Some observations.

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Jul 1, 2012
In my bum
And finally, I am NOT the real 007.
You're still real to me god dammit. and i have a special message for everyone in this thread that did a fine job putting MR.Loco in his place.


Jul 1, 2012
In my bum
Fuck me FatOne but you are an awesome writer!!!

I've been meaning to tell you this for a month by PM but I gotta say it publicly. Not just because you are backing me up in this thread either.

You are a GREAT writer!
I agree. Great mind at work. If only I had half his brain, i might be able to jump into one of these debates. but fatone and shlong are doing a mighty fine job on my behalf and everyone elses.
Wanna buy all you guys beers.


Jul 27, 2011
10 friggin' pages since the last time I logged on?

Has loveisblind ever once posted in support of you? Wouldn't that be the simplest way to resolve this, assuming that she is actually a retiring SP.

Btw, you haven't answered my question back on page 9 & have again ignored others who have asked in the subsequent pages: if your story is true, why would you spend so much time in conflict with other posters on this forum trying to defend it? The internet does have 1 or 2 other forums, I've heard.
I am feisty and tend to accept a conflict. I believe I was being attacked by a pack of cyber bullies but while they kept in in the world of cyber I was not concerned. The moment someone started attempting to locate me and find me in RL it became a disturbing and frightening act.

Am I over acting? Well I am pretty certain that there is sufficient grounds for me to explore my options. I doubt there is enough to launch criminal action. I know there is enough to consider a civil action. Is it moral to seek a court order to determine a person's IP and then determine from that provider what customer was involved? I do not know. I know it is legally relatively simple.

My only real concern is would my identity have to be revealed publicly? I need to talk to a lawyer and find out. I know that most courts will look with compassion on an attractive petite woman testifying how she failed to stop the bullies and eventually had to take action when they started to try and track her in the real world. I think that protecting others from that kind of behavior is noble. Down side is I think I will have to appear and Loki would not like that.

Life is full of choices. Going from a cyber war of words is one thing, looking for our boat in rl is way over the line.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Well actually, what lies? what contradiction? Just repeating your BS does not make these contradictions exist.

Quoting A and B and showing the difference has value.

Paraphrasing or quoting idiots who say "oh she said" has no value.

There is a written record of what I said. Find a contradiction or a lie. Simple.

Other wise you are just..... :blah: and trying to :argue:

Facts are facts. Show me :)

So I "showed" her "facts" that contradicted her written record. I used a public resource showing positions and historical positions of ships that has no expectation of privacy whatsoever. Positions of ships, and boats. Not people. Pretty much all registered in the offshore jurisdictions with extreme privacy laws that the aggrieved claims her and her fictional hubby used expensive lawyers to transfer and hold their assets into trusts.

And responding to her challenge now "frightens" her?

The Lady thou protesteth too much, methinks



May 25, 2003
Wherever I'm At

Whoever / whatever / wherever you are, you need help. Serious help.

And it seems that many other obsessed posters aren't far behind you.

Gosh golly, I love the internet! :thumb:



Jul 1, 2012
In my bum
I am feisty and tend to accept a conflict. I believe I was being attacked by a pack of cyber bullies but while they kept in in the world of cyber I was not concerned. The moment someone started attempting to locate me and find me in RL it became a disturbing and frightening act.

Am I over acting? Well I am pretty certain that there is sufficient grounds for me to explore my options. I doubt there is enough to launch criminal action. I know there is enough to consider a civil action. Is it moral to seek a court order to determine a person's IP and then determine from that provider what customer was involved? I do not know. I know it is legally relatively simple.

My only real concern is would my identity have to be revealed publicly? I need to talk to a lawyer and find out. I know that most courts will look with compassion on an attractive petite woman testifying how she failed to stop the bullies and eventually had to take action when they started to try and track her in the real world. I think that protecting others from that kind of behavior is noble. Down side is I think I will have to appear and Loki would not like that.

Life is full of choices. Going from a cyber war of words is one thing, looking for our boat in rl is way over the line.

Get off the cocaine and get some damn sleep.


New member
Dec 23, 2012

Whoever / whatever / wherever you are, you need help. Serious help.

And it seems that many other obsessed posters aren't far behind you.

Gosh golly, I love the internet! :thumb:

Who's the more foolish ? The fool, or the fools who keep responding to him/her ? In this thread, BOTH !


Jul 27, 2011
Er you do know that we are all firmly convinced that you are an older man and not a wee little girl right?
Yes I know the cyber bullies believe that. And I believe you just added another quote identifying your self as one of them.

