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speeding ticket

Warm Hands

Sep 1, 2004
eric42 said:
Whatever. If you speed, you should pay. Pure and simple.
Too often, I see someone weave in and out on the highway, and lo and behold, I come up right behind them at the same exit. Maybe, they saved themselves a minute or two by driving like a Paul Tracy wannabe. Everyone has an excuse for this and that, when it comes to how they drive. I'm sick of these people who drive too fast, cut others off, don't signal, tailgate etc. etc., and think that they are martyrs.

I don't think you can put all incidents of speeding in the same category as the tailgating, cutting off, failure to signal, and weaving in and out of traffic. But all speeding? I can't accept that. The 401 is more than capable of supporting a 120 km/h speed limit in complete safety. But it is easier to prove a charge of speeding in a court of law, so that is where the police focus their enforcement. I'd love to see them going after the truly dangerous drivers instead of the people driving along with the flow of traffic. It is the erratic driving that endangers others.



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Apr 30, 2003
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eric42 said:
Whatever. If you speed, you should pay. Pure and simple.
Too often, I see someone weave in and out on the highway, and lo and behold, I come up right behind them at the same exit. Maybe, they saved themselves a minute or two by driving like a Paul Tracy wannabe. Everyone has an excuse for this and that, when it comes to how they drive. I'm sick of these people who drive too fast, cut others off, don't signal, tailgate etc. etc., and think that they are martyrs.
Why should people who speed automatically pay, in your opinion? I agree that weaving, cutting off, non-signal and other thing you mention are dangerous, but that isn't what is usually ticketed...I wish they were. Unfortunately, cops tend to be just like the rest of us...lazy buggers. It's far easier to pull somebody over and give them a ticket because the electronic box on the dash told them to...heck, if they are parked, they hardly have to open their eyes. I travel the QEW every day, with thousands of others speeding along, and I've never seen an accident due to speed (but don't get me started on people w/cell phones, doing make-up, reading etc, or those people who refuse to get out of the left lane for miles, self righteously trying to hold the entire highway down to their image of fast).
I drive a lot, and I will admit to speed, however, if you want to go faster than me, I get out of the way, complete with signals, shoulder checks and enough space. When I leave a decent space in front, don't jam your Honda Civic in, because I will assume you want my truck that close to your bumper.

Enough of this anyway...back to the highway!
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts