Allure Massage

SP present from Shoppers Drug Mart?


Independent Escort
Apr 11, 2010
You are wrong.. at least in the girls I know.. gifts are nice to recieve. it shows respect for us Ladies. if we have had a not so good day . it makes us smile and our day a little better.. it does not have to be a big gift at all..

cute bald, I've held my tongue regarding all your rants b/c I'm not sure if you're just doing this for attention or if you're really an asshole. Thinking about it though - I pity you cute bald. Either way you are sad. I hope you can find something in your life that brings you some joy. I do. And gifts are a small thing that make me smile. Maybe you need a gift of kindness too.

East York Melissa

The Champ
Supporting Member
Sep 13, 2007
East York
You are wrong.. at least in the girls I know.. gifts are nice to recieve. it shows respect for us Ladies. if we have had a not so good day . it makes us smile and our day a little better.. it does not have to be a big gift at all..
I agree with LadyRaven. A gift is not required nor expected but it is always appreciated greatly. I also love SDM. I could spend hours in

I would never think that a guy is a wimp for giving me a gift or think less of him because he is considerate towards me in any way.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
I am going to tell you CHUMPS right now since no one else has the balls....... NEVER give gifts to s.p.
Some of you who know me , know I have in the past 20 years been in one way or another operating escort services in different cities mainly in the U.S. Not any more. BUT.... in all the years here is the REAL take on gifts as expressed by thousands of escorts.
1) neutral, don't care. He is just a client & you will get the service you always got.
2) lower view of you. he is a sappy wimp. Giving gifts to someone you PAY for service.... PLEEEASE.
3) Worried: If this guys starts to get " feelings" for me I am going to have to cancell him. They see this happening to some regulars a mile away.
NOTE: they will never indicate or tell you these things. They will follow social norms & say , how sweet, smile & many thank-yous. Don't be fooled.HELL it is like them telling me they never thought I was that short, dated guys that are short & new girlfriends that dated short guys. If I believed the shit they told me I swear they come straight from a bizaro world. REMEMBER guys.... I heard the behind the scenes unvarnished truth about calls, clients & the like.
Geez, with an attitude like this it is no wonder you can't find a girl. Now I'm convinced that it is more your bad attitude than your physical shortcomings (no pun intended)


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
I am going to tell you CHUMPS right now since no one else has the balls....... NEVER give gifts to s.p.
Some of you who know me , know I have in the past 20 years been in one way or another operating escort services in different cities mainly in the U.S. Not any more. BUT.... in all the years here is the REAL take on gifts as expressed by thousands of escorts.
1) neutral, don't care. He is just a client & you will get the service you always got.
2) lower view of you. he is a sappy wimp. Giving gifts to someone you PAY for service.... PLEEEASE.
3) Worried: If this guys starts to get " feelings" for me I am going to have to cancell him. They see this happening to some regulars a mile away.
NOTE: they will never indicate or tell you these things. They will follow social norms & say , how sweet, smile & many thank-yous. Don't be fooled.HELL it is like them telling me they never thought I was that short, dated guys that are short & new girlfriends that dated short guys. If I believed the shit they told me I swear they come straight from a bizaro world. REMEMBER guys.... I heard the behind the scenes unvarnished truth about calls, clients & the like.
One only has to see that many escorts advertise their appreciation of gifts on their own websites to disprove you.

I've given SDM cards, chocolates, perfume, wine, LCBO or movie gift certificates and more (depending if you're one of my faves, heh, heh), on special occasions or as tips.

Who doesn't like a gift?


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Geez, with an attitude like this it is no wonder you can't find a girl. Now I'm convinced that it is more your bad attitude than your physical shortcomings (no pun intended)
:cool: I didn't want to say it but . . .


