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some job REALLY BITES!!!


Active member
Sep 26, 2001
In a house somewhere
or..... a car could have veered to avoid the cat and struck another car and killed or injured many people....
You are absolutely right, but I wouldn't be stopping for the cat. And if I were driving and the cat were in front of me on the road, I would be going straight through. Sad to say it, but that's what would happen. In these situations, close your eyes and keep driving.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
They don't do long needles into your abdomen anymore. Its a series of shots in the arm - similar pain levels to a flu shot (so I'm told). So, get the shots if there's any doubt.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Well...1 momentary lapse in concentration...and now I'm on the shelf for 2 weeks.

i had to rescue a cat..a Fucking CAT (I HATE CATS)..tonight/this morning from getting splatted on the highway..and what thanks do I get???? Yup..the little fucker bit me!!! Right thru my Uber heavy gloves!!.. broke the skin. .and a deep puncture icall animal control..they show up....nope. .not now it's in quarantine for 10-14 days to see if it's of course I've gotta put myself on the shelf..until we know for sure...Fucking Cats!!!!...ugh!...I wanted to throw the little fucker back on the highway...but it did have a it IS someone's pet..mutter grumble:frusty:
Ugh, you need to get your ass to a hospital if there is a suspicion of rabies.

I got bit by a small raccoon about 3 years ago. I went to the hospital, they told me something I didn't know. That is, if rabies develops, you are DEAD. 100 percent of the time, dead. The treatment is 2 steps. They need to get an anti-coagulant (if I recall) sent from Health Canada to your family doctor. (Health Canada called me and interviewed me on the phone - they needed my age, height, weight. The next day, I had to have about 6 shots of the anti coagulant in my foot where the little bugger bit me administered by my family doctor. Then you start with the vaccine shots. 3 days later, another vaccine, then again at 7 days, 14 days, and finally 28 days.

The needles are no more different than any other shot I ever had. (Though I was told that the anti coagulant was very expensive.)

So, having gone down this road myself I don't know what the fuck you are talking about "putting myself on a shelf"

Rabies does take a couple of weeks to develop in humans, but once it does, you're dead.

There is very little time to wait.

I didn't need to "put myself on a shelf either" and I asked, believe me. It was life as usual, with the exception of all the doctor's appointments.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
this exactly!

... and incidentally the shots aren't nearly as bad as they used to be, I remember my cousin getting a series of two dozen shots in his stomach years ago, now it's only four shots in your ass. ;)
While it is no longer the shots in the stomach, the initial shots were at the location of the bite.

All vaccine shots were just in the arm.
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