Ladies and Gentlemen, I bid you all farewell. I have been a hobbyist for a while now, while seeing other women on a committed basis. I sometimes felt guilty, other times I couldn't give a damn, till I found out my ex-girlfriend was cheating on me anyways. I came to understand this concept I have believed in for the longest time but never fully embraced and that is Karma. I do believe, even if that special someone in your life does not know and you bend over to kiss her good night with the same lips that kissed another woman that day after she serviced you, if you feel no guilt then, you are already lost. If you do feel guilty, then something, somehow, things will get messed up and you will lose what's special for you and would be out of more money which you might regret. I met someone recently, someone who is so good to me, I couldn't think of cheating on her, I want to treat her good, treat her great, be the best man I can be for her and I've come to realise that if I do not wrong her, I won't lose her, whether or not she knows about my wrong doings or not. I doubt I could ever tell her off the things I have done in the past, but she loves me for the man that I am now. I am closing my account on TERB along with my account on all sorts of other websites. There have been some good times and I know I haven't posted much really at all, but I have found many of your reviews most helpful and I have made some great friends with some of the most amazing women I have had an opportunity to meet. It's never to late to stop and change the life that you lead for one that is better and one that gives you a new life within.
Take care and adios...
Take care and adios...