SP experience from Hell


Oct 26, 2002
SP experience from hell

Hey, Zar...sorry to hear about your experience, that's just brutal. I had to chip in my 2 cents worth because my job is to sue certain people, but I'm not a lawyer. If you're actually going to do it, you "will" need a promissory note or other documentation or judgment won't be signed. If you do manage to get judgment, you'll need an asset to go after. Filing a lien is generally a long term solution. We have liens that we're still sitting on years after the fact. Also, a lien expires in 6 years. If it aint paid out in 6 years, it aint gonna be! You'd also have to confirm whether she's actually on title to that property first as well, otherwise, you're just wasting $ on a lien. Hell, you'd have to confirm her real name before you sue her, not to mention having a good address to serve her at. Personally, I'd advise you not to go through a lawyer. As someone mentioned, they'll charge you an arm and a leg. Also, as someone else also mentioned, there's no way she's on title to a property and doesn't have $ or access to some. If you want any further advice, PM me. Also, Sansabelt: could maybe help your friend...let me know!


Well-known member

okay.....I have an idea who you may be talking about.......I can't believe it....she fits this description.Can someone pm with who it is? I've been chatting with someone here who is "retired". It doesn't seem possible:(

TJ in the 'Peg

New member
Mar 30, 2002
Disclosure Her

Zar, the wrong people may be accused of this unless you ID her.



TERB Swollen Member
Aug 17, 2001

Okay there I said it. But what do I know? Right???


Feb 4, 2002
In many ways I wished that she had just said goodbye nicely and then just disappear after a while. At least that way my pleasant memories would still be preserved. But no, her boyfriend got involved and mocked and ridiculed me. My gut feeling now tells me that she was probably after more from me and that the initial amount was just an appetizer. In some ways I should count my blessing that her boyfriend found out.

From the beginning I started this post to vent my frustration and to also let other people learn from my experience. I never really wanted to expose her identity because it's very hard to do it to someone who I have cared for in the past. To this day, I wish there was some reasonable explanation as she just seemed SO nice.

Just now, it has come to my attention that some innocent parties may be implicated as there were several sp's who retired recently.
As much as I think that most people on terb know who this is, I can not let innocent people get hurt.

Feef is right about her identity.

Thanks everyone


Exile on Main Street
Sep 21, 2002

Sorry that you had to go through what you did, but experience will make you wiser in the long run I am sure.

I wish you nothing but the best in the future :)



Aug 31, 2001
downtown toronto
curious ...

are you sure that she deliberately involved her boyfriend ...? maybe he got involved without her direct knowledge ... ?

and maybe you gave her a $3,ooo "loan" that helped her to leave the business. it seemed clear to me that she did not want to be working as an sp ...

and when you made the 'loan" you must have surely anticipated that it was $ that you might never see again...

i am not condoning her actions ...



Aug 31, 2001
downtown toronto
big difference

the difference is that he foolishly lent her money ... which he must have expected that he would probably never see again ...

but in this case, it is alleged that she involved a third party who made threats to ruin his reputation ...

forgive me ... but i see a difference.



Feb 4, 2002
Her boyfriend did get involved with her knowledge. She gave him my full name and some details about our meetings that only she would know. Whether she deliberately do it or was forced by her boyfriend, I don't know for sure. Maybe she did it to save her relationship. What is clear though is that she carved out a deliberate path of deception to make me feel for her for secondary gain.

I gave her 3k because she told me she was fired when her boss found out about the "film" she did and she couldn't come up with the money for an upcoming bill. She told me awhile before that she was going to quit as an sp (but still work in this industry) but I would still be the only one that she would see. She told me just so many things ... the vast majority were probably not true. I did it at the time because I thought I was helping out a friend. If and when she will pay me back was secondary.

TJ in the 'Peg

New member
Mar 30, 2002
You did the right thing....

both when you thought you were helping a friend, and when you confirmed her identity upon learning that you were being used.


