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Should we all wear masks & go back to work?

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
I don't think it can hurt that we all wear masks. Especially since you're less inclined to touch your face with it on. But the front line workers should be the first priority for mask supply - hearing of shortages is completely ridiculous. Didn't help that many of us sent tonnes of them to China in Jan/Feb.


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2014
People in Japan are working. No shutdown. The subways are as jammed as ever. Most people wearing masks. 43 deaths so far.
Sweden has 10 million people. 4000 cases & 92 deaths so far. Life has been going on uninterrupted. Ski resorts, restaurants, bars all open. No masks - nothing. Their Nordic neighbors Norway and Denmark have shut down.

My fellow Canadians. There are lessons here. We are not Italy. We are not Spain. We are not New York City. I am an engineer. I deal in facts not hysteria. Look at the facts. The coronavirus is doing much less harm than the flu, which has sickened 40,101 people so far and killed over 1000. In terrible years, the flu kills about 3500, including hundreds of kids. For some reason, the young dont seem to be affected as much by the coronavirus. But all schools are closed. I go for walks with my dog and oncoming people avoid the sidewalk like I have the plague. It's as if getting the virus is a death sentence. And yet many afflicted people dont even require hospitalization. I live with 2 healthcare providers. They tell me the hospitals are not anymore busier than normal.

We are starring a fucking depression in the face. Dont people care about that???????
Your preaching to the choir! By know means should any government take this lightly as we've seen it can get out of hand quick in countries that didn't take measures (or not enough) soon enough. As a whole Canada's population is very spread out compared to America, almost 9x the density, China 36x & Italy slightly over 50x. Obviously the places to worry about is our large cities ie GTA, Montreal, Ottawa, Calgary, Vancouver. Not just for the heavy population but for all the world travellers coming through the airports. I would hope in the next week or so people outside the big cities with small enough numbers by their health departments could resume business with some checks in place. To quarantine & put the whole country in lockdown when there's 1 or 2 out of 20,000 in a community infected is just plain asinine.

Look at the data, keep the elders & at risk quarantined, put more restrictions in the cities & airports, temp check everyone flying in from another country & every person crossing our border by land. Put more checks in place in our big cities, mandatory masks would be a great idea...oh wait the government never seen this coming & didn't think to have talks with the manufactures until now :doh: . Slowly get this economy rolling before we dig a hole so deep will end up in China...& nobody here wants to work for 2 or 3 bucks an hour!


Well-known member
May 12, 2014
Masks are good. Problem is we just don't have enough. We need them for our first responders. That's why we have to find reasons for the general public to not wear them or they will then panic and all rush for them a la toilet paper rush!


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
Masks are good. Problem is we just don't have enough. We need them for our first responders. That's why we have to find reasons for the general public to not wear them or they will then panic and all rush for them a la toilet paper rush!
If the government really wants the masks, why haven't they bought all those available, such as on Amazon, ebay, etc? The government could contact the sellers & buy them out for months to come.

There's plenty of masks to be had. In the Czech Republic they just made them at home or in businesses. In a short time they had more than enough for everyone.

DIY masks are being made at home by many using many materials, such as, for a few examples:

Paper towels
Duct tape
Vacuum bags

Other examples of masks available at home or obtainable in stores (e.g. Shoppers Drug Mart/ 7-11) or by online purchases:

Motorcycle helmet face shield
Halloween masks
Hockey mask w face shields


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
I've been working and earning throughout this entire ordeal. I'll come out ahead financially of those that aren't. What a blessing.

Big Brother won't save you if the shit really hits the fan. Ante up, go out there, and make that money!

"It is in times of great fear or greed that the most opportunity exists."


Sep 29, 2004
That's nice to say, but some industries like real estate and entertainment have been hobbled or closed down completely. It's easy to say find another job and I know grocery stores have been hiring but there simple are not enough jobs to replace the ones lost, especially in specialized fields.
I agree with other's here. 1 month may be the max that most can handle this, longer than that and I think we will start to see some disturbances and possible violence soon. People do not take too kindly to losing their home and possibly being out on the streets.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Everyone wear a mask in public.

Really Like your video!

Please share this video to everyone! Email or twitter it or Facebook it , post it on chat board . Help it go viral in Canada , etc, we need to save lives and our economy..

PS Help flatten the curve! Prevent a global recession or depression saved the economy and saved lives!
Fuck the politics ( left or right). TIme put aside our differences and united to fight the common enemy ( covid-19) ... time to do what right!
This is common sense!
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