Sport Bike Enthusiasts.

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New member
Oct 29, 2002
Haven`t we already have this conversation?

This was my thought:

"This is funny - dont` true bike lovers appreciate both??? Not necessarily want to ride both because they are fundamentally different but at least appreciate them...

I love Harley`s for their "uniqueness" - generally alot of time and $$$ goes into customizing them and the finished product is usually mind blowing. However, I would prefer to be on a GSX R 750 (remember I`m a girl so the 1100 is way too powerful for me) and I love the ZX9.

Again, Alien has proven what a l o s e r he is (IMO). Please, Alien get a Ninja....or maybe you could just ride around on a sewing machine for fun. As for the DRZ 400, again, get a real bike...You`re always talking about how much money you make - get one of RM 250 maybe for motocross....but please don`t ride around on the streets on a 400 "dual sport" bike. Just because it *can* be ridden on the streets, doesn`t mean it should be! You`ll look even more like an idiot!"


New member
Oct 29, 2002
0 black leather okay?

I'm not really into the whole neon leather thing discussed in the beginning of the thread (not for me anyway - necessary for safety when riding at high speeds- perhaps)...;)


seven said:
You are so insecure. Braggin' about all the chicks that come naturally to you on an escort board?!? You must've been an easy sell at the Chevy dealership 'cause you scream small penis. LMFAO.
Your jealousy of my life is getting pathetic.......little boy. You only wish you had my penis to work. I must of hurt your pride when i put down your little 4 banger honda. It doesn't take a lot of balls to say what you have to say behind a keyboard. Try saying it to my face and we'll see how much balls you really have.
I'm proud of my penis bad you can't say the same for yourself. I dare you to say what you just said to me at a terb party. But of course you'd be finished before you could even say hi.

Run along little man.


Rain Maker
Jun 3, 2003
From Parts Unknown

Troops said:
Nothing manly about a sport bike. A harley is the real deal.
Anybody who needs a material item to prove himself must have serious issues.

If you buy it because YOU like it. Don't waste your time trying to prove something to others, becuase you will quickly realize that you can't please all the people all the time.


Re: whatever

Barry-O said:
Anybody who needs a material item to prove himself must have serious issues.

If you buy it because YOU like it. Don't waste your time trying to prove something to others, becuase you will quickly realize that you can't please all the people all the time.

People who have material items do buy it because they like it and worked hard for it. But these sport bike punks are spoiled little rich kids who still live with mommy and daddy.


Rain Maker
Jun 3, 2003
From Parts Unknown

How are you so sure Troops???

Actually all the sport bikers I know are young looking...yes, BUT are late twenties, early thirties, young professionals that make their own money.

don't be so quick to pass judgment if you don't know them.


Re: really???

Originally posted by Barry-O

Actually all the sport bikers I know are young looking...yes, BUT are late twenties, early thirties, young professionals that make their own money.
. [/B]
How do i know...........because i used to sell bikes. When it came down to financing..........a good number of these crotch rocket purchasers had to get a co-sign from their parents before being time you're at a cycle world..........ask any employees about this.


Rain Maker
Jun 3, 2003
From Parts Unknown
Re: Re: really???

Troops said:
How do i know...........because i used to sell bikes. When it came down to financing..........a good number of these crotch rocket purchasers had to get a co-sign from their parents before being time you're at a cycle world..........ask any employees about this.

Even if that were the case to a certain degree.....whats wrong with that still? you were young once too were you not Troops?

I could just as easily say that Harley riders are nothing but middle aged old men making a last stand to cling on to their youth (which is LONG gone)....riding around on a big, oogly, loud, slow bike. What an oxymoron... a slow bike. geez. How good does that sound

BUT.....I'm not gonna dis others likes and dislikes. :)

Do whatcha like and be happy.


New member
Oct 29, 2002
Gotta agree with Northred about disagreeing with Troops on this one (does that make sense?)...

I don't think it's fair to generalize...I agree that there aren't really any "punks" who ride Harleys, I think eventually - with maturity they'll learn to appreciate them and be able to afford them.

I know just about everybody from Cycle World on Sheppard and while they may be able to comment on parents co-signing, I don't think they can give a fair assessment as to why the parents have to co-sign. In my experience, there aren't many parents who will fork over the $$$ to buy their kids a bike, but if the "kid" is willing to spend their own money, they'll okay it. Keep in mind that most of these "punks" probably do work - they don't all have to be "rich kids" seeing as "crotch rockets" are relatively inexpensive (insurance is another story) as far as vehicles go. I personally think that the need for a co-signature is probably brought on by the fact that these "punks" are indeed younger and haven't really established a credit rating yet.



Apr 16, 2003
hiding behind my computer screen.
Troops said:
Your jealousy of my life is getting pathetic.......little boy. You only wish you had my penis to work. I must of hurt your pride when i put down your little 4 banger honda. It doesn't take a lot of balls to say what you have to say behind a keyboard. Try saying it to my face and we'll see how much balls you really have.
I'm proud of my penis bad you can't say the same for yourself. I dare you to say what you just said to me at a terb party. But of course you'd be finished before you could even say hi.

Run along little man.
I don't own a honda. Personally, I don't put too much stock in material possessions and status symbols. You see, I don't need to... I have a big dick.

You have to be the most insecure guy on this board. Telling everyone how to live their life and pretending how great you are. I bet you can't even find a girl to like you even with the vette. If you were really all that, you wouldn't have the need to put everyone else down on an escort board and pretend like you are God's gift to women. What's the matter Troops... don't the women in your real life give you enough confirmation about how great you and your vette are? You really come across as someone with low self-esteem with all these "whose got the biggest dick, I'm bigger and better than you" rants of yours. I say who the fuck cares. I'm tired of reading about some guy preaching how to be cool with the ladies on an escort board. It's just too ironic.

PS: Please tell me you were joking about fighting me at a terb party. How old are you again?
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