Should we all wear masks & go back to work?


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
As someone here on TERB asked:

You know surferboy, it seems only a few of us have a grip on the economic apocalypse we are facing. For example, Tim Horton's closed down completely - no drive-through, no takeout, nothing, laying off thousands of employees. Why not let the employees wear masks and keep working? Some people are going to get sick no matter what but it seems coronavirus infection in Canada does not equate to serious illness as in Italy or Spain. The press is talking as if an infection is a death sentence. Unreal!

Japan closed down schools and sports but they have not shut down completely - the subways are as jammed as ever. And they are not even bothering with testing - only 12,000 or so so far. But everyone wears masks in public. Isn't there a lesson to be learned? Mexico has only 585 cases and 6 deaths so far and life goes on - no shutdowns.

Wake up, people. Wake up before the Canadian economy is irreparably damaged.


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
Should we all wear masks & go back to work?

Absolutely not.

This is a public health emergency. The leaders of the government is obligated to listen to the doctors, virologist, and epidemiologist first before anyone else.

To put it into perspective, Doug Ford immediately ordered the state of emergency, he did not dithered or debate it, or hemmed and hawed. He acted. Unfortunately for him, a lot of Covid-19 returned home across the border carrying the coronavirus.


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
If people are forced back to work with an unknown coronavirus propagating through the community, capital is essentially forcing labour into a potential dangerous and life threatening situation.

Apparently there are laws against. I don't I know. I guess there are.

I never made someone do something they were uncomfortable with or they thought it was dangerous. In those cases, I did it myself.

Force the worker back under current conditions is to invite litigation.



Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Despite the number of times we've been told, people don;t seem to get that masks mainly prevent sick people from spreading the virus and don't do much to stop the spread exept for people you are in extremely close contact with.

Pisses me off to see people wasting medical quality masks when the people who actually need them have shortages.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
How long the shut down will last??? One month? Three? Six? I even heard eight from the "medical professionals". Here's a bucket of cold water- anything over 30-90 days and tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, will not have a job to come back to. Everyone seems to be just assuming that, after a brief interlude, things will just be as before. Not so, boys and girls. Very soon a decision will have to be made.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
That would be a solution but there are not enough masks for everyone. 3M would have to manufacture at least 1 trillion masks.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Despite the number of times we've been told, people don;t seem to get that masks mainly prevent sick people from spreading the virus and don't do much to stop the spread exept for people you are in extremely close contact with.

Pisses me off to see people wasting medical quality masks when the people who actually need them have shortages.
How do we beat covic-19 ?

Bottom line everyone wear a MASKS.

Go to video 22:38

Yes, Governments & they fuckup on planning for pandemics ... if government haven't spend billions of dollars on climate changes/ aka " global warming ' in the first place . If they just bought N-95 masks and or surgery facemask for everyone in the face place then Canada ( also rest of the world) would not be in deep shit!

Yes Frontline workers do need the N-95 mask , but don't shame the public from not wearing the mask first place because of the government fuckup in the first place.

Yes mask do help greatly.
Last edited:


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Despite the number of times we've been told, people don;t seem to get that masks mainly prevent sick people from spreading the virus and don't do much to stop the spread exept for people you are in extremely close contact with.

Pisses me off to see people wasting medical quality masks when the people who actually need them have shortages.
You ever done construction - drywall sanding, concrete grinding, etc? A mask makes a big difference.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
People in Japan are working. No shutdown. The subways are as jammed as ever. Most people wearing masks. 43 deaths so far.
Sweden has 10 million people. 4000 cases & 92 deaths so far. Life has been going on uninterrupted. Ski resorts, restaurants, bars all open. No masks - nothing. Their Nordic neighbors Norway and Denmark have shut down.

My fellow Canadians. There are lessons here. We are not Italy. We are not Spain. We are not New York City. I am an engineer. I deal in facts not hysteria. Look at the facts. The coronavirus is doing much less harm than the flu, which has sickened 40,101 people so far and killed over 1000. In terrible years, the flu kills about 3500, including hundreds of kids. For some reason, the young dont seem to be affected as much by the coronavirus. But all schools are closed. I go for walks with my dog and oncoming people avoid the sidewalk like I have the plague. It's as if getting the virus is a death sentence. And yet many afflicted people dont even require hospitalization. I live with 2 healthcare providers. They tell me the hospitals are not anymore busier than normal.

We are starring a fucking depression in the face. Dont people care about that???????
Take a look at this tweeter video, most people don't grasp exponential growth!