You have pulled the I am a defenceless little girl and why are all these bad men picking on me more than a few times until someone points out that you dish it out. This is the first time I've seen you actually push the issue.
I am sorry, let me try and understand you. Can you really not see a difference between word attacks in a safe cyber environment and someone stepping over the line and deliberately trying to pin point a physical location where a person is, her boats name, and by extension her name? In addition how would you feel if you knew someone had been planning and fishing for information for an extended period of time?

So you think I am a bored Loki trolling you. If that was true would it matter? The individual involved elected to attack the cyber persona and took the cyber word attacks into the real world. That is enough to launch a law suite. It might not be easy to win, but I think it is enough to launch a very exciting and prolonged law suite.

If you are wrong and I am me. Well the same applies but with a very high chance of actually winning the case against at least one of the bullies. :)

The only issue really is how my husband will react. I am furious that a cyber bully would be so foolish to take this into real life stalking. I just hope to convince Loki to let me deal with it properly.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
I am feisty and tend to accept a conflict. I believe I was being attacked by a pack of cyber bullies but while they kept in in the world of cyber I was not concerned. The moment someone started attempting to locate me and find me in RL it became a disturbing and frightening act.

Am I over acting? Well I am pretty certain that there is sufficient grounds for me to explore my options. I doubt there is enough to launch criminal action. I know there is enough to consider a civil action. Is it moral to seek a court order to determine a person's IP and then determine from that provider what customer was involved? I do not know. I know it is legally relatively simple.

My only real concern is would my identity have to be revealed publicly? I need to talk to a lawyer and find out. I know that most courts will look with compassion on an attractive petite woman testifying how she failed to stop the bullies and eventually had to take action when they started to try and track her in the real world. I think that protecting others from that kind of behavior is noble. Down side is I think I will have to appear and Loki would not like that.

Life is full of choices. Going from a cyber war of words is one thing, looking for our boat in rl is way over the line.

Your ridiculous interpretation of law and so forth does nothing to scare me. You have posted all anyone would need to successfully defend themselves against "an attractive petite woman testifying ", (everyone loathes people who knowingly and deliberately try to play up on that) seek monumental advance indemnity defence costs from the pair of self-declared offshore "gypsies" etc etc.

You know you are no risk for me sailing my 8 foot Coast Guard Cutter out to find you, nor to out you personally. None. My motive was to disprove your fictional story. "Finding" you and tracing and exposing your identity would be counterproductive to my thesis. If I had "found" any similar boat on a similar itinerary boat, I would have simply dropped it and stopped wasting my time.

You, on the other hand have hundreds and hundreds of posts detailing in the most finely grained detail, your own personal and everyone you are close to information. You have long ago voluntarily, insistently and enthusiastically given up any expectation of privacy.

And of course, if you are claiming a personal tort, criminal or civil, you have to disclose your "real" name. Are you that stupid or just playing that way in your ridiculous threats? So you will "out" yourself over my non-outing of you?

IF you were real, anyone so inclined could discover your true identity with little effort. For what purpose? I can't imagine? Testing earplugs? Beta Testing a Bullshit Filter for computers?

Oh and there is not anything even remotely illegal about researching claims and verifying stories on the internet. Otherwise google, neigh, the internet, would not exist.

In fact, as a result of your incessant bragging and creating widespread resentment, anyone lurking on TERB could contact the CRA Information Leads Center and point them to your online character, your stories and you and your husband's schemes to flee Canada solely for the purposes of tax avoidance. And even check to see if you declared your $40,000.00 income as a prostitute, or whether you were entitled to work in Canada or the US as a British citizen. And your future admissabilty to either country given your past profession. The CRA doesn't even need a warrant to demand the IP logs of TERB by issuing a third party RFI (Request for Information) to investigate tax compliance. Nor would they have a hard time correlating your claims in your posts to any "real life" people who requested a ruling on their non-resident status etc etc.

But doing so would expose the informant to being charged with Mischief as the story is so full of shit that the CRA would not take kindly to being played the fool and having their time wasted.

In the meantime, I suspect that Fred has seen that you have made real threats of litigation against his members and himself, search warrants and claims that he is vicariously liable for the anonymous posts on his Board. He's smart enough not to disclose anyone's IP or otherwise to anyone as they would then have a claim against him etc. And complying with a search warrant is such a pain in the ass and costly.

Probably most prudent to just protect you (and him) from further harm by banning your fictitious character.


