilding is stupid. It has poisoned our culture and given men seriously deranged views on how the body is supposed to look. Bodybuilding is different than power-lifting, which is designed around increasing strength. Bodybuilders are not necessarily that strong; they are training purely for the cosmetic jacked "look". This is the least healthy approach to weight training there is. You'd be better off starting with heavy calisthenics (get yourself to the point where you can do 300 hindu pushups a day) and then cycling in some heavy lifting three times a week. Accept you will never look like a bodybuilder but take some pride in the fact you will be fitter than the average jacked up roid-head. Flexible, strong, with great muscular endurance.


Heavy User
Oct 14, 2008
Bodybuilding is stupid. It has poisoned our culture and given men seriously deranged views on how the body is supposed to look. Bodybuilding is different than power-lifting, which is designed around increasing strength. Bodybuilders are not necessarily that strong; they are training purely for the cosmetic jacked "look". This is the least healthy approach to weight training there is. You'd be better off starting with heavy calisthenics (get yourself to the point where you can do 300 hindu pushups a day) and then cycling in some heavy lifting three times a week. Accept you will never look like a bodybuilder but take some pride in the fact you will be fitter than the average jacked up roid-head. Flexible, strong, with great muscular endurance.
Yeah, and when it comes time to throw down Ill eat them for breakfeast! I know many a juice monkey aka hired weight and when I grab there big arms and tell them how it is they listen like a good boy cause the know I'll squeeze their head in a vice grip and laugh when their eye balls pop out if it ever came down to it.
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Active member
Oct 19, 2002
Bodybuilding is stupid. It has poisoned our culture and given men seriously deranged views on how the body is supposed to look. Bodybuilding is different than power-lifting, which is designed around increasing strength. Bodybuilders are not necessarily that strong; they are training purely for the cosmetic jacked "look". This is the least healthy approach to weight training there is. You'd be better off starting with heavy calisthenics (get yourself to the point where you can do 300 hindu pushups a day) and then cycling in some heavy lifting three times a week. Accept you will never look like a bodybuilder but take some pride in the fact you will be fitter than the average jacked up roid-head. Flexible, strong, with great muscular endurance.
huh? i'm no bodybuilder. or power lifter. but neither one is stupid. it's just a choice. like combing your hair. neither look is about health so i wonder why you put that in. and there are lots of methods of getting strong. open up a little.


Active member
Sep 6, 2008
I am looking to get jacked before my vacation to cuba and don't have the time to work out ...........
I'd just keep your shirt on, then -- you won't have enough time.
There's no such thing as a 'magic pill'


New member
Sep 25, 2006
Steroids= even smaller dick.:biggrin1:
Now that is unfair and uncalled for...insinuating that all Asians already have small dicks. That would be like assuming that they are all bad drivers, have bad eyesight and buck teeth.


Heavy User
Oct 14, 2008
Small dick is one thing but a lot of these Juicers don't want to bang becasue finishing would be wasted protein.


Active member
Feb 15, 2003
I will second... any who takes this shit is taking a real risk to their health, and I will say behaviour. I as well was around it in football. Best to take healthy supplements and work out. There is no short cut to that, and if you work out, you will feel better. It was around.... young and stupid I was thinking about it, but glad I didn't. Don't know why football players get into this shit. And just for the beach?


Nov 20, 2006
If you must...
1: Get what you can naturally. General rule of thumb is that if you are working resting and eating properly, you should be able to get about 20 pounds in the first year, 10 the second and 5 the third with a few pounds per year afterwords naturally. Give or take YMMV of course.
1A: If you are getting nowhere near this, you should learn how to work out to get the most out of the roids before you start.
1B: It is after the gains slow down that adding the roids really is beneficial. Why bother juicing if you are making beginners gains.
2: If I were after the above to the roids, again the same principle. The first cycle will get you the most, as I understand it the law of diminishing returns applies here also. Unless you are competing, there is no need to keep going at it. One or a few cycles, after a few years of training naturally and you will have much of the gains that your typical juicer would have. [Yes you will lose some of your gains if you quit, but not all, and yes you will be very small compared to those people who take horse sized dosages of roids, plus HGH and FSM knows what else.
3: As I understand it, there are some countries where it is legal. I'd be inclined if I were to do this to take an 8 week vacation to Mexico or whereever it is currently legal and do it safe.

The above is from reading, not from personal experience. Reader beware.
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