I'll be passing by here end of summer and I'm looking for any good info on this place. Any details would be helpful. If I end up going I will post a review. It's been a while and I owe you all that.
Looking at their site, the pictures and wording, I’d say it stinks of scam. Most spa pages I’ve been on don’t have things like they have. Cici big tits and massages my titties not to mention their about us says they are in San Francisco.
Spa82 is a reasonable place. Showers in the rooms are good. The ladies are generally attractive and up for anything safe. Probably not worth a special trip but if you are passing by on the 400.Been out of the hobby since I moved out of the city. Recently caught the urge again, and with all the negative reviews of places in Barrie, this seems like by best option. Dropped in and saw Gigii, to my surprise, one of the picture on their website appears to be of her, wearing the same red outfit. Overall, it’s your typical asian place, nothing spectacular, Gigi does give a good massage, I suffer with Tendinitis in my shoulder and she knew something was up, told me she can help me, I just need to relax. Dating myself now, but boy do I miss the golden days of Spas in the GTA, HFH, Maple spa, all the Asian place on Eat and Wet Beaver creek, and all the legendary EE spas and SPs. I used to post under username mrandmrs4ever, but like I said, been away from the hobby for years, and couldn’t reactivate that username. So be easy on me fellas!