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Sidney Crosby


Crotch Sniffer
Oct 22, 2003
Caledon East
Just wondering if anyone has any comments on this guy?

personally, for them to compare him to Mario and Gretzky seems a bit stretched. the media does this from time to time with up and coming juniors--alexandre daigle, eric lindros, etc..

though, i'd admit he is damn good at puck protection, much like steve sullivan, theo fleury, jaromir jagr and joe thornton (the latter two having size in their favour). people can't seem to check him off the puck and that is something that allows players to become great.

he may skate on a par level with alexandre daigle, better than jason spezza, but i think his puck protection is his greatest asset that could make him a future star.

what do you guys think?


New member
Sep 7, 2001
I don't want to rock the boat on this one but ...

He will be a solid / good but unspectacular NHL player. He will have a long distinguished career but he is in no way the next Gretzky or Lemieux.

I don't think he will as good as Yzerman even.

I se him in the mold of a 30 - 35 goals a year guy. A top contributor on any team but he is not as dominate as Eric Lindros was or prepared as Eric was when he came in.

I am waiting for the bombshells to start landing on and around me for this but I have felt this way for a while.


Crotch Sniffer
Oct 22, 2003
Caledon East
i totally agree that he won't be such a dominant force in the NHL... however, he does have a great skill in his puck protection abilities. but so did theo fleury in his prime and same with dougie gilmour as for comparable 'stars'... and yet, neither of these guys came even close to having the careers Mario and Gretz had...

i just don't see Sid scoring that much in the big leagues. I see him right where u do on this one... a 30-35 goal per season scorer and maybe 1,2,or 3 seasons scoring above 40... but, that is going by today's averages... that could all change if something drastic happens to raise the goals per game averages...


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Sonic Temple
Lindros was hyped beyond belief as the second coming and he wasn't even in Messier's league, let alone Gretzky or Lemeuix. Crosby will suffer the same fate.


Dec 7, 2002
I agree with this thread completely. He's overrated only because of how high the media is building him. Seeing him play live a few times, I can say that he has great desire and does look a lot like Forsberg and Jagr when he's on the puck i.e. wide base, difficult to know off. His desire and effort is incredible but I think he is too small to dominate and not creative enough to be even mentioned in the same breath as Gretzky or a young Yzerman.

Think of how many 15 to 16 yr old phenoms there have been in the last decade and a half. Lindros, Samsanov, Spezza, Bouwmeester ... Even Daniel Cleary.

I do disagree about the ripping of Lindros. He did have a ROY type first season and would have won the Calder if Selanne didn't have his record breaking freshman year.

Is everybody ready for the Phil Kessel and John Tavares hype?

the rusty tromb

Webcam slut
Jan 28, 2002
Dale Gribble's van
red said:
what is the nhl?

That league that will follow the same path as the WCW and XFL.

Crosby is a very good player, but he's overrated. Canadians and hockey fans in general are desperate for the next saviour, and as soon as the see a player with great potential at such a young age, they instantly start pumping him up.

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
Aug 31, 2004
In the Ring
The comparisons to Gretzky and Lemieux should wait until he has a season or two under his belt in the NHL. The NHL is so much faster, the players so much bigger.

In terms of physical attributes and style of play I see him more like a Marcel Dion, but only time will tell. He has a huge ass and his legs look like they were put on upside down. He's thick and has a low center of gravity. Great stickhandler, playmaker, checker and sniper.

I've met him and he's a great guy. Real down to earth.


Crotch Sniffer
Oct 22, 2003
Caledon East
ricflairjuniour said:
I've met him and he's a great guy. Real down to earth.

and still a kid!


Aug 16, 2003
I'm not surprised by all of the "overhyped" and "great junior" reviews... Most review boards in the States think of Crosby in the same vein. Some even go so far as to limit him to being nothing more than a third-liner. In my opinion... you'll all be wrong. And it's not that I'm desperately looking for something to rejuvenate the game of hockey. He really IS that good. Do you really think that Poulion and Roussin are as good as their stats would indicate? Now at best, THEY will be decent pros... unless they get to play with Crosby.

