I think the short answer, which will apply to most people, is no. Many of the reasons people give for seeking paid sexual/companionship come down to laziness, lack of communication skills, or low self esteem, whether they want to admit it or now. Paid sex will never equate to true love, no matter how we try to construct our reality. Capitalism and many societal values in larger cities make it easy to justify using escorts (e.g. I am too busy to form real relationships with woman, the woman is being "paid to leave", I have quick access to sex, I am too old to form real relationships, it is a "safer" financial investment, I think I am too ugly, I would never have a chance with "this" girl, she treats me so nice and I think she is into me...etc...), but in the end, most of them are self-destructive.
A lot of people in these big cities tend to live in their head too much; the world is much larger than Canada and there so much more out there. Reading some of the threads on this forum has been interesting to get into the minds of some of the people that pay to see escorts. If people focused more on the underlying reasons why they seek out escorts, they will quickly realize that it is a waste of time and resources....but this realization usually comes with experience. There are of course some exceptions, but they really are outliers and far and few between. I am speaking from the perspective of someone who wanted to experience as much as I could in life, and at one point dabbled in the world of escorts. I never gained much from paying to see escorts. The relationships formed were just too superficial and the relationship dynamics too strange for me. It doesn't compare to the real thing and the sex was no where near as good as the sex I was having in real life, although some experiences came close....but the physical act of sex is really just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to meeting fundamental human needs. I've had sex with close to 100 different woman; it all becomes a blur after a while and you end up wanting more out of relationships than just sex...but I think people who don't have a lot of sexual experience get these strong dopamine/adrenaline rushes from paying to see escorts. In the end, they end of reading themselves wrong and get addicted to the "feelings" they get.