sleep... do you dream?

Claudia Love

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2021
Ive had many dreams that have come true 6 months later or the next day. I dream in color the sky is blue the vibrant colours in the world make my dreams look gorgeous as a child I always had bad dreams now my dreams are about living it up with the celebrities shopping in Rodeo drive taking flights around the world sailing on the biggest yachts now don't get me wrong these dreams of mine have me bigger than Jeff Bezos but why I'm always rich and famous in the last two years of my dreams is a mystery to me because according to my bank account I'm not rich lol my fav dreams are when I fly and get away from the evil people I literarily get a rush when I'm flying in the sky


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2005
I do that too...I find that I start dreaming when I'm still in that early, just falling asleep stage.

I also practice lucid dreaming. It's taken me a few years and I'm still not perfect at it. That could be why I start dreaming at a half-asleep stage...

Same, I find it that if I don't like where the dream is going I simply say fuck it and open my eyes back up since I'm still aware that I'm dreaming


Well-known member
Sep 5, 2001
I don't remember my dreams anymore, only the ones where it causes me to wake. When I was younger I would wake remembering my last dream vividly even if it wasn't disturbing. Not sure what changes as we get older, brain plaque ?


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Everyone dreams every night, as long as they're entering REM sleep. Which you'll need to do, else it becomes a medical emergency within a week.

A lot of people think you'd remember a dream if you had one, but that's not true. You only remember dreams if you awaken from the REM stage of the sleep cycle. Waking naturally typically does not occur that way, unless there's some kind of trigger in your dream, like a frightful moment, or a sexually arousing one. Most people remember a dream because they're awoken by external factors in the midst of REM sleep, like an alarm. You typically get 1 to 2 hours of REM sleep in an 8-hour period, with much of that being weighted near the end of your sleep cycle. So you'd be more likely to remember a dream if you have an inconsistent bedtime and/or waking time, and if you set your alarm.

Bbw hunter

Well-known member
Dec 17, 2018
True as far as I know.

Most people dream while sleeping, but few remember them, especially if they are sound sleepers. The only dreams I remember are those that are vivid and disturbing, and if I wake up very soon after the dream, or if the dream actually wakes me up because it's that disturbing. In those cases I have a tremendous sense of relief in realizing it was "just a dream".

Sexy dreams are very rare now. I used to get them more often, and would feel disappointed if something woke me up during a sexy dream and I had to get up. If not, I would try to get back to the same dream, but with no success.

Recurring dreams:

University exam - I go into the exam hall, open the exam booklet, and realize I have never been taught the questions they are asking. Apparently this dream is quite common amongst college and university graduates.

Naked at the office or in public - Self-explanatory. Also supposedly a common dream that means that you fear being exposed or made naked to the public for all the personal faults and shortcomings you try so hard to conceal.

Car accident or moving violation - again so relieved when I wake up.

Can't remember my apartment number or even the floor my apartment is on. Also sometimes same issue but I'm in a hotel.

Can't remember what street I parked my car on, or where it is in a large parking structure. Every time I press my key fob I hear a chirp, but can't find the darn car.

Smoking dreams - I quit over 30 years ago. Used to have frequent dreams that I was still smoking, but those are very rare now.

I can fly - I flap my arms and levitate about 20 feet off the ground, and can even fly forward a bit. One of my favourites.

A fight with my ex-wife - it's as if we were still married and having a vicious verbal fight. The horror!

I also often have dreams that involve my late parents and uncles. Usually quite pleasant.

I find that as I get older my dreams have become weirder, or maybe it's because I don't sleep as soundly as I used to. I tried CBD edibles, but they made my dreams very vivid and disturbing, so I switched to 5mg Indica THC chewies. I eat one an hour before bed time and find I fall asleep faster and have more pleasant dreams than I was having before the edibles.

Here's a general question. Do you guys dream in colour, or just black & white?
Wow. It's weird that much of what you experience in dreams is so similar to my experiences. I dream every night but rarely remember them, unless they were really weird, and even then I can only remember certain details. I also have variations of those recurring dreams that you mentioned, except for the smoking and flying ones ( flying? WTF? LOL).
I also hardly have sex dreams these days. When I do I almost always wake up before the main action starts...I guess that is God fucking with you right there eh?
PS I am pretty sure I dream in color but can't verify that 100%.
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