Active member
May 3, 2006
i am going to tell you chumps right now since no one else has the balls....... Never give gifts to s.p.
Some of you who know me , know i have in the past 20 years been in one way or another operating escort services in different cities mainly in the u.s. Not any more. But.... In all the years here is the real take on gifts as expressed by thousands of escorts.
1) neutral, don't care. He is just a client & you will get the service you always got.
2) lower view of you. He is a sappy wimp. Giving gifts to someone you pay for service.... Pleeease.
3) worried: If this guys starts to get " feelings" for me i am going to have to cancell him. They see this happening to some regulars a mile away.
Note: They will never indicate or tell you these things. They will follow social norms & say , how sweet, smile & many thank-yous. Don't be fooled.hell it is like them telling me they never thought i was that short, dated guys that are short & new girlfriends that dated short guys. If i believed the shit they told me i swear they come straight from a bizaro world. Remember guys.... I heard the behind the scenes unvarnished truth about calls, clients & the like.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
Some of you who know me , know I have in the past 20 years been in one way or another operating escort services in different cities mainly in the U.S.
A short bald pimp that figure skates? I think there's a Disney movie in there!


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Nothing wrong with gifts. I mean I'm sure there have been times when girls have gone out of their way to make me feel good. And it's not necessrily mileage it could be advice, a nice gesture or in some cases okay one time I did get a present on my birthday.

Not sure if shoppers has this anymore but they had a promo where you paid X amount of dollars for 10 samples of perfume and when the woman decides which one she likes the most she can go back to the store and get a full bottle of the one she wants. So in the end the person gets 10 tiny bottles plus on full sized bottle. Think it was 50 to 70 bucks. It was a Xmas promo so not sure if they still have it.

East York Melissa

The Champ
Supporting Member
Sep 13, 2007
East York
Nothing wrong with gifts. I mean I'm sure there have been times when girls have gone out of their way to make me feel good. And it's not necessrily mileage it could be advice, a nice gesture or in some cases okay one time I did get a present on my birthday.

Not sure if shoppers has this anymore but they had a promo where you paid X amount of dollars for 10 samples of perfume and when the woman decides which one she likes the most she can go back to the store and get a full bottle of the one she wants. So in the end the person gets 10 tiny bottles plus on full sized bottle. Think it was 50 to 70 bucks. It was a Xmas promo so not sure if they still have it.
The perfume sampler is great. I bought it last year. I don't wear perfume very often so it gave me a chance to try 10 different perfumes and pick one that I really like. They usually have it for Christmas and Mothers day.


Nov 14, 2005
YOU guy are nieve!!!! 1) I do not expect ANY escort who receives money for services to say they do not appreciate gifts. I never said they hated getting a gift ....... only worried if they think the guy is developing emotional attachment. BUT for 20 years of chatting to the escorts who worked at my services & being buddies with them I never heard any gain respect or appreciation for a client who gave gifts. Quite the opposite.
NOTICE: this does NOT apply to the civilian women & I NEVER said girlfriends do not appreciate gifts. To the asshats who then extrapolate that I therefore do not recommend giving gifts to your mate & thus have a bad attitute , YOU are just looking for an excuse to vilify me. P.S. it is like what I am reading about in the P.O.A. community: chumps only buy girls drinks at a club & all the girls know it. To them a confident man never needs to buy a girl a drink. Never supplicate. THINKING back on it all the young escort girls who were clubbing made jokes about the guys who bought them drinks....... they lost all respect for the guys. They looked up to the guys that came & chatted them up without ever asking to buy a drink.


I've seen your member
Oct 24, 2008
all over the GTA
YOU guy are nieve!!!! 1) I do not expect ANY escort who receives money for services to say they do not appreciate gifts. I never said they hated getting a gift ....... only worried if they think the guy is developing emotional attachment. BUT for 20 years of chatting to the escorts who worked at my services & being buddies with them I never heard any gain respect or appreciation for a client who gave gifts. Quite the opposite.
NOTICE: this does NOT apply to the civilian women & I NEVER said girlfriends do not appreciate gifts. To the asshats who then extrapolate that I therefore do not recommend giving gifts to your mate & thus have a bad attitute , YOU are just looking for an excuse to vilify me.
You really do need some help.. of course we appreciate the gifts.. who doesn't love to recieve a gift? do you not think we are like civilian women? yes we are and we do have feelings and can appreciate the little things in life. like recieving a gift. a coffee, a box of chocolates, a gift card, anything other than the donation we recieve is amazing . its not expected but it is nice .. you are a bitter little man


