Stanley Cup Final- what's up with these people??


New member
Mar 17, 2003
I agree, beaver cleaner, except that I don't think it's harmful to a sport in the long run to have a championship match between two teams without huge TV followings.
Of course, when you're talking about NHL HOCKEY which is outdrawn by just about everything south of the border, it's different.
Still, I'm fine with it. I think it's time the NHL stopped cow-towing to American interests - kill the entire South-East Division.

beaver cleaner

New member
Jun 26, 2003
It isn't just hockey, all professional sports except football has this problem. There are too many teams, too little talent. So the talented players end up commanding exorbitant salaries.

It would be ok if it was just stars, but then the problem starts. The difference between a 40 goal scorer and a 30 goal scorer is big, but in arbitration it isn't deemed that big, then the 25 goal scorer, and the 20 goal scorer. In the end Tie Domi is making 1.5 million, and all salaries go haywire. Tickets in a place like Raleigh aren't going to get Toronto or NY prices, but they have to compete with them on ice. So every once in a while, the Cinderella makes it to the ball, but it doesn't build from there, cuz they can't afford to compete.

Way off on a tangent, not making any sense. Going for a beer, and to watch the Leafs.


Aug 26, 2001
beaver cleaner said:
It isn't just hockey, all professional sports except football has this problem. There are too many teams, too little talent. So the talented players end up commanding exorbitant salaries.

It would be ok if it was just stars, but then the problem starts. The difference between a 40 goal scorer and a 30 goal scorer is big, but in arbitration it isn't deemed that big, then the 25 goal scorer, and the 20 goal scorer. In the end Tie Domi is making 1.5 million, and all salaries go haywire. Tickets in a place like Raleigh aren't going to get Toronto or NY prices, but they have to compete with them on ice. So every once in a while, the Cinderella makes it to the ball, but it doesn't build from there, cuz they can't afford to compete.

Way off on a tangent, not making any sense. Going for a beer, and to watch the Leafs.
beaver cleaner - Actually you make alot of sense. except that Domi's salary is closer to 2.5 mil than 1.5 mil.


New member
Jan 18, 2003
Ranger68 said:
I agree, beaver cleaner, except that I don't think it's harmful to a sport in the long run to have a championship match between two teams without huge TV followings.
Of course, when you're talking about NHL HOCKEY which is outdrawn by just about everything south of the border, it's different.
Still, I'm fine with it. I think it's time the NHL stopped cow-towing to American interests - kill the entire South-East Division.
The point here is the NHL doesn't have a "long run" in front of them. Threat of a work stoppage next year, the renewed TV contracts were cut into a quarter or so of what it was before. The fact remains that it is a business first, a sport second. I agree it would be great hockey to have TB/SJ in the finals as a pure fan of good hockey, but as a fan of hockey overall, we need stability of revenues, and that means bigger stadium draws, but more importantly bigger TV ratings. There are a number of teams that shouldn't be around, but they are, and that's because we have no choice but to be "cow-towing to American interests" because that's where the dollars are for TV. It will take some time for SJ or TB to be a hockey hot bed and gain enough support to be meaningful. I for one would like it over the long run, but don't see it being good today with the looming strike. Just my viewpoint, and oddly enough I will admit I could be wrong. That doesn't happen often here.

n_v said:
beaver cleaner - Actually you make alot of sense. except that Domi's salary is closer to 2.5 mil than 1.5 mil.
And Domi's salary deserves to be at least $2.5 mil. He is afterall the best player on the team.


Aug 26, 2001
thecoolguyms72 said:
And Domi... is afterall the best player on the team.
While I agree Domi is having one of his better, if not best, post season, does not your statement reflect more on the poor play of the other skaters than on his above par performance?


New member
Jan 18, 2003
Yes, and it in part reflects my sarcasm. I like Domi, even though he's a dummy. He can skate, is tough as rocks, just happens to be dumb as them too. But he is a good player, just doesn't get the respect he deserves for the hockey part of his play. I don't really think he's the best player on the team, obviously, but he should be playing more. And I've been saying that for a couple of years now, not just since Don Cherry has. He's from my area so I know him. And yes, his head is that hard and he can take a beating and not be phased by it. Especially when he's had a few pops.


