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SP PLZ Note:


New member
Mar 23, 2005
There is a guy who keeps call my self and my girl friend...
He calls around to bother ladies saying:
"i'm gonna wait til your done work and come cut you up for ear to ear"
"I'm gonna kill you"
I just wanted to know if any other SP'z have had this problem also???
He sounds like he's in his 20's.
We do know that he is a terb client as well.
Any feed back would be great... As many ladies are afraid of him and his words.
If he him self is reading this, what you are doing is very childish one day you will get caught.

Thank you for your time


Driver/World Dominator
May 2, 2005

Am new here, just wondering if you have been able to trace a number? You can have Bell Canada trace even if he has blocked his number. I would take this threat seriously. There have been enough women in the business that have been hurt by lunatics, that have chocked guys up to just being weird or childish game players. If you can get a number, and you don't yet wish to involve police, then there are other ways of making sure he is very afraid to bother you anymore.

Lil' Miss Mia

Retiring August 31st
Dec 10, 2004
North York
What foolishness...
It's terrible that you even have to deal with things like this hun, but these guys are right...if you know he is a terb member you should at the very least notify the mods, and do what you can to find out where he is calling from and block those #'s.
Good luck!
Apr 28, 2005
May-Lynn said:
There is a guy who keeps call my self and my girl friend...
He calls around to bother ladies saying:
"i'm gonna wait til your done work and come cut you up for ear to ear"
"I'm gonna kill you"
I just wanted to know if any other SP'z have had this problem also???
He sounds like he's in his 20's.
We do know that he is a terb client as well.
Any feed back would be great... As many ladies are afraid of him and his words.
If he him self is reading this, what you are doing is very childish one day you will get caught.

Thank you for your time
I have a simple solution to your problem...please pm me and I can tell you how to stop ANYONE from ever bothering you again no matter where they are calling from.


Sex Toy King
Dec 17, 2003
Kingston, ON
Just in case someone doesn't know....

*57 - is what you use to do a call trace. This function will work whether they block their number or not. Once you hang up with them, immediately dial *57 and Bell will tell you if it was successfully traced or not. If it was, you can call the police, tell them you did a *57 and say you want to press charges. Bell will only provide the results of the call trace to a police officer, not to you.

I've done this a few times and it worked out well.

NicolesBoudoir said:
I have sent you an email...if any other ladies would like to know how to get rid of someone who is me
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