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
I am going to tell you CHUMPS right now since no one else has the balls....... NEVER give gifts to s.p.
Some of you who know me , know I have in the past 20 years been in one way or another operating escort services in different cities mainly in the U.S. Not any more. BUT.... in all the years here is the REAL take on gifts as expressed by thousands of escorts.
1) neutral, don't care. He is just a client & you will get the service you always got.
2) lower view of you. he is a sappy wimp. Giving gifts to someone you PAY for service.... PLEEEASE.
3) Worried: If this guys starts to get " feelings" for me I am going to have to cancell him. They see this happening to some regulars a mile away.
NOTE: they will never indicate or tell you these things. They will follow social norms & say , how sweet, smile & many thank-yous. Don't be fooled.HELL it is like them telling me they never thought I was that short, dated guys that are short & new girlfriends that dated short guys. If I believed the shit they told me I swear they come straight from a bizaro world. REMEMBER guys.... I heard the behind the scenes unvarnished truth about calls, clients & the like.

YOU guy are nieve!!!! 1) I do not expect ANY escort who receives money for services to say they do not appreciate gifts. I never said they hated getting a gift ....... only worried if they think the guy is developing emotional attachment. BUT for 20 years of chatting to the escorts who worked at my services & being buddies with them I never heard any gain respect or appreciation for a client who gave gifts. Quite the opposite.
NOTICE: this does NOT apply to the civilian women & I NEVER said girlfriends do not appreciate gifts. To the asshats who then extrapolate that I therefore do not recommend giving gifts to your mate & thus have a bad attitute , YOU are just looking for an excuse to vilify me. P.S. it is like what I am reading about in the P.O.A. community: chumps only buy girls drinks at a club & all the girls know it. To them a confident man never needs to buy a girl a drink. Never supplicate. THINKING back on it all the young escort girls who were clubbing made jokes about the guys who bought them drinks....... they lost all respect for the guys. They looked up to the guys that came & chatted them up without ever asking to buy a drink.
Since you are such an asshole I will take pleasure in pointing out some errors in your posts.
First, spelling mistakes;
I have a friend who is, like Jerry Seinfeld, a huge Superman fan so if I did not point out this one he would be on me. He reads TERB but never posts, I do not even think he has signed up. I have told him my TERB name, we are both football fans(he likes the Packers ... there is no accounting for taste).
So 'bizaro' is spelled with two rs, like so 'bizarro'.

Nieve ? Unless you are calling us a fist then I think you intended to spell 'naive' as in experienced and/or not knowing how the real world works.

Second and I find this absolutely hilarious;
You claim you ran several escort agencies and yet you still have trouble finding women, talking to women ? I cannot understand how you can spend as much time as you claim around women yet still have no clue as to how to approach them. In-fucking-credible !

And so on ...
Reading your posts I draw the same conclusions as many others have ... you are one bitter, little, fucked up, socially retarded child in a short mans body.
Your problems do not come because of your physical height or your bald head. It is your fucked up view, sort loser, woe is me attitude that keeps you from finding ... whatever it is you are looking for. The U2 song "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" comes to mind and in your case you never will find it. Ever.
The Euro operation will not help. You will still be you.

Why the fuck does it bother you if guy bring SPs gifts ? Why are you jealous ? And that is what it is Jealousy.

In a bar, no I do not NEED to buy a girl a drink, but just like buying an SP a gift, it make ME feel good. It is sometimes an ice breaker and has led to sex. Buy her a drink and it led to sex. I will not mess with that formula, because for all the drinks I may buy women, it is does work every now and then.
You are pissed off that most men CAN buy a girl a drink and she will accept it ... that is it is it not ?!


New member
Sep 28, 2010
hrm... I guess a Hitachi magic wand was out of the question too? I'll bet that'd have been of some use.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2006
Does SDM sell Condos and sports cars? Both gifts no girl can and will refuse.
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