Soldier killed


Apr 24, 2005
This happened only 2 days after the 65th anniversary of D-Day. Rest in peace, brave soldier.

Bring the troops home. Saving Afghan society is not worth the lives of our brave men and women.


The Ideal Terbite
Aug 6, 2003
Rockslinger said:
This happened only 2 days after the 65th anniversary of D-Day. Rest in peace, brave soldier.

Bring the troops home. Saving Afghan society is not worth the lives of our brave men and women.
That's not what the troops in theatre think. They believe they are doing important work that is worth the risk to provide a secure environment that allows the really important work of Canada's mission to take place.

This latest casualty was working on clearing out an IED cache. IEDs have been responsible for over 80% of enemy-related Canadian deaths. His death, while tragic, likely saved several lives, both Afghan civilians and NATO troops alike. He, and members of his regiment, know and accept the risks before them and are willing to step up and do what they think is right to help people who are not able to take care of their own security needs yet. For every Canadian soldier killed, dozens of Afghan security personnel are killed. All deaths are tragedies, but abandoning Afghanistan now is not the answer.

This is not a mission with military goals, but it needs a military presence to have a hope of success.


Apr 24, 2005
Hangman said:
That's not what the troops in theatre think. Thank God they're braver than all the "Bring The Troops Home" whiners.
Our troops are brave men and women indeed. There was an article in one of the Toronto weekend papers about how civilians :( are interfering with the business of soldiering. Either we let them do their job or we bring them home, but the civilian overseers want our soldiers to remake Afghan society in our image.


New member
Aug 6, 2005
He died with honour.

I do wonder if we continue to achieve anything fighting in Afghanistan. Wiser heads than mine will decide.

I'm glad it's not me who has to make the call as to how many more Canadians have to die in this mess. It does not appear to be an easy decision....


The Ideal Terbite
Aug 6, 2003
Rockslinger said:
Our troops are brave men and women indeed. There was an article in one of the Toronto weekend papers about how civilians :( are interfering with the business of soldiering. Either we let them do their job or we bring them home, but the civilian overseers want our soldiers to remake Afghan society in our image.
Well, I haven't seen your source, but I would be very surprised to learn that civilian oversight is interfering with the "business of soldiering" as you put it.

But a thread about the death of a young private isn't really the place. I just wanted to say what I did so that people would understand that our troops' lives are not lost in vain, despite what all the pessimists seem to delight is saying.

I've also edited my original post, as I realize that it was in poor form for a discussion of this topic.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Hangman said:
Well, I haven't seen your source, but I would be very surprised to learn that civilian oversight is interfering with the "business of soldiering" as you put it. QUOTE]

I can't find the article right now but it was in the papers just last week, how the civilianization of DND and the seeming pre-eminence of political correctness and corporate culture, over that of a military ethos, is one of the most significant factors causing military personnel to leave the CF (family is the #1 cause). It wasn't directly related to Afghanistan though, just the military as a general employer. Source was a few years' worth of departure surveys that are conducted when people quit the CF.


New member
May 2, 2009
I'm relieved that the supreme court just passed a mandate that will allow Canadian soldiers to pass captured Taliban terrorists over to the Afghan authorities.

The Problem was that the lefty liberals in BC were worried that releasing captive taliban terrorists to the Afghan police may subject them to torture....

oh wouldnt that be terrible... subjecting the poor Taliban terrorists who are sending our soliders home in body bags to possible torture. Sure wouldnt want that to happen.
I wouldnt be able to sleep at night knowing that talibans are being treated bad.

Lets all kiss the ground that our supreme court actually made a right decision, and keep on voting for Harper.
Its either Harper or Taliban Jack now, since its been exposed that Mike is really an American only in Canada for his own gain.


Apr 24, 2005
Dandy_Dapper_Boy said:
I'm relieved that the supreme court just passed a mandate that will allow Canadian soldiers to pass captured Taliban terrorists over to the Afghan authorities.
The SCC in its wisdom ruled that the Charter of Rights and Freedom apply only to Canadian citizens and probably non-citizens resident in Canada. It does not apply to every single human being on Earth and wildlife on Mars.


New member
Aug 6, 2005
Politics infuses everthing my friend. I think that it is unfortunate that "political" discussion is considered taboo.

That said, I understand that this thread about the death of one of our soldiers is perhaps not the place.


New member
Feb 12, 2007
Soldiers and death go hand in hand, it's part of the job description, we can't scream to bring them home every time it happens.

From what I read, he was a proud soldier who loved serving, much braver than any of us, RIP.
Toronto Escorts