Siberian Tigers Fed Live Cow in China

Jul 4, 2002
The Chinese have little respect for life in general. Look at their human right stance, and the way they dispose of their daughters if they can't have a son. Gotta love the dumbass douchebags filming the video.
Chinese are not alone there. And when you have 1,2 billion people it is hard to worry about lives as they see such poverty every day, what is one more person gone.


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
Gotta love the dumbass douchebags filming the video.
That's what got me the most, they seem to be revelling in that slaughter, my stomach couldn't take it although I know it happens in the wild, I'd rather not see it, definitely not be cheering.
its PETA's definition of what is ethical that I have a problem with. I don't like the idea of fur coats either , except where the animal has already been killed for food. if its already being killed for food , then why not use the entire animal?
I don't disagree. If a cow is going to be killed anyway, then by all means use the hide for leather. I am not aware of any recipes for mink, beaver, wolf, seal, muskrat, chinchilla etc. Many of these animals are killed in absolutely barbaric ways... rectal electrocution, drowning, leg-hold traps, clubbing, and often skinned before they are dead. Most fur in the cheaper clothing lines is from cats and dogs, harvested in China.

As far as I know , PETA is against people even owning pets. That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard of. For them to sit on their high horse and try to dictate to everyone else that they should not keep a cat or a dog as a pet is a slap in the face to every pet owner that takes proper care of their pet.
Nope. In fact many of their ads show people with their pets and use that "connection" as a way to influence people's thinking.

I only watched a bit of that video, but it didn't appear to be relevant. I don't really think you want to start posting videos. The collection on PETA's website is horrific.

For the record, I don't disagree that PETA is often "out there", but maintain that a lot of their actions are designed to simply draw attention to their cause. At the risk of opening a can of worms, it's a bit like the anti-abortion movement. Most organizations that are anti-abortion are represented by the extreme nut cases. It doesn't mean that everyone who is "generally" against abortion is a nut case. While I am an absolute believer in a woman's "right to choose", I don't think abortion is an ideal form of birth control, and I think most people would agree with that. Try a condom or a pill first, but if all else fails, than perhaps an abortion, after due consideration, is a viable option.

Similarly with animal cruelty. If we acknowledge that we are going to eat meat, wouldn't you prefer that the animals were kept in clean, decent surroundings and killed without suffering. I don't think anyone other than a psychopath could derive "pleasure" from an animal suffering. And that's where I am coming from. All things considered, isn't it better to treat animals "better" than "worse"?

And I have a house full of pets by the way. And yes, some are "rescues".

I apologize to the OP for hijacking his thread. I'm going out to hug some squirrels now.

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
Again, totally wrong. Why don't you guys research a little before your spout off.
Not wrong, but you can believe their marketing. I did my research, buddy. My opinion of PETA still stands. They should be labeled terrorists. You and I can both read and understand the same research and differ on opinion - this maybe a surprise you self-centered PETA types, but it's true.

Cinema Face

New member
Mar 1, 2003
The Middle Kingdom
They should be labeled terrorists. .
Actually, I read that according to the FBI, the animal rights activist groups are the largest terrorists groups in the US, in terms of numbers of dollars worth of property damage. No one has yet been killed by their acts but it's only a matter of time.

PETA does not directly support the terrorist activities but they do help finance the more radical groups that do.

I agree that they have a legitimate cause. We should always treat animals with dignity and respect. When we have to end their life, we do so in the most painless way possible.

These radical tactics hurt their cause. I remember an activist woman who was convicted of blowing up a testing lab said that she had to do it, to make people aware.

A week ago, I saw a video clip where a bunch of nuts from PETA disrupted a dog show. A dog Show! They were protesting the pure breeding of dogs.

Until they can start being with more constructive ways of furthering their cause, they should be condemned and boycotted.

I'm just waiting for some nuts to start with the ethical treatment of plants. lol


Active member
Aug 19, 2001
I agree with Stoo. He's admitted PETA isn't perfect, but their basic beliefs are sound. I think a lot of opposition to PETA is lodged in guilt.


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2005
Peta : Rich bitches, fashionable ladies have to have a cause.

I know a rich bitch that heads up an organization against owning hand guns. What she does not realize is that it is so hard for that law abiding citizen to own a handgun that there are very few in the hands of honest citizens. All the illegal handguns are owned by criminals and drug dealers.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
west of the city
I don't have a problem with treating animals ethically.

its PETA's definition of what is ethical that I have a problem with. I don't like the idea of fur coats either , except where the animal has already been killed for food. if its already being killed for food , then why not use the entire animal?

I don't think zoo's are that bad , as long as the animals being kept are provided with the proper habitat, close as possible to their natural environment. I think they're good in a sense that we can take children there so they can see animals from different parts of the world , which they may never otherwise be able to see and appreciate.

As far as I know , PETA is against people even owning pets. That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard of. For them to sit on their high horse and try to dictate to everyone else that they should not keep a cat or a dog as a pet is a slap in the face to every pet owner that takes proper care of their pet.

I won't argue against the fact that SOME people should not own pets, as they're dumber than the pets they own, and can't take care of them properly. But that's a case by case situation.

and PETA's tactics are exactly the reason why they don't get any respect from me. Throwing blood on people who wear fur is not going to win you any friends.

here's something for PETA members to watch


Ok,had to say something on this.
Contrary to what you said about Zoos,Many of them are totally inappropriate places for wild animals to be kept. Elephants get foot rot,arthritis and are often kept in solitude.Although not necessarily mistreated,keeping animals out of their natural environment and in confined spaces is in my mind cruel and unhealthy for the animals

The Peta 'ethos' on keeping pets is that over the years with humans breeding animals to be kept and regarded as "pets" an overpopulation crisis has occurred meaning millions of unwanted animals are destroyed every year because there just arent enough homes for them.Having worked in a vets and done voluntary work in other countries and seen unwanted dogs and cats gassed,hung,disposed of in all sorts of inhumane ways because their 'owner' didnt want them.I'm inclined to agree. They certainly dont dictate to anyone not to own a pet! Peta actively rehome animals and campaign to bring about laws to protect pets and support their owners

As for Peta's advertising campaigns.Controversial they may be but eye catching advertising to make a point has got them in the public eye and the following they have today.i dont agree with everything they stand for,but most of it

Also as for the record Peta 'members' may have thrown paint on a fur wearer,but Peta itself do NOT advocate this practice

Cinema Face

New member
Mar 1, 2003
The Middle Kingdom
The humane treatment of animals is a worthy cause. There are cases where animals are treated poorly so there is much work to be done with this cause. I think nobody would dispute that.

However, when certain people do extremely idiotic things to get their point across, then the point is lost on most people and all they remember is the idiotic thing. It may get them attention, but it’s not good attention. The radical activists and their antics undermine an otherwise noble cause.
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