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Stephanie of OPG


Aug 31, 2004
Quinte area
I've had good experiences with OPG in the past, and being a creature of habit, I figured I would stick with a known agency instead of venturing out into my unknown. First choice was to see Innocence again, but she wasn't working last night, so I had to make a choice. I've seen Trish and Samantha, so I thought I would take a chance with Stephanie. On the site, she's listed as 34, blonde and has a 'body to die for' - shouldn't be too bad.

She arrives about 30 min after the call, and I open the door. Two things - one, she's a smoker - and has a small hack that she blames on allergies. Could be allergies, but the cigs aren't helping any. Second - I cannot see her being 34...yes, I know that agencies usually subtract a few years in their advertising, but I demand a recount. Let's just say, that when she was 34, she was probably a real looker. I'd say she's probably officially transitioned from MILF to Cougar status...if I was a lumberjack, I would have spent the first 5 minutes counting the rings.

We started with a few minutes of conversation, and then down to it. Some caressing and LFK, and then off come the clothes. She does have a nice body; a decent pair of man mades (I am more a fan of the real thing), and there isn't and sag anywhere else to speak of. I will say this, the website was correct about her body. :) More caressing; Stephanie pushes the pace along, I had to slow her down so I wasn't finished at the 15 min mark...
On goes the raincoat for a CBJ - not really memorable. DATY was good, she is responsive and purrs nicely. On to mish, and finish with doggie - ok, but I've experienced better (I'm sure she'd say the same...LOL!).

Overall, I wouldn't repeat; while she's a nice lady, in the end I didn't find the service worth another shot (no pun intended) and, as always, this is just my opinion, your experience and/or mileage may differ.




New member
Jan 11, 2007
Thanks for the review eeyore6, I was thinking about seeing her and called up a few weeks ago but she was busy and I went with Abbie instead. I was planning on trying her, probably on the weekend on early next week had I not read your review. The smoking thing is a big turn off for me, so I will take a pass and use the $$$ elswhere.
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