Kathy P

New member
Mar 27, 2002
My grandmother once said "don't lend money unless you can afford to lose it." Having said that though, I am sorry for your loss Zar. It sounds like your real loss wasn't financial. You obviously cared for that person and trusted her. You were betrayed and taken advantage of.

I had a friend who burned me when I helped her get a cell phone. She refused to give me the money for the bill, as promised, so I had the cell phone cut off. She then impersonated me, got the phone reinstated and ran up even more charges. Because it was in my name, I ultimately had to pay the bills or my credit would be destroyed. I am now suing her in Small Claims Court. Luckily, I have a paper trail to prove what happened. I also called the Police about the impersonation although I am not sure if she will be charged criminally or not. While my losses are not as high as yours financially, I am describing what happened to me so that you can gain something from my experience, too. Losing money is one issue. I think that the more important one is teaching this person or persons a lesson. I think, in my situation, it is important to teach this person that you can't operate your life that way (ripping people off) without consequences. I want her to go through the grief of being served and going to court even if I never realize a nickel from it so that she will know that she hasn't gotten away with something. The reason these people keep doing these types of things to others (and believe me, if this lady and her boyfriend did this to you they are undoubtedly doing it to others) is because they think they'll get away with it. Most victims don't follow through with action. Do it, even if you get nothing out of it financially. I guarantee you that she'll think twice about doing it to someone else again if she gets served with papers from court.

My advice, too, would be to go to the Police. Where there's smoke, there's fire. Chances are she's done it to someone else who has complained. Did you ever hear of someone named Tracy Lyn Sargeant?

Marky Mark496

New member
Mar 16, 2002
Oh I sorry to hear of your troble. But my advice would be to let go of it because it cost you way more in pain, aggrevation and yes dollars also to go to court, get the money from her. Also you lent her money, I don't think you would have legal recourse.
Whose Tracy Lyn Sargeant?


Aug 31, 2001
downtown toronto
ms sargaent

ms sargaent took many men for a financial ride ... she was a former model who used her looks and scheming to scam dozens of men ...

she told many tales of woe to several different men ... including stories of breast cancer, other serious illnesses and financial ruin ... many men were scammed and coughed up tens of thousands of dollars ...

eventually the police were involved and she was charged with numerous fraud charges ...



New member
Aug 26, 2002

Zar, others have indicated that small claims court is the way to go to reclaim your 3k. But have they threatened you with more. If they did and you have other evidence:
* taped conversations of threats
* hand-written documents
* phone tracing
* emails
* video
and are willing to get revenge and have the money and time and are willing to expose yourself, there may be other options. You should consult a lawyer, TERB lawyer (?) ...but no wannabe TERB lawyers.


Feb 4, 2002
haven't heard from her since I sent her a email asking how she intends to make payments.

After reading her note to a law clerk, I was told she knew exactly what she was doing. I think I can still get her back but it's just takes time and money. Money, not a problem; it's the time and emotional aggravation. Part of me just wants to forget about her completely. I don't want to write too much about my strategy; for all I know she could still be reading this.



It's a given that she is reading this. She has to live with it.
Since money is not a problem, you can afford to lose it. Just keep what you have and don't lose anymore.
You have to turn the page and chalk it up to $3k with of experience!

Cool Dude

Fighting Irishman
Feb 25, 2002
Money is not an issue Zar?

If that is the case, then I would
do whatever it takes in order for you to receive justice. This would be an all out assault; a take no prisoners battle. I would stop posting about it on this board and move forward, post haste, in resolving this matter to your satisfaction.


May 11, 2002

Dude, I just read this thread from start to finish. Being scammed once myself I know how hard it hurts. I wasnt scammed for nearly as much as 3K but it still kinda eats at me.

If you ever show at a Terb party, i'll buy you one, or 2 or 3 *smile*!

Your story was sad, I respect you for sharing.

I respect all the kind and warm and thoughtful responses to this thread.
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