Oct 26, 2002
I am feisty and tend to accept a conflict. I believe I was being attacked by a pack of cyber bullies but while they kept in in the world of cyber I was not concerned. The moment someone started attempting to locate me and find me in RL it became a disturbing and frightening act.

Am I over acting? Well I am pretty certain that there is sufficient grounds for me to explore my options. I doubt there is enough to launch criminal action. I know there is enough to consider a civil action. Is it moral to seek a court order to determine a person's IP and then determine from that provider what customer was involved? I do not know. I know it is legally relatively simple.

My only real concern is would my identity have to be revealed publicly? I need to talk to a lawyer and find out. I know that most courts will look with compassion on an attractive petite woman testifying how she failed to stop the bullies and eventually had to take action when they started to try and track her in the real world. I think that protecting others from that kind of behavior is noble. Down side is I think I will have to appear and Loki would not like that.

Life is full of choices. Going from a cyber war of words is one thing, looking for our boat in rl is way over the line.
You've failed to address the real issue AGAIN. If there's a poster who can substantiate your whole story, why has she not done so? Or if she has, link to the post.

Additionally, I fail to see why you think that anyone is trying to "track you". Only by the broadest possible interpretation would anyone halfway reasonable draw that conclusion. In any case, SPJ most effectively refuted your answer as to why a civil action would be folly on your part. As someone who has 17 years of experience managing civil litigation, I can tell you that, attractive petite woman or not, testifying that the reason you stuck around here while feeling threatened is because you're "feisty" will not end well for you. :p


New member
Dec 19, 2009
10 friggin' pages since the last time I logged on?

Has loveisblind ever once posted in support of you? Wouldn't that be the simplest way to resolve this, assuming that she is actually a retiring SP.

Btw, you haven't answered my question back on page 9 & have again ignored others who have asked in the subsequent pages: if your story is true, why would you spend so much time in conflict with other posters on this forum trying to defend it? The internet does have 1 or 2 other forums, I've heard.
I am sorry that I don't have time to check the boards often usually just go into to chat to see who online and leave
so your claiming am fake too? really? guess everyone on this board is fake and imaginary
I like Mrs loki a lot to be honest she a very sweet person when you get to know her she has a tell it like it is attitude which is refreshing
I know both their identities :) love how all of you are letting her get under your skin lol 20 pages later and it's still going on


New member
Dec 19, 2009
Well at least we know Loki has one person willing to back up the fantasy world. Considering the nature of the claims he has been making and all the contradictions I'd sooner believe that you are backing Loki for either personal or monetary reasons as opposed to speaking the truth. It is the most reasonable conclusion to come to.

I mean hell I could claim to be the King of Spain and get a few people I know to say I am right. Don't make it true.

Does lead the question. You like "her" so much, where have been the last 6 months or year or so.
I am sooo sooo sorry fat one that I don't sit on terb like you and fight with other members
some of us have jobs have a life outside of terb some of us have other things to do with are time
you call mrs loki a troll etc etc but you have over 3000 posts and continue to comment instead of ignoring her
how does it make you any better? seems like you are bitter and love putting people down does it make you feel better
about yourself?


New member
Dec 19, 2009
youre a retired sp? and you posted this?
If you must know my friend wanted a last fling before he got married and ask me to find info for him he ended up not getting married she was cheating on him with his friend


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
I am sorry that I don't have time to check the boards often usually just go into to chat to see who online and leave
so your claiming am fake too? really? guess everyone on this board is fake and imaginary
I like Mrs loki a lot to be honest she a very sweet person when you get to know her she has a tell it like it is attitude which is refreshing
I know both their identities :) love how all of you are letting her get under your skin lol 20 pages later and it's still going on

FWIW, I take you at your word vouching for them.

I've had enough of this thread and MrsCALoki. He/she seems to be a right whack job and I'm going to stay far away from her/him as possible. If anything she/he says is true, I am ashamed that I would antagonize such a troubled person.

I will probably retire from TERB again. You are right, there are better things to do with our lives.

Thanks for the dose of sanity.


New member
Dec 19, 2009
youre a retired sp? and you posted this?
funny how I always thought you where the voice of reason but seem like you want to join the bashing too

wow jessica when did you become soo nasty towards others

and I didn't say I was working when I posted that don't see what you had to dig up my post funny how I never have the time to dig up members posts
is the business not busy enough for you these days?:eyebrows: lol



Jul 27, 2011
Let me see if I can explain this in a way even you can understand, or at least in a way you can't respond to so you will just pretend not to read it.

