So depressing.....


New member
Feb 9, 2005
The worst fears have been realized...went to the Hassle-Free Clinic and found out, I have genital warts. The most depressing thing is that there is no cure at this time although they are working on a vaccine but who knows when that will be out and if it will work. I had been hobbying for at least 6 years now and never had any health issues, not even catching a cold from an MPA or SP but now this. I guess God is trying to tell me something...what a way to have to stop, no quitting on my own accord but being forced to. The Doc said the warts are in a location that the condom doesn't protect, at the base of the penis just above the scrotum. Unfortunately, only skin-to-skin contact is needed to pass on this nasty's with me for good until they find a cure. I am so depressed, not only because my hobbying days are over but what about a regular sex life...gone as well? I am just starting to learn about these HPV warts and know only a little bit about them...warts are treated by freezing them with liquid nitrogen which I had done...but they can reappear at any time your immune system is down...what about a serious relationship when unprotected sex is warranted...I am doomed to have no sex-life...any further info would be appreciated....thing is, I have no idea who gave this to me and if I spread it to any SP because I just found out last week... Everyone out there, BE CAREFUL. Maybe, they should make condoms that cover your entire genital area...

Oil Please

Not that it will make you feel any better, but its estimated that over 25% of the population has this. Sorry I was wrong! More than 50 % have it.

Oil Please

Approximately 20 million people are currently infected with HPV. At least 50 percent of sexually active men and women acquire genital HPV infection at some point in their lives. By age 50, at least 80 percent of women will have acquired genital HPV infection. About 6.2 million Americans get a new genital HPV infection each year.

This was from the CDC website.


New member
Feb 28, 2004
From the Health Canada web site:

"There is no known cure for HPV infections but many people will eventually clear the infection from their bodies. However, some infections do persist. Practising safer sex can help reduce the risk of getting or transmitting the infection."


New member
Feb 9, 2005
A few small pimple-sized protrusions at base of penis...

fearnoevil2005 said:
uh oh :( What was the test that was done to determine that you had warts (HPV)? What prompted you to get tested?
They just didn't look or feel like your typical zit that you sometimes get in other areas of the body. When I went to the clinic, I was hoping they would say that they were harmless blemishes but instead, I got the bad news. Freezing them off hurt a they are black and scarring and will fall off according to the Doc. Have to go back to check them out and if any others may be appearing. I don't know if there are any tests that you can take to see if you have this if there are no visible signs.


Active member
Apr 1, 2002
Good of you to inform us...

...stay strong and don't lose hope. I have a bunch of questions.

When did you first discover this and how? Was most of your hobbying with an SP or did you also see MPAs? What's your best guess as to how you got this? What else is involved in controlling these warts? What made you decide to post about it? Do you need to contact any service providers that you may have seen recently? Can a person re-infect themself (i.e. shedding, touching with hands)? What happens next?


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
Very sobering. Thanks for sharing. I hope it remains under control and causes you minimal problems.

Papi Chulo

Banned Permanently
Jan 30, 2006
590_The_Fan said:
The most depressing thing is that there is no cure at this time although they are working on a vaccine but who knows when that will be out and if it will work.
I can think of something more depressing.... did you ever wonder how many people you have infected and how it will affect their lives?

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Papi Chulo said:
I can think of something more depressing.... did you ever wonder how many people you have infected and how it will affect their lives?
Down boy.

Like the other reviewers said, 50% of the human population carries with them the virus.

So, 1 out of 2 people that you have been with have the wart virus happening.

What part of that statistic did you not understand? You don't need to jump all over the guy. Odds are good that you have warts and don't even know it.

As previously said, condoms offer no protection either.


Mar 21, 2006
that sucks the big one =\

Oil Please

Papi Chulo said:
I can think of something more depressing.... did you ever wonder how many people you have infected and how it will affect their lives?
Totally uncalled for Papi! Don't be such a DICKHEAD!:mad:


New member
Sep 10, 2001
I feel for ya and know how you feel. after a doctor gives you terrible news. Last year when i was told that i am now a diabetic. I thought my world was going to end. Now a year later ive learned alot about the disease and am able to cope with it. I miss a lot of things that i used to eat and every once in awhile i fall of the wagon so to speak and eat something i know is bad for me and pay for it a few hours later. As time goes by you wont feel as bad as you do now, trust me. Just be thankfull that its only warts and not something life threatning .

Oil Please

mrpolarbear said:
I feel for ya and know how you feel. after a doctor gives you terrible news. Last year when i was told that i am now a diabetic. I thought my world was going to end. Now a year later ive learned alot about the disease and am able to cope with it. I miss a lot of things that i used to eat and every once in awhile i fall of the wagon so to speak and eat something i know is bad for me and pay for it a few hours later. As time goes by you wont feel as bad as you do now, trust me. Just be thankfull that its only warts and not something life threatning .
Time is a great healer!


Active member
Mar 18, 2003
Jasmin_MA said:
I'm not sure how old you are, however you may have been infected 10 years ago but the virus laid dormant in your body until now. Like others have mentioned thus far, the HPV virus is very common - it's actually in the same family as chicken poxs.
The chicken pox virus, VZV (Varicella-zoster virus), belongs to the Herpes virus family. This family includes HSV (Herpes simplex virus). HPV (Human papilloma virus) belongs to the Papovavirus family. A vaccine is available for VZV but not yet for HSV or HPV.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Esco! said:
Do you guys wanna see my little warts?????
So that's what YOU call them ;)

To the original poster of the thread, sorry to hear, hope it works out for you in the end.

Pedro Sanchez

Vote for Pedro
Feb 9, 2005
Did you visit Sp, Mpa, or SC and how high was the milage you received? Bareback, Puusyslide etc.

This might be an eye opener for many people to cut back on the milage and be more cautious.
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