C'mon people, you had a one line team that primarily existed because of the one man on that line. Replace Crosby with even a decent player and Rimouski never even gets a sniff at the Quebec title, let alone the Mem Cup. In an era where defence dominates the sport (even in Junior), you still had a player who accumulated more points than anybody else in their first two years than anybody else before him. Granted, Gretz only played one year... but notwithstanding him, that's a pretty damn big list. And a lot of the big guns previously listed (Lindros, Fluery, Yzerman, Lemieux) all played in stronger offensive eras.

As with any great player, in order to achieve greatness, you have to play with other very good to great players. As stated previously, his Junior linemates weren't bad... but as a pro, he'll get better ones. Luckily, I witnessed Gretz and Lemieux as they soared to jaw dropping stats... with very good to great players at their disposal. Yes... age, injury and a more defensive philosophy added to their declining stats, but so too did the wingers they eventually ended up having to play alongside. It's pretty tough to replace a Kurri or Jagr. And even with mediocrity, they still came close to averaging at least a point a game. With mediocrity, Crosby will at least be that good as well. With better talent (because the NHL is supposed to have the best talent in the world) he'll be that much of a better player. And yes... a dominant one.

And yes... while many Junior players do get tagged as being potential superstars, it is completely unfair to list Crosby in the same breath as a Cleary, Daigle or even a Jason Spezza (who will be a very good player). None of them had the same type of impact or numbers up to this respective point in their careers. Does anybody out there remember what Rimouski was before Crosby? And they still had Pouliot, who was already an Edmonton Oiler number one draft pick. The only player in the last little while who is comparable (besides Ovechkin) is Lindros. And yes, people, he was THAT good. As someone who watched him, played against him (and got hurt by him), he was a tremendously dominant player at both the Junior and Pro levels. His problem was that he was not exactly the brightest player on the ice. He tried to bring the same youthful arrogance he exibited as a Junior into the NHL. Stupid moves like crossing the blueline with your head down works when you're bigger than everybody, but in the NHL... Crosby is a much, much smarter individual than Lindros ever was, and with more talent. And really... more of everything.

Just wait and see... :cool:



Dos XX at Senor Frogs
Jan 13, 2004
Playa Del Carmen Q.R.
I don't put stock in any athlete in the minors or semi pros....seen it too many times in too many sports

let me see...

Alexander Daigle, Christian Laettner, Bobby Hurley, Winslow, Len Bias etc...

A blown knee, motorcycle accident, a brawl, a conviction, a previously undetected heart condition. etc, etc.

Play the game, rack the stats and let history be the judge.

Crosby? We'll see.


Who Am I? U first!
Jan 2, 2003
eleven said:
I'm not surprised by all of the "overhyped" and "great junior" reviews... Most review boards in the States think of Crosby in the same vein. Some even go so far as to limit him to being nothing more than a third-liner. In my opinion... you'll all be wrong. And it's not that I'm desperately looking for something to rejuvenate the game of hockey. He really IS that good. Do you really think that Poulion and Roussin are as good as their stats would indicate? Now at best, THEY will be decent pros... unless they get to play with Crosby.

C'mon people, you had a one line team that primarily existed because of the one man on that line. Replace Crosby with even a decent player and Rimouski never even gets a sniff at the Quebec title, let alone the Mem Cup. In an era where defence dominates the sport (even in Junior), you still had a player who accumulated more points than anybody else in their first two years than anybody else before him. Granted, Gretz only played one year... but notwithstanding him, that's a pretty damn big list. And a lot of the big guns previously listed (Lindros, Fluery, Yzerman, Lemieux) all played in stronger offensive eras.

As with any great player, in order to achieve greatness, you have to play with other very good to great players. As stated previously, his Junior linemates weren't bad... but as a pro, he'll get better ones. Luckily, I witnessed Gretz and Lemieux as they soared to jaw dropping stats... with very good to great players at their disposal. Yes... age, injury and a more defensive philosophy added to their declining stats, but so too did the wingers they eventually ended up having to play alongside. It's pretty tough to replace a Kurri or Jagr. And even with mediocrity, they still came close to averaging at least a point a game. With mediocrity, Crosby will at least be that good as well. With better talent (because the NHL is supposed to have the best talent in the world) he'll be that much of a better player. And yes... a dominant one.

