As someone here on TERB asked:
You know surferboy, it seems only a few of us have a grip on the economic apocalypse we are facing. For example, Tim Horton's closed down completely - no drive-through, no takeout, nothing, laying off thousands of employees. Why not let the employees wear masks and keep working? Some people are going to get sick no matter what but it seems coronavirus infection in Canada does not equate to serious illness as in Italy or Spain. The press is talking as if an infection is a death sentence. Unreal!
Japan closed down schools and sports but they have not shut down completely - the subways are as jammed as ever. And they are not even bothering with testing - only 12,000 or so so far. But everyone wears masks in public. Isn't there a lesson to be learned? Mexico has only 585 cases and 6 deaths so far and life goes on - no shutdowns.
Wake up, people. Wake up before the Canadian economy is irreparably damaged.