You said in one thread that you sailed straight from Labrador to Ireland. I noted your exact claim because it was odd.
In this thread you said you stopped in St Johns after I might add I pointed out how implausible it would be not to stop.
I pointed out that one can't sail straight from Labrador to Ireland and from St John's to Ireland.

It is a logical impossibility. I can't fly straight from Montreal to St John's and fly from Montreal to St John's with a stopover in Halifax. One can only do one or the other.
Are you kidding? We stopped at hundreds of place. Then we left from Labrador to Ireland. That seems so simple to me.

Why can you not grasp it? Using your airplane example:

You can fly from Vegas to Vancouver, and from Vancouver to Montreal and have a nice stay over in both places, then go off to NY, and fly from there to Ireland. You still left from NY to go to Ireland. What do you think I should say? I left Hong Kong and after these 10,000 stops I arrived in Ireland?

In our case, we were in the Gulf of St Lawrence. We went to St John's and visited. When we left there we could have pointed our bow North East and left for Ireland. We could have pointed our bow south and visited Halifax and left for Ireland from there. We did not do either. We went through the Gap and turned left (North). OK? We went North trying to find a nice pretty iceberg. Tourists like icebergs. We are doing the tourist thing. We found icebergs using the satellite tracking system.

So go just under 300 nms and turn left. The cute little town has fresh bread and meat and fruits and etc. Hang out till the weather is perfect. Now you could just go east to Ireland, there is pretty much just water between you and Ireland. Got that so far?

Well a day cruise North takes you up to Belle Isle. Look to the west.... and you see Labrador! And in the same area icebergs! Only approach them with a small boat, like a zodiac. Up close they are dangerous. :). Ok so got it? You are now in Labrador. Point the bow east. Well East by North East. ok now look behind you. That is Labrador. You are leaving Labrador. Check the weather :).

Put Put Put for a while. After a bit you see land. If your GPS and autopilot are working you are approaching the North shore of Ireland. You want the North Shore so you can explore Londonderry. Oh allow a day or two in Ballycastle, their food is wonderful and they are very friendly people.

So let's summarize. What was the closest land when you left North America? Laaaaaabrador. When you arrived in the UK, what is the first land you saw? Ireland.

Left Labrador went to Ireland.

Now go find a globe and stretch a string from Labrador to Ireland. That is the way you go.

Boats are not airplanes; they do not need runways. They are not trucks; they do not need roads. You do not need to backtrack to get on the slip road to the freeway.

God why would anyone argue something so obvious? Why was not the simple statement "We left Labrador and went to Ireland" easy enough to understand?



Jul 27, 2011
I am sorry that I don't have time to check the boards often usually just go into to chat to see who online and leave
so your claiming am fake too? really? guess everyone on this board is fake and imaginary
I like Mrs loki a lot to be honest she a very sweet person when you get to know her she has a tell it like it is attitude which is refreshing
I know both their identities :) love how all of you are letting her get under your skin lol 20 pages later and it's still going on

Hey mrsCALoki, not that you need my encouragement but I admire your honesty - I feel like you are even just as honest as me on here (... and I am very honest). Everyone else is so phony.

Real talk: mrsCALoki is one of my favourite handles on here. If you have her ignored, I just gotta' say your pride is really getting in the way of some real great entertainment.

Hi you two. Thank you so much for commenting. It was very brave of you both the face the wrath of .... well the Bully team :)


New member
Dec 19, 2009
hey there's no voice of reason in this thread LoL ...
but as this is a credibility issue ...and I noticed you've never posted an ad under that handle, but you've posted that you're looking for service. I thought that was interesting.
oh, and it only took me 30 seconds .. but thanks for your concern ;)
credibility lol when most active sps on the board lie to protect their bottom line

you need to stop posting your painting the picture of a mean girl


Jul 27, 2011
:blah: :blah: :blah:
I am sorry you feel I am threatening you.

I assure you I would never think of suing Fred. And if the prudent path is to seek your identity and take further action I assure you it will be done in complete compliance with the law.

I do not believe I have nor did I wish to imply that Fred would be a target of legal action except I guess within the context of court document requesting the identity or the documentation trail of others.

Please note that I will not be able to contact my lawyer till Monday. That will also provide me time to determine if my bodies assorted physical responses to your stalking disappear without treatment.

I did not choose to read the rest of this document you addressed to me since it was only making me more upset.
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