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Something I've always wondered.


Meat Manager
Mar 12, 2009
Waterloo, ON
Hmm interesting responses. Try asking this question on NOT an SP review board and see what people say. I like that we all dig the SP scene, but it's almost biased answers because you are asking escorts and people who frequent them (they already "get" it). I wonder what non-hobbiests have to say about the same question? Just something to think about.

However, I agree with Sharla - any romantic relationship you are pursuing you should talk about sexual health and history. Obviously not first date convo, but it should be considered for a long term relationship. I expect no secrets and neither should my partner.


Bedroom Vixen
While this is clearly an echo, as pointed out by Art, I feel compelled to respond.

My SO knows that I am an SP. Certainly I'm very low key about it and don't promote myself widely, he knows what I do so I don't have to worry about skeletons in my closet. This works for me and may not work for others.

xo Jane


Active member
Jul 18, 2007
Hmm interesting responses. Try asking this question on NOT an SP review board and see what people say. I like that we all dig the SP scene, but it's almost biased answers because you are asking escorts and people who frequent them (they already "get" it). I wonder what non-hobbiests have to say about the same question? Just something to think about.

However, I agree with Sharla - any romantic relationship you are pursuing you should talk about sexual health and history. Obviously not first date convo, but it should be considered for a long term relationship. I expect no secrets and neither should my partner.

Jess hit it on the hammer here, we are on the inside looking in. If it was me and I met a woman who was an SP, well bomus for me lol. But I posed this questions to some of my guy friends who new nothing about my Extracurricular activities and who know nothing about this site or others, the repsonses I got were " no, wouldnt keep dating them" etc.

I think in that type of situation you have to tread lightly, What happens if you are in love with the person, do risk telling them about your past and loose the relationship? Everything can say, well I`ll do this or ill do that, but really you wont know until you are in that situation.

and Jane, tell your SO hes/she a lucky bastard/bitch lol
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