Hello just wanted to let everyone know that Stephanie will be visiting Ottawa next week. She is a beautiful & super friendly girl with great GFE service.
Can't go wrong booking with her, I won't get into the private details but she is very open minded and she is amazing.
She is also on terb as Dirytblondestef but she is now a redhead. (Yes there is a typo in the name and it is correct)
Website: https://dirtyblondestephan.wixsite.com/stephanie
LL AD:https://www.leolist.cc/personals/fe...sinfully_good_visiting_feb_26_march_2-4710441
Twitter: @dirtystephanie1
(902)700-4210 TEXT ONLY
Can't go wrong booking with her, I won't get into the private details but she is very open minded and she is amazing.
She is also on terb as Dirytblondestef but she is now a redhead. (Yes there is a typo in the name and it is correct)
Website: https://dirtyblondestephan.wixsite.com/stephanie
LL AD:https://www.leolist.cc/personals/fe...sinfully_good_visiting_feb_26_march_2-4710441
Twitter: @dirtystephanie1
(902)700-4210 TEXT ONLY