Club Dynasty

So a cop hammered me with a huge ticket today


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Since you said you were speeding, and since the cop charged you for less than the rate you admitted to, we must believe you're not only guilty, but ungrateful. You should be man enough to accept the consequences of breaking the law, which is meant to keep us all safe from bozos who drive faster than appropriate.

But if you do fight it, please accept my sarcastic thanks for encouraging cops everywhere to never give anyone a break.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
oldjones said:
Since you said you were speeding, and since the cop charged you for less than the rate you admitted to, we must believe you're not only guilty, but ungrateful. You should be man enough to accept the consequences of breaking the law, which is meant to keep us all safe from bozos who drive faster than appropriate.

But if you do fight it, please accept my sarcastic thanks for encouraging cops everywhere to never give anyone a break.

Here Here.......what ever happened to manning up and accepting your punishment?

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
If you got the time, fight the ticket. Make the cop go to court over it, he gave you no break, why should you be nice in return? He gave you a hard time in fact over a minor speeding ticket. Tell the court how he told you how fast you were going and you know theres no way you were driving that fast. I do not believe they can raise the ticket to a higher speed once in court...I know over here they can not.

If you have nothing to lose and have the time, go for it.

Good Luck :)


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
S.C. Joe said:
If you got the time, fight the ticket. Make the cop go to court over it, he gave you no break, why should you be nice in return? He gave you a hard time in fact over a minor speeding ticket. Tell the court how he told you how fast you were going and you know theres no way you were driving that fast. I do not believe they can raise the ticket to a higher speed once in court...I know over here they can not.

If you have nothing to lose and have the time, go for it.

Good Luck :)
According to the OP the cop told him he was going 109, cop reduced it to 80. Sounds like a break to me.

As for telling the judge "there's no way I was driving that fast".... do you really think that's going to carry much weight with him? (Even if the cop can't produce a photo showing the reading on the speed gun?)


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Moraff said:
According to the OP the cop told him he was going 109, cop reduced it to 80. Sounds like a break to me.

As for telling the judge "there's no way I was driving that fast".... do you really think that's going to carry much weight with him? (Even if the cop can't produce a photo showing the reading on the speed gun?)
If I'm not mistaken, they DO get a printout showing the radar gun speed etc and keep it as part of their evidence. They also maintain records of when the gun was serviced and calibrated.


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
tboy said:
If I'm not mistaken, they DO get a printout showing the radar gun speed etc and keep it as part of their evidence. They also maintain records of when the gun was serviced and calibrated.
I'm pretty sure they do, but I was allowing for the possibility the cop was being less than honest to the OP. :)


Nov 11, 2004
S.C. Joe said:
If you got the time, fight the ticket. Make the cop go to court over it, he gave you no break, why should you be nice in return? He gave you a hard time in fact over a minor speeding ticket. Tell the court how he told you how fast you were going and you know theres no way you were driving that fast. I do not believe they can raise the ticket to a higher speed once in court...I know over here they can not.

If you have nothing to lose and have the time, go for it.

Good Luck :)
Going 49 over is not a "minor" speeding ticket. And in court, you need evidence. "I know I wasn't going that fast" doesn't cut it. If this guy does go to court I hope they put it back up to the original speed. He's already gotten a bigger break than he should have.


Aug 17, 2001
Heres some advise that I received from a friend who works in the court, if convicted, and they give you a fine with time to pay, [ask for 60 days to pay it] over pay the fine by $3.00 say. The Ministry will return you a cheque for the over payment, and you just simply forget to cash it, so it stays on their system and they can't process the points or the transaction to complete your case/file until that overpayment is cashed.

Also remember if you go to court & convicted, there is a "court" fee added to the fine listed as cost.

just my $0.02 worth


Nov 11, 2004
stripes2ca said:
Heres some advise that I received from a friend who works in the court, if convicted, and they give you a fine with time to pay, [ask for 60 days to pay it] over pay the fine by $3.00 say. The Ministry will return you a cheque for the over payment, and you just simply forget to cash it, so it stays on their system and they can't process the points or the transaction to complete your case/file until that overpayment is cashed.

Also remember if you go to court & convicted, there is a "court" fee added to the fine listed as cost.

just my $0.02 worth
Sorry, but this is urban legend.


Nov 8, 2005
80 km in a 60km zone is still 3 demerit points. IMHO, you have to go to court and try to get it reduced to 75 in a 60. Therefore, no demerit points.


Nov 11, 2004
squash500 said:
80 km in a 60km zone is still 3 demerit points. IMHO, you have to go to court and try to get it reduced to 75 in a 60. Therefore, no demerit points.
So they can bump it up to his original speed of 49 over and give him 4 points?


Uncaring bastard!
Aug 28, 2006
The Centre of the Universe!
a 1 player said:
I understand you point, but the legal system gives us the RIGHT to have our day in court to defend ourselves.
The only way he can "defend" himself would be to commit perjury! He has already admitted he is guilty of what he was charged with!

Whether or not the cop treated him badly (ie. was trying to "bully him", OP's words) this does NOT change this fact!

Why should MY tax dollars be wasted so this crybaby can go whine to some judge or JP?:mad:


Nov 8, 2005
t69 said:
So they can bump it up to his original speed of 49 over and give him 4 points?
I could be wrong:) . IMHO, the 109 km is now irrelevant. The cop wrote the op a ticket for going 80 in a 60. The op as I repeated earlier is also allowed to request all the officers disclosure notes.

