Sopranos new season.......


New member
Jan 31, 2005
Some nice twists in the plot this time around. Tony is REALLY out of control, having turned into a degenerate gambler, the type he has preyed upon for years (remember the "bust out?")

Actually toyed with the idea of clipping Paulie....

Here is a couple of questions;

1) Do you think he had anything to do with killing Hesh's girlfriend on the last episode? That look he had while walking away just before the credits rolled......emptiness and guilt, no?

2) As usual, your predictions for the last season....who live? who dies?

For me....Tony ends up hospitalized after a nervous breakdown, with AJ coming into the family business (the anger starts with having been dumped last week by his fiancee)

Paulie ends up dead

Meadow graduates and goes to work full time for the family as in-house counsel

What say you?


New member
May 30, 2006
jimmyt said:
1) Do you think he had anything to do with killing Hesh's girlfriend on the last episode? That look he had while walking away just before the credits rolled......emptiness and guilt, no?

2) As usual, your predictions for the last season....who live? who dies?
1- Not sure. I initially thought it was Tony but why did he bring over the money right away if the killing was supposed to be a threat for Hesh to back off asking for the 200k. Weird.
2- Paulie, Christopher get whacked. Tony survives a war with the Brooklyn gangs but was caught by the Feds. Locked up just like Junior. I agree AJ might come into the gang but not Meadow.


I think Tony is banging AJ's girlfriend Aj finds out and goes crazy on Tony, Tony kills AJ
This breaks him and causes all out war with in fighting between his own people
I think Christopher come out on top


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
belgiumcdn said:
I think Tony is banging AJ's girlfriend Aj finds out and goes crazy on Tony, Tony kills AJ
This breaks him and causes all out war with in fighting between his own people
I think Christopher come out on top
Hmm, now THERE'S an interesting situation....not like he didn't almost do something like that once before eh? Hmmmmm I don't think Tony would do anything to AJ no matter what. Least that's what has been seen up until now.....

Now here's a twist: PAULIE comes out on top!!!! Yeah, I see Tony getting busted.....well, we know ONE thing: he's either busted or killed.

As for Hesch's girlfriend. Yeah, I kind of wondered about tony being involved but that isn't the mob way. They don't poison someone, they fill em full of bullets. Now, Hesch THINKING tony is somehow involved, now that's another threat.....

Ok threats against tony:
1) Christopher for the supposed sex with Adrianna
2) Bobby for the animostity that has cropped up
3) Phil Retardo, because of Tony's cousin
4) Hesch for his GF
5) Furio cuz he wants to bang Carm
6) AJ cuz tony was banging his GF
7) The Feds (which has been there all along) they MUST have some evidence by now.....


Feb 7, 2007
I really think that they will not tie up too many loose ends because I think it is inevitable that there will be a movie within a few years.


New member
Jan 31, 2005
marc anderson said:
I really think that they will not tie up too many loose ends because I think it is inevitable that there will be a movie within a few years.

That is the reason there is no way they will kill off Tony, but him getting out of a mental hospital in the first scene of a movie (and being picked up by AJ) makes a good start, no?


New member
Jan 31, 2005
netbull said:
1- Not sure. I initially thought it was Tony but why did he bring over the money right away if the killing was supposed to be a threat for Hesh to back off asking for the 200k. Weird.
Just making his is your money, but there was a price for collecting......


New member
Sep 7, 2004
Apparently rumor has it that the cast are signed on for a movie finale. Who knows, but obviously Tony is gonna die eventually...Christopher and Phil are my guesses but I'll go on a limb and say that Tony kills himself. What better way for the writers to create a dramatic, sad, and somewhat justified ending....playing into the good guy/bad guy character conflict.

Von Wigglestaff

Rock me Amadeus
Jan 23, 2004
Takeshi Castle
So far they have spent three episodes making Tony look indomitable; he anticipates every move that a potential rival can make:

Episode one: Getting Bacala to confide in him that he's never killed anyone.

Episode two: Noticing that the writer of Clever has a facial wound, meaning that Chris has forced him to come up with an explanation for the Don character, and watching Born Yesterday.

Episode three: Dropping hints to Paulie that he knows about him snitching on Ralphie.

However when Tony gets blindsided, he gets sloppy (the Bevalaqua hit).

Now ask yourself; what was Dr Elliot Kupferberg doing in Episode 2?

We know he has a fetish for gangsters; we know that he stalked Tony at Meadow's dorm, and we know that he knows all the traumatic details of Dr Melfi's rape.

The plot thickens!


Go Ahead Make My Day
Aug 2, 2004
Christopher will never be boss because of what happened with Adrianna. She was a snitch and they might think he is one too.


New member
Jan 31, 2005
last nights' episode.....(5/6) more reference to what happened with Hesh's girlfriend....makes me think that will up later. Look for AJ to get active in the business with Patsys' son and Carlos' son.....and get back into school now....he had that look of excitement on his face when they took that deadbeat out to the woods.......

Whoever called Paulie and Chris to have problems was right.......

Another prediction......Harris catches those terrorists thanx to Tonys' info. That letter Harris will prepare for him will come into play later......


Feb 7, 2007
There are still 2 episodes , correct ?

I think they will play into the movie scenerio to have Tony spill the beans to the Feds for a new life elsewhere.Last night started this scenerio perhaps.

JimmyT, great point on the Hesh wife concept !
Mar 19, 2006
Christopher was in self distruct mode this week and Tonys gambling problems were pushed to the back burner?

I thought Chris was going to pop Paulie at the bar. Chris is feeling cornered and that makes him dangerous. Look for Chris to become a snitch, that may be his only way out.

What was it Tony said?

"Revenge is like serving a dish of cold cuts"..........LOL.

big dogie

Active member
Jun 15, 2003
in a van down by the river
At the end of the show last night I didn't change the chanel for a bit then they start with commercials for up coming things on the movie chanel, and what do they show a scene of Tony being lead down his driveway in his white house coat and in handcuffs.......... I guess Christopher rated him out....

b d


Throbbing Member
Apr 23, 2003
In exile from Madisen!
Enjoyed last night's episode, except for AJ being a whiny little bitch.
The episode of the previous week looks way out of place with the gambling addiction angle. Chris falls off the wagon this week......big trouble.


May 28, 2006
I also think Chris is gonna be a rat, he was already hinting to that writer guy that Chris shot, about all the stuff he knows. I just dont like the fact that there are only two shows left, it just seems that there is so much more that needs to happen and I dont want them to just stuff it all into the last two episodes.


Feb 7, 2007
Thats my concern and I do not think that they will cram it all in.

I think they will leave it all hanging , so we can have these discussions forever..or until the movie........ and then forever .

It will be very unfulfilling methinks
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