New member
Aug 29, 2001
North York
I agree that TV ratings in both Canada and the U.S. wouldn't be very good with a SJ/TB Final, but it SHOULD be. If you're a real hockey fan, no matter what city you reside in, you should know this series would be a good one, so what excuse could a real hockey fan have for not watching it? it comes around to the question again, of why would TV ratings be bad? Well, because all the so-called hockey fans won't be watching, and that means they aren't really hockey fans at all, because they wouldn't recognize exciting hockey if it fell into their laps!

And by the way, I don't think the columnists I mentioned were so negative about the possibility of a SJ/TB series because of TV ratings. I doubt they gave a hoot about that. Just my guess, but to me they sounded like they hated the idea of two warm-weather cities in the Cup Final, like it was sacrilege or something. Well, wake up, you two. NHL hockey has been in warm-weather markets now for decades!! get used to it!


Jul 29, 2003
n_v said:
While I agree Domi is having one of his better, if not best, post season, does not your statement reflect more on the poor play of the other skaters than on his above par performance?

I'm no Domi fan but he has been playing awesome these last few games, and its not because TO players are playing poorly. He had a couple of great chances this evening that he could not capitalize on. But he was still skating hard and making the big hits. Kudos to Tia Domi. --- Kev


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
meee said:
I agree that TV ratings in both Canada and the U.S. wouldn't be very good with a SJ/TB Final, but it SHOULD be. If you're a real hockey fan, no matter what city you reside in, you should know this series would be a good one, so what excuse could a real hockey fan have for not watching it? it comes around to the question again, of why would TV ratings be bad? Well, because all the so-called hockey fans won't be watching, and that means they aren't really hockey fans at all, because they wouldn't recognize exciting hockey if it fell into their laps!
Even the most rabid fan loses some interest if their team isn't in it. And the less emotional attachment fans have to a team, even more interest is lost. Doesn't mean they aren't true fans though. This is the case in almost every sport.

Also TV and the leagues rely on capturing the interest of the casual fan. Certain teams draw more interest than others. Mainly teams with history because they have been around long enough for fans to develop some feeling (good or bad) about the franchise. Teams like the Yankees. People either love them or hate them. The haters will tune in just to share the joy if they lose, not caring for the other team involved. Teams like the Red Sox and Cubs capture the imagination of fans because of the passion of the fans and the long history of failure. What about the San Diego Padres? Or Florida Marlins? Who has great emotional atatchment to the Marlins other than their fans? They don't draw because of the lack of history.

The 1997 World Series was one of the most exciting in history, a game that was won in the 11th inning of game 7. It was also one of the lowest rated series (TV ratings) ever because of the teams involved and one of the most forgotten. (ok Cleveland does have a long history and some loyal fans but the Marlins were just a few years old and Cleveland's drawing power wasn't good enough to compensate)

Toronto. Montreal. Detroit. Boston. NY Rangers. These teams attract fans with their storied past. Tampa Bay? San Jose? Nope.


New member
Aug 29, 2001
North York
So here's the problem. If no one is gonna be interested in a Final between teams like TB or SJ (or any other small market team with no long history), then, again, what's the point in having them in the league? Anyone in a league has a right to compete for the championship. That's why they cough up zillions of dollars to join. They don't do that to be also-rans every year. But if you want to make the fans happy, according to you and lots of others, these teams should never win a championship. But we can't get rid of all of these teams and revert back to the pre-expansion six because you'd have zillions of fans in those cities who clamored to get a team very unhappy. The TV people were probably happy when expansion came (more so in sports like baseball) so a sports league could become "national" and then they cry when the same large market teams aren't competing each year for the championship. This is truly a conundrum where nobody, personally, I like variety, hate the same teams every damn year, and I'll go out on a limb and say if a team like SJ or TB wins it all, then its good for the sport. Besides' THAT'S the best way to MAKE a team's history! If teams like Colorado, Detroit, Montreal, etc. are in the fight for the Cup every year, year after year, I get very bored and completely turned off and I'm sure I'm not the only one. The possibilities this year make it very refreshing indeed.


Aug 26, 2001
Kev said:
I'm no Domi fan but he has been playing awesome these last few games, and its not because TO players are playing poorly. He had a couple of great chances this evening that he could not capitalize on. But he was still skating hard and making the big hits. Kudos to Tia Domi.
I didn't say he was not playing awesome. The point was if he was the BEST player because the others are (at least prior to game 4) playing below par or he in fact is playing above them while the others are playing good.


