Why not just stay within the speed limits on urban roads and neighborhood streets?
The sheer amount of motor vehicle driver idiot scofflaws demands an increased the supply of speed camera enforcement and other idiot scofflaw driver calming measures.
I do, that's why I haven't had a traffic ticket, speeding or otherwise in 40 years. That, and I use the WAZE app that which flags speed cameras. Not all drivers who get an automated speeding ticket for as little as 6 or 7 km/h over the limit, can be classified as scofflaws. Especially when they reduce the speed limit by 10 km/h then put a camera on a downhill grade on a wide open street. I can guarantee you they typically place the cameras where they'll generate the most amount of income. For the same reason cops setup radar in what's called fishing holes. The locations have everything to do with revenue generation and little to do with safety.
I agree with the cameras in school zones. People should watch their speed in those areas during school hours. But someone doing 37 in a 30 at 2:00 AM on a Tuesday morning past a school is not threat to public safety.
I read a column on speed cameras. The manufacturer's top selling point was revenue generation. If you think politicians aren't looking at every way they can extract easy money from its citizens, all under the guise of "public safety" you're incredibly naive.
Speed cameras for the most part are just automated tax machines. Other than a small fine, there's no repercussions for drivers. Once the majority of people are aware of the location, they slow down to the limit until they pass the camera, then speed back up to a comfortable speed based on the design of the street and the surrounding conditions.