And yes... while many Junior players do get tagged as being potential superstars, it is completely unfair to list Crosby in the same breath as a Cleary, Daigle or even a Jason Spezza (who will be a very good player). None of them had the same type of impact or numbers up to this respective point in their careers. Does anybody out there remember what Rimouski was before Crosby? And they still had Pouliot, who was already an Edmonton Oiler number one draft pick. The only player in the last little while who is comparable (besides Ovechkin) is Lindros. And yes, people, he was THAT good. As someone who watched him, played against him (and got hurt by him), he was a tremendously dominant player at both the Junior and Pro levels. His problem was that he was not exactly the brightest player on the ice. He tried to bring the same youthful arrogance he exibited as a Junior into the NHL. Stupid moves like crossing the blueline with your head down works when you're bigger than everybody, but in the NHL... Crosby is a much, much smarter individual than Lindros ever was, and with more talent. And really... more of everything.

Just wait and see... :cool:

I would agree with what you just said. Not only does his stats speak for themselves but I like how he carry himself off the ice. His NHL career numbers may depend on what lucky team get his rights. Let him play with young & highly skilled teammates (I.E. like Gretz did) and we may all see someone truly special.


I would agree also because of what he has done at a young age. Back to back CHL MVP's at 16 & 17 is unheard of. I think Crosby will have NHL career where he puts up Steve Yzerman numbers or maybe better depending on the style of play he will face.


Crotch Sniffer
Oct 22, 2003
Caledon East
GlavaMan said:
Back to back CHL MVP's at 16 & 17 is unheard of. .

...just politics and sadly more hype ...

Lemieux didn't even win this award back to back though he put up much, much better numbers...
Aug 1, 2002
Another skilled player who is only a month younger than Crosby is Phil Kessel of the USA. They say he will go #1 overall in 2006 if there is a draft but Crosby obviously receives more hype in Canada since he is a Canadian.

Crosby is a good player, but who knows how well he'll be playing 10 years from now? I'm sure if Phil Kessel was Canadian we'd hear a lot more about him.




Dos XX at Senor Frogs
Jan 13, 2004
Playa Del Carmen Q.R.
Exactly VT.

I think all this talk is just that - talk. And we all know what talk is worth.

A players legacy and the eventual foundation for his legend has to be proven in the pros. I don't care how good somebody is in the minors - until they can perform at the highest level, there's no use of comparing him or her to the talent that has proven themselves in the pros.

Put up the numbers, do it every year and maybe there'll be something to discuss.........10 years from now.

Hockey fans are starting to look desperate - are we so hard up for the next "savior" of the game, that we're piling all this pressure on Crosby.


New member
Feb 15, 2004
You got to be kidding...

rubme said:
As for Lindros v Messier - With equal health I'd take Eric. To bad for the head stuff - One hell of a hockey player. Don't get me wrong Messier was one Great player. Using the word Great because he has played so long. Can not use that word for Eric. But I would still take Eric.
Messier at his prime???...the Messier that brought the Rangers the Cup???....all eyes were on him to deliver and he did...If Eric was ever under that kind of pressure to perform, you'd find him curled up in the corner in the fetal position..Eric has been a pampered baby all his life,...he lacks any mental toughness, while Messier is the epitome of that..



Jul 29, 2003
rubme said:
As for Lindros v Messier - With equal health I'd take Eric. To bad for the head stuff - One hell of a hockey player. Don't get me wrong Messier was one Great player. Using the word Great because he has played so long. Can not use that word for Eric. But I would still take Eric.
Holy shit do you need a serious dose of reality. How anyone can put crybaby and Mark Messier in the same sentence is beyond me. Messier's record is out there for everyone to judge. How you could throw a life line to Lindros who never had the toughness to make it no matter how much he tried is beyond me.

Is doesn't matter how skilled you are there are many other qualities you have to have. Eric Lindros...................."DING!!! Fall Down Eric" didn't possess them.

Eric in his dreams wishes he had 1/10 of Messiers success.


Crotch Sniffer
Oct 22, 2003
Caledon East
rubme said:
I just don't see Crosby better than Thorton or Nash. .

agree here...

and yet, crosby gets alot more media attention than either thorton or nash did at his age...

I also agree that Phil Kessel is a better player than Crosby.
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