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smart too late


New member
Jan 22, 2004
I went to a local Ottawa MP last week. Had a BBBJTC (surprisingly) and let my fingers do some rubbing. At the time I was delighted.

Now, I've been diagnosed with chlamydia. I had to tell my SO so she can get tested/treated as well. I will likely lose her.

Guys, weigh things in your (big) head before you do this stuff. Especially for _any_ kind of unprotected sex. It is possible to pick up a variety of diseases, even from oral. Is it really worth it? Do you want to put people you care about at risk?

I'm not going to say which MP it was-- it's equally dangerous to do what I did everywhere. Someone whose willing to go unprotected probably doesn't have much to lose health wise. Now I have to wait 3 weeks for all the other tests to come in, and go back in 3 months for another HIV test. And my SO as well.

I thought I was being 'smart' and 'practical' by only doing BBBJ instead of FS. Instead I've lost probably the one person who matters most to me.


Indy reviewer
May 15, 2003

s1dek1ck2002 said:
I went to a local Ottawa MP last week. Had a BBBJTC (surprisingly) and let my fingers do some rubbing. At the time I was delighted.

Now, I've been diagnosed with chlamydia. I had to tell my SO so she can get tested/treated as well. I will likely lose her.

Guys, weigh things in your (big) head before you do this stuff. Especially for _any_ kind of unprotected sex. It is possible to pick up a variety of diseases, even from oral. Is it really worth it? Do you want to put people you care about at risk?

I'm not going to say which MP it was-- it's equally dangerous to do what I did everywhere. Someone whose willing to go unprotected probably doesn't have much to lose health wise. Now I have to wait 3 weeks for all the other tests to come in, and go back in 3 months for another HIV test. And my SO as well.

I thought I was being 'smart' and 'practical' by only doing BBBJ instead of FS. Instead I've lost probably the one person who matters most to me.
*Sigh* - Ok, so you'll pardon me for being a Mr. Sceptical - just who are you again? So, you saw this MP last week, and just this week you were diagnosed with an unexplained drip?
I've yet to meet a MP who allows that kind of casual service. That is more of a risky-like SP thing. Your story sounds like a canned cautionary tale (mind-you, one that is well advised). I believe everyone here is aware of the risks, but you might do a larger public service - like advise the MP of their own health problem - like use this as an appropriate medium and not spread disease fear. Let us know how your story continues (if it does).


Jabba said:
I've yet to meet a MP who allows that kind of casual service. That is more of a risky-like SP thing.
Jabba ... are you saying you don't think MPs do bbbjtc? Think again .... I could rattle off at least a dozen without even thinking hard. and covering all categories .... licensed, unlicensed, asian, non-asian, etc......

But perhaps that's not what you were trying to say......

In any event that's a tough break for sidekick ..... let's face it there are risks doing what we do ... if there wasn't a lot of us wouldn't get a thrill from it. Everyone has to weigh their needs and wants against their idea of acceptable risk. Arming oneself with as much info as possible to make an informed decision is the smart way to go. Posts like this can be a useful reminder for guys to review what they're doing and maybe make needed adjustments......

Good luck sidekick, keep us informed how things progress ..... perhaps things will turn out for you. ;)


Aug 20, 2004
I'm not saying the original poster isn't telling the truth but with only 2 posts I get the feeling he is telling us not to be sinners.:rolleyes:
BBBJTC with an MP is not likely in this town.


New member
Feb 7, 2006
slurp said:
Posts like this can be a useful reminder for guys to review what they're doing and maybe make needed adjustments......

Good luck sidekick, keep us informed how things progress ..... perhaps things will turn out for you. ;)
very well said... Good luck Sidekick.


Aug 20, 2004
slurp said:
ahem! see what I had to say to Jabba .....
sorry, I missed that. I shouldn't be posting when half asleep.
It hasn't been my experience that MPs will provide BBBJ let alone BBBJTC. However if you know that it is readily available then I'll take that at face value.
I still think the poster has an agenda. If he doesn't then I wish him best of luck in solving his problems.


Senior Member
Aug 16, 2003
East of here, west of there
What kind of agenda do you think sidekick could have by telling us about this?

And yes there are plenty of MPs here in town that will do way more than just the usual extras. As always, YMMV.


Jul 15, 2005
Its true...

I feel that sidekick is being honest as everything that he described is factual. Chlamydia is the most common STD and most of the time, it goes completely undetected. If symptoms show, they usually show within 1-3 weeks after exposure. As much as I love BBBJ's, I stay away from them for that very reason.
Sidekick, Chlamydia is a bacterial infection and is easily treated with antibiotics but as you say, your concern is with your SO. I hope all works out for you and her.
Thank you for reminding us all of the risks involved.



Jan 23, 2006
only one cure

BE F*****careful and clean what the F*** did you expect?
Do you actually think that most girls are clean??:confused:


New member
Jan 22, 2004
Agenda? Yeah, I have an agenda, to stop the spread of STD's. I wouldn't wish what I'm going through on my worst enemy.

Some of you have sent PM's asking who it was. I'm not going to say. I've contacted her and told her, but if you've put yourself at risk, go get tested at the Ottawa Sexual Health Centre. And if not, don't do it.

BBBJ is not common among MP's, at least not the ones I've seen, so that should've been a tip off right there that it was risky. I'm not a frequent hobbyist and in fact hadn't been in months.

Think about what you have at stake in your life and if it is even remotely worth the risks you are taking. I had a wonderful physical and emotional relationship, but I went looking for an extra thrill and lost it.

Chlamydia is easily curable, but if left untreated can cause sterility in both men and women. It can have no symptoms whatsoever or more easily visible ones. Do you want to find yourself having to explain this to someone you love?


Active member
Oct 19, 2004
I though that Chlamydia was almost always transmitted through vaginal intercourse?


New member
Jan 14, 2004
Smart to late

If this Person is still working and spreading this disease to others how can you feel right by not warning us of who this person is so that we may not catch this desease from her and have to go through the same as you are.:mad:
Jan 15, 2004
You're right! But...

endan said:
I though that Chlamydia was almost always transmitted through vaginal intercourse?
The bacteria is in vaginal fluids or semen. If she gave a bbbj to him, then she was likely giving it to other customers. bbbj with SP/MP is not only a bad idea because SHE might have the disease, but because her mouth may still contain the semen of the last customer! Those of you who like bbbj are having sex with all her recent customers!!!


New member
Nov 11, 2005
Isn't a single week pretty quick to be diagnosed with chlamydia?

I once thought I might have contracted an STD through unprotected oral (giving and receiving) and saw a doctor within a few days... only to be told that the risks were negligible, and in any event tests wouldn't be possible until 3-4 weeks after contact.

- Jon


Jul 15, 2005
If sidekick is already "pissing razorblades" then one week is enough.

Usually it takes 3 weeks for the Chlamydia trachomatis bacterium to grow to sufficient strength to be noticed.

It can be contracted through oral but vaginal infection is more common.


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
Just the facts

For an informative webpage on Chlamydia I suggest:

For those that prefer a quick fix......

You can catch it via oral, anal or vaginal sex (basically any wet warm hole will do I guess.)
Not everyone shows symptoms
Can take from 1-3 weeks to show up
While it can cause sterility in males it is rare, actually any complications other than the burning discharge is very rare in males apparently.

There ya go, my 2cents worth

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