Sicko or Lucky Bastard

Sicko or Lucky Bastard?

  • Sicko

    Votes: 8 7.6%
  • Lucky Bastard

    Votes: 97 92.4%

  • Total voters


New member
Apr 28, 2005
Lucky Bastard....sure why not...sicko? nah wasn't your suggestion/ just "went with the flow" of how things happened

by they by---I headed to out to BC in a couple of months---care to share any of the details--what town?


New member
Sep 8, 2004
Work in Cambridge 401/24
Haha this is funny....I asked my Mom to Cum and work with me (when I told her what I was doing) and she smiled and said "I dont think my husband would like that" ....I am just like my Mom but blonde and Busty and more MODERN she would put it.

I am on the fence about this one.....I would and I think the thought is hott but NOT with MY MOM. Maybe someone elses Mom though...we could always pretend to be Mother and Daughter. HAHA.


New member
Sep 13, 2006
Warrior666 said:
This one was a funny one for sure, I haven't laughed as much in a long time.

I was wondering if we could get perhaps some female opinions as well since it's pretty obvious how us, guys, feel about this situation ... :D
Well , I must say that I would never mix this kind business with my mother, father, brothers, or sisters. Way too freaky for my liking. As for the OP, kuddos to handling that situation well. If I were a man, I would have bolted out of there and fast!


New member
Jan 28, 2009
You're not a sicko, especially when you didn't know they were mother/daughter going into the session.

Brings to mind two past expereinces:

(1) I used to be very heavily into fetish and BDSM scenes, even working Pro for a time (long since retired).

I attended pretty much any party I could until I was at a play party and saw my mother and father playing. Haven't been to a party since lol. So no I couldn't work with my family hehe.

(2) I have been with a Mother and daughter though not at the same time. Nor did I know they were related until the daughter brought me home to meet mom for dinner (about 7 months after I'd broke off with her). That was a rather awkward experience for us all, but being the ass that I am I simply said "well since we all know each other, what's on the menu tonight?"



New member
Nov 24, 2005
I banged a stripper once that was pregnant with her daughter wondering if that counts as a mother daughter experience.
calloway said:
I'm still a little worried about springing the hard on... but finally decided what the hell.
I voted Sicko, just because I think it's a title that suits you... in a good way of course.

What I especially admire is you ability to discuss the situation with your dick before you decide to "spring" one. Talk about self-control. Mine rarely lets its feelings be known ahead of time.. just takes off all on its own!

All the same, I don't think you're a sicko in this situation only because you went in blind. Booking a "family outing" with full knowledge ahead of time is a little twisted IMHO.

There is one well-known KW regular (now in TO) whose Mom was in the MP business as I recall. We used to joke about a duo with Mom and it completely creeped her out... ;)

I also remember a session with Camryn at QS in Hamilton. She popped out of the room to give her daughter my cash who was short that night...

I suspect that the "trade" might have more family businesses in it than we realize...
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