Some good News


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
slowpoke said:
I agree that you should be free to believe what you like. I think he crossed the line because certain of his actions were deemed to be counselling others and inciting violence. Just like crying "FIRE" in a crowded room gets you into trouble because your actions caused forseeable harm.
I believe a case went all the way up to the US Supreme Court with an example very similar to this -- where during the civil rights era in the US, that an organizer held a fiery speech encouraging listeners to lynch the racists, etc, etc and the tone of that speech was given as a reason for the police to arrest him and other organizers.

I really wish I knew the name of the case.


Jul 9, 2002
Up Here,ON
It seems to me that these days "politically correct" is anything in line with the views of the right.
The right? The left in this country seesm to be trying to control what we can or cannot say, all in the name of "tolerance".
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