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Sports Illustrated - VC is a cancer


Dos XX at Senor Frogs
Jan 13, 2004
Playa Del Carmen Q.R.
In an upcoming edition of Sports Illustrated, the 2004 / 2205 basketball review will be coming out.

The articles writer pointed out that "Vince Carter is a cancer - and he will impede any development by Chris Bosh (the teams' best player".

I tend to agree with this statement - Carter reminds me of Jeff George (exNFL QB). It's about time somebody else other than TO sports writers and Terbites figure this one out.

I say excise the cancer.


May 10, 2002
my neighbours basement
healer677 said:
In an upcoming edition of Sports Illustrated, the 2004 / 2205 basketball review will be coming out.

The articles writer pointed out that "Vince Carter is a cancer - and he will impede any development by Chris Bosh (the teams' best player".

I tend to agree with this statement - Carter reminds me of Jeff George (exNFL QB). It's about time somebody else other than TO sports writers and Terbites figure this one out.

I say excise the cancer.
totaly aggre, its time to get rid of him, i dont care what we get for him, the guy has done nothing but complain, we are not winning with him and we are not winning without him. its time for a change.


Dos XX at Senor Frogs
Jan 13, 2004
Playa Del Carmen Q.R.
The funny part is that the fans love this idiot........

SI should add more to the current info. I'm sure all the Bball insiders know about VC's problems, but casual fans don't.

This may shed some light on Carter and maybe, if the pussy stays; it'll light a fire under his butt and actually play like a franchise player (since he's getting franchise player money).

But...he'll probably have to ask his mama.....


May 10, 2002
my neighbours basement
healer677 said:
The funny part is that the fans love this idiot........

i used to be one of them, when ever vc came up in a conversation with my friends, i would defend him like he was my brother or something, but i am just getting tired of his and his moms bs. vince just shut the fuck up and play and maybe some other team will want you, but if you keep lying on the ground when you pretend to be hurt, then no team will want you.


Aug 29, 2004
The thing that really bugs me about vince is that he thinks he's done so much in this league where he can demand to be put on a contending team. I dont' think so! A guy like Karl Malone, maybe. Vince is just another pro athlete brat who would probably be delivering pizza's if it wasn't for the game he plays.


May 10, 2002
my neighbours basement
i hope and pray that the fans dont vote him to start in the all star game this year, that would realy burst his bubble


Dos XX at Senor Frogs
Jan 13, 2004
Playa Del Carmen Q.R.
They will - that's the problem.

Carter is one of the best players above the rim since MJ (I hate to say that) but, he's still a crybaby, mamas boy, can't lead a team, demanding a trade, soft on D, injury prone, alleged franchise player little bitch.

The problem with the NBA all star selection is that the fans pick the team. Lets face it, most fans are idiots. And in any sport where the fans pick the all stars it becomes a popularity contest. The best players are almost always left out in lieu of the more popular players from larger markets. Carters case, he might squeak by just on name sake and he'll likely be voted in by fans south of the border.

Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
You guys are to hard on Vince. He has the right to ask for what ever he wants. A player like Vince has the right to tell a GM and coach who to draft, hire and play. After all he's a proven champion. Anyone who's won multiple MVP's and has brought multiple championships to the city has earned that right!

How many has he won?


May 10, 2002
my neighbours basement
Back Burner said:
You guys are to hard on Vince. He has the right to ask for what ever he wants. A player like Vince has the right to tell a GM and coach who to draft, hire and play. After all he's a proven champion. Anyone who's won multiple MVP's and has brought multiple championships to the city has earned that right!

How many has he won?
This is the entire problem with the NBA. If the Raptors put together a roster of great fundemental, unselfish players that play well together and win a few extra games, ticket sales would go down. Allen Iverson is a talented p/i/t/a, but he sells tickets. Carter's the same. Hopefully the Pistons and Patriots will let franchises know that you can have the best of both worlds. Funny, both of those teams have major no-nonsense, there's the door if you don't want to do it my way, coaches. Ironic. I am the NBA's primary demographic. 30-40 profesional, ex-college player. I still play 3-4 times a week. I am a fan of the game and I find most NBA teams unwatchable. I watch very few games in a year. They need to do something to market this game to the suburbs. And until we start beating some countries in the Olympics, I think we should stop referring to the NBA Champions as the World Champions.


Active member
Sep 3, 2004

My friend in LA says over the years very often, like every week, local TV sports news features VC hilites.

In professional sports the coach makes the team what it is, not any one player. It's the coaches job to script plays for the type of players and playmaking he learns and shapes his players to be. Also, to keep discipline. The Raptors are losers, like any pro sports team, because of horrendous coaching, not VC.

Pro sports is a business. VC fills seats, sells merchandise, sells TV rebroadcasts, gurantees international TV face time, and who knows what else. It is unlikely Toronto could get anytime soon a player who can do that.


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2004
antaeus said:

My friend in LA says over the years very often, like every week, local TV sports news features VC hilites.

In professional sports the coach makes the team what it is, not any one player. It's the coaches job to script plays for the type of players and playmaking he learns and shapes his players to be. Also, to keep discipline. The Raptors are losers, like any pro sports team, because of horrendous coaching, not VC.

Pro sports is a business. VC fills seats, sells merchandise, sells TV rebroadcasts, gurantees international TV face time, and who knows what else. It is unlikely Toronto could get anytime soon a player who can do that.
As we have seen in the past few seasons, the coach rarely has any power of his prima donna players. They can run you out of the team and pout and destroy chemistry. You can't be a good coach unless you have coachable players.


Dos XX at Senor Frogs
Jan 13, 2004
Playa Del Carmen Q.R.
There was an article in the paper today - the comissioner, Stern; has been outspoken in criticizing players with long term, big money contracts DEMANDING trades. He noted that it wasn't good for the game and it shows that some players are not willing to play for the team that drafted and pays them.

I think of the GREAT NBA players who played on bad teams but still had great careers - I wonder what players like The Iceman, Elgin Baylor, World B. Free, Bernard King, 'Nique, Ewing and even Barkley have to say about these prima donnas.


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2004
Charles Barkley has called Vince Carter a girl in the past. Seriously.
healer677 said:
There was an article in the paper today - the comissioner, Stern; has been outspoken in criticizing players with long term, big money contracts DEMANDING trades. He noted that it wasn't good for the game and it shows that some players are not willing to play for the team that drafted and pays them.

I think of the GREAT NBA players who played on bad teams but still had great careers - I wonder what players like The Iceman, Elgin Baylor, World B. Free, Bernard King, 'Nique, Ewing and even Barkley have to say about these prima donnas.


Active member
May 18, 2003
Barkley also said to a heckler that said he would never win a championship ring: "Yeah, but I've got $20 Million."

Thats one of my favourites from


Jan 25, 2004
In my opinion... Kevin O'Neill's style of ball last year wasn't one that would allow Carter to do anything but get embarrased on defence. Just wait, Sam Mitchells style of ball will put Carter back in the highlight reels. especially with Rose playing a ful season with him.

We will see the Carter of old back. Especially when Bosh starts to demand the double team down low.


People Are Strange!!!!!
Jul 14, 2003
Exactly what is the Carter of old? As far as Ive known Carter he's been an oft injured, soft player that won a dunk contest and puts up the odd big game. What Carter has never done is put up consistant games and led his team. He is getting paid big bucks but in my opinion has never been worth it. Dunk contests shouldnt make a player in the NBA. This guy is way over rated as an elite player
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