Jul 29, 2003
n_v said:
I didn't say he was not playing awesome. The point was if he was the BEST player because the others are (at least prior to game 4) playing below par or he in fact is playing above them while the others are playing good.
Domi is playing very well. So much so that he maybe overachieving. If your a Leaf fan you say " who cares?" Hopeful winning Stanley Cup winning teams count on players whos talent may have gone on recognized earlier in the season to step up. And i feel Domi is answering the call. Whether he resorts back to being a thug next season or has finally matured as a player has yet to be seen. But right now hes showing some spots that are a serious threat to the competition. --- Kev


New member
Mar 17, 2003
meee said:
I agree that TV ratings in both Canada and the U.S. wouldn't be very good with a SJ/TB Final, but it SHOULD be. If you're a real hockey fan, no matter what city you reside in, you should know this series would be a good one, so what excuse could a real hockey fan have for not watching it? it comes around to the question again, of why would TV ratings be bad? Well, because all the so-called hockey fans won't be watching, and that means they aren't really hockey fans at all, because they wouldn't recognize exciting hockey if it fell into their laps!

And by the way, I don't think the columnists I mentioned were so negative about the possibility of a SJ/TB series because of TV ratings. I doubt they gave a hoot about that. Just my guess, but to me they sounded like they hated the idea of two warm-weather cities in the Cup Final, like it was sacrilege or something. Well, wake up, you two. NHL hockey has been in warm-weather markets now for decades!! get used to it!
The problem isn't the hockey fans. There aren't nearly enough of them to jack the ratings up to decent levels. It's that this series wouldn't derive any interest from people who AREN'T hockey fans, at least not the way a Boston - Detroit series would, say.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
meee said:
So here's the problem. If no one is gonna be interested in a Final between teams like TB or SJ (or any other small market team with no long history), then, again, what's the point in having them in the league? Anyone in a league has a right to compete for the championship. That's why they cough up zillions of dollars to join. They don't do that to be also-rans every year. But if you want to make the fans happy, according to you and lots of others, these teams should never win a championship. But we can't get rid of all of these teams and revert back to the pre-expansion six because you'd have zillions of fans in those cities who clamored to get a team very unhappy. The TV people were probably happy when expansion came (more so in sports like baseball) so a sports league could become "national" and then they cry when the same large market teams aren't competing each year for the championship. This is truly a conundrum where nobody, personally, I like variety, hate the same teams every damn year, and I'll go out on a limb and say if a team like SJ or TB wins it all, then its good for the sport. Besides' THAT'S the best way to MAKE a team's history! If teams like Colorado, Detroit, Montreal, etc. are in the fight for the Cup every year, year after year, I get very bored and completely turned off and I'm sure I'm not the only one. The possibilities this year make it very refreshing indeed.
Well, I argue two points:
many of these teams shouldn't be in the league - if they are, they have to be allowed to play, certainly - I agree that it's good to see new teams fight for the Cup;
who cares if the TV ratings are low from time to time? - stop cow-towing to the Americans - the league has survived a long time without caring what the audience share in Phoenix was.


New member
Aug 29, 2001
North York
Let me just expand upon a point in my earlier post, regarding "history". People talk about a teams "history", a storied past, teams like the "original six". Well, that's well and good, but how did they become teams with "history"? Time, of course, since they've been around for many decades, plus they've had their ups and downs, been in the thick of things and maybe won a cup or two (or come close). That's how they developed their team "history". And, of course, had some now famous names playing for them. Ok, so the newer teams in the league need to develop their own "history" and this takes time, many years of course, plus they have to develop their star players who will forever be associated with that team, plus be in the fight for the cup a lot, and maybe win it all once or twice. In a couple more decades from now, or longer, the San Jose's and Tampa's of the NHL may have their "history". I say "may" because if owners and GM's of some teams make some poor decisions, they won't ever develop their team history.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
JeremytheWicked said:
After reviewing the hit on Ranger by Goober, Colin Campbell serves a week long suspension (from using Kathleen's services) to him as well as a warning.

Talk about sending a message!
We just have to focus on winning, play one game at a time, give a hundred percent, and hope that good things will happen.
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