I personally had one of my cases dismissed because the officer did not provide me his notes. The laws could have changed but I used to do some paralegal work around 6 years ago. I was lucky that in some of my cases, the officer never showed up and in some of cases the fact that the officer didn't produce his disclosure notes in a timely fashion also led to the case being dismissed.

I've never heard of a judge increasing the charge back up to 109 km. This just doesn't make sense to me. IMHO, the op should plead not guilty and file the appropriate papers. I think he only has 15 days to do this? I have been out of the loop for a few years so things might be different now?
Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
CapitalGuy said:
Next time slow down. Doing over 80 in a 60 zone is not safe. You were likely in a built up area with parked cars, kids, cross traffic, all that. And now you're pissy about it and blaming the cop instead of blaming the over-entitled idiot who was driving your car. What a ridiculous line - "I know what 100km/hr feels like." Grow up.

I don't get the sense you are a safe driver, and I am happy you got a ticket. Please ensure your 3 demerit points are noted on your record, as I am sure you will accumulate more points in the near future and if all goes well, you will lose your licence and the roads will be that much safer.

And no, I am not some arrogant, preachy jerk. You are just some idiot who, instead of manning up and taking responsibility for what he did, wusses out and tries to weasel his way out of it.

Have a nice day.
Jackass comment. :rolleyes:


New member
Sep 15, 2001
S.C. Joe said:
If you got the time, fight the ticket. Make the cop go to court over it, he gave you no break, why should you be nice in return?
He won't be making the cop go to court by fighting it. The court will schedule all of that cop's cases on the same day. So he'll go and sit there all day, regardless of what the OP does.

I think the cop is an ass, but there is wisdom in just paying the fine, all things considered.


New member
Feb 15, 2004
Wrong, Wrong Wrong...

squash500 said:
I could be wrong:) . IMHO, the 109 km is now irrelevant. The cop wrote the op a ticket for going 80 in a 60. The op as I repeated earlier is also allowed to request all the officers disclosure notes.

I personally had one of my cases dismissed because the officer did not provide me his notes. The laws could have changed but I used to do some paralegal work around 6 years ago. I was lucky that in some of my cases, the officer never showed up and in some of cases the fact that the officer didn't produce his disclosure notes in a timely fashion also led to the case being dismissed.

I've never heard of a judge increasing the charge back up to 109 km. This just doesn't make sense to me. IMHO, the op should plead not guilty and file the appropriate papers. I think he only has 15 days to do this? I have been out of the loop for a few years so things might be different now?

What matters is what was stated earlier in this thread.....the dreaded "R"..

If your ticket is marked this way, the JP or judge has record of what the speed was reduced from this case from 109 kms...if you fight the ticket, you are not fighting from the 80 km speed, you are fighting it from the 109km speed...those are the rules.. lot of diff in points and fine if you lose...whether you feel you've been "wronged" or "disrespected" (no evidence of either IMHO) the 75 bucks...and pay better attention...



resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Mao Tse Tongue said:
Jackass comment. :rolleyes:
Why is that a jackass comment? I thought it had many valid points.

Just assume for a second that the OP is fully of crap and actually WAS doing 109 in a 60...

Would you want HIM speeding through YOUR neighbourhood?

I think the OP should pony up, face the consequences of his actions, and SLOW THE FUCK DOWN.!

All you guys working on ways to get this guy off? Don't you dare come on here whining about the lenient sentences other criminals get.......


Nov 8, 2005
I admitted before that I might be wrong:) . As another poster suggested earlier in the thread, the op should get a professional opinion before paying the fine.

IMHO, the best paralegal service in the gta is this one.

Disclosure: I have no affiliation with redline. The only reason I know about redline is that one of my friends gets a lot of speeding tickets and finds this company to be very efficient!


Uncaring bastard!
Aug 28, 2006
The Centre of the Universe!
Here is the quote from the original poster:

Homer69 said:
I was driving in a 60 zone and i know for sure that i was under 85km/hr.
Are here are the quotes from the other's in this thread claiming the sytem is corrupt:

goodandkind said:
its a corrupt system in the courts speeding ticket tough to beat most often your word against police officer and you cant win
shakenbake said:
Report the constable's bullying to the Public Complaints Commissioner. That just may stop the farktard in his tracks.
Music_Box said:
It's useless to go against a cop in a courtroom when the judge and him drink coffee together every day.
How did the cop bully him? How is the system corrupt? Remember we are only hearing one side of the story here...for all we know the OP was acting arrogant towards the cop, telling him he would see him in court, etc!

At worst, if we believe what the OP said, he got charged with going the speed he said he was going! Or, if we believe what the cop (apparently) told him, he already got off with a significant reduction in his charge, and now he wants to be a jerk and fight it further!

This is another reason I don't believe the "bully" claim. If the cop really wanted to be a jerk, he would have charged him with the 109 km/h, or even worse, would have hit him at 110 and impounded his car!

Most cops don't want the hassle of having to go to court on their day off (and unlike years ago, unless they have a damn good reason, now they are required to show up or face disciplinary action) which is why they regularly reduce the charges on speeding tickets, unless the driver is a complete asshole.
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