Quoth the Raven on Twitter:
"This is a terrifying video chart "
~~~~>^tfw <~~~ click on 1 minutes video chart.
Maybe when you click it you will understand why all cities, and countries are shutting down. And telling everyone to stay the fuck home.


Ro ( Rnaught) & Exponentially growth with asymmetrical symptons plays a major role in covid-19.

Feb 25

Now is the time for US businesses, hospitals, and communities to begin preparing for the possible spread of #COVID19. CDC continues to work with business, education & healthcare sectors, encouraging employers to be prepared. Learn more:

Case mortality for seasonal flu is 0.1%

Covid-19 case mortality according to WHO 0.7% - 3.4% but it estimated case mortality for Italy is lot higher then 3.4% and when the hospital system is overwhelmed then the death rate beginning to raised to 8% or more see below graph from italy

Death rate for this graph in Italy approaches almost 9%, because the Hospital is overwhelmied then patients start to die.

If you not convinced that go out a catch it and post your covid-19 symptoms here. Maybe you are the lucky one only have just a minor flu or minor cold symptoms . I not taking any chances and I like my lungs.

Well, now we know.
The COVID-19 is a virus with a strangely long incubation period coupled with being highly transmissible and just deadly enough (3% to 5% death rate) to cause fear within the population. This novel virus is not going to go away for a while; it will most likely ( hope not) stick to the global populace like glue for the rest of the year, and like the Spanish Flu which was active for around two years, the longer it circulates the more deaths accumulate.

The main reason given for shutting down everything , is to “flatten the curve”, so the numbers don’t spike and overwhelm hospitals. If you’re a serious casualty, you can go to a hospital. But, frankly, they can do nothing for you, except put you on a ventilator, and hope that gives you time to recover. It’s said there are about 150,000 in the US, and you may need it for five or six days.

Lot of people underestimate exponential growth of this covid-19 virus.

Yes, I agree with you that starting a depression is bad also! A depression will cause lots of homelessness and sucides.

Unfortunately we are caught in a no win situation. It a three way balancing act between Economy ( ex: people dying sucides, destroying the economy ) and overwhelmingly the hospital ( healthcare workers getting sick & patient dying ) and containing the disease ( uncontrollably infection lead to more people dying and people not able to work because they are sick or dying not counting those that will have life long lung damages)

PS. Hopefully you now understand why Italy, France, U.K., Canada , India, New York( USA) are shutting down. In the beginning of the outbreak repeated-brainwashed misinformation or maybe underestimate by mainstream media, saying it only the flu and more people die every year of the flu and covid-19 is overhyped.

PPS. Once Ontario hit exponential growth phase we are so fuck ... we will become like NEW YORK. The reason we shut down now is to prevent a situation like NEW YORK or Italy. There a time delay of 14 day from symptoms and approx 4 days before becoming too sick then going to hospital. And in every 2-3 days in double.


Aug 20, 2019
People in Japan are working. No shutdown. The subways are as jammed as ever. Most people wearing masks. 43 deaths so far.
Sweden has 10 million people. 4000 cases & 92 deaths so far. Life has been going on uninterrupted. Ski resorts, restaurants, bars all open. No masks - nothing. Their Nordic neighbors Norway and Denmark have shut down.

My fellow Canadians. There are lessons here. We are not Italy. We are not Spain. We are not New York City. I am an engineer. I deal in facts not hysteria. Look at the facts. The coronavirus is doing much less harm than the flu, which has sickened 40,101 people so far and killed over 1000. In terrible years, the flu kills about 3500, including hundreds of kids. For some reason, the young dont seem to be affected as much by the coronavirus. But all schools are closed. I go for walks with my dog and oncoming people avoid the sidewalk like I have the plague. It's as if getting the virus is a death sentence. And yet many afflicted people dont even require hospitalization. I live with 2 healthcare providers. They tell me the hospitals are not anymore busier than normal.

We are starring a fucking depression in the face. Dont people care about that???????

WE ARE NOT ITALY. SPAIN OR THE US FOR A FUCKING REASON SIMPLETON. We took this a lot more seriously than they did, much earlier. The numbers so far are lower, but WE ARE NOT OUT OF THE WOODS YET. I've been saying for a while now that all these idiots who think it's a nothingburger will say "see, told ya" when the numbers stay manageable BECAUSE WE TOOK DECISIVE ACTION EARLY. Some of us (like me) have been isolating since March 12th (that was my first day) and although some were slower to adopt it than others, I think a good number of Canadians didn't have their heads up their asses and took it seriously early on.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
People in Japan are working. No shutdown. The subways are as jammed as ever. Most people wearing masks. 43 deaths so far.
Sweden has 10 million people. 4000 cases & 92 deaths so far. Life has been going on uninterrupted. Ski resorts, restaurants, bars all open. No masks - nothing. Their Nordic neighbors Norway and Denmark have shut down.

My fellow Canadians. There are lessons here. We are not Italy. We are not Spain. We are not New York City. I am an engineer. I deal in facts not hysteria. Look at the facts. The coronavirus is doing much less harm than the flu, which has sickened 40,101 people so far and killed over 1000. In terrible years, the flu kills about 3500, including hundreds of kids. For some reason, the young dont seem to be affected as much by the coronavirus. But all schools are closed. I go for walks with my dog and oncoming people avoid the sidewalk like I have the plague. It's as if getting the virus is a death sentence. And yet many afflicted people dont even require hospitalization. I live with 2 healthcare providers. They tell me the hospitals are not anymore busier than normal.

We are starring a fucking depression in the face. Dont people care about that???????
GO TO 13:30 of video


Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
WE ARE NOT ITALY. SPAIN OR THE US FOR A FUCKING REASON SIMPLETON. We took this a lot more seriously than they did, much earlier. The numbers so far are lower, but WE ARE NOT OUT OF THE WOODS YET. I've been saying for a while now that all these idiots who think it's a nothingburger will say "see, told ya" when the numbers stay manageable BECAUSE WE TOOK DECISIVE ACTION EARLY. Some of us (like me) have been isolating since March 12th (that was my first day) and although some were slower to adopt it than others, I think a good number of Canadians didn't have their heads up their asses and took it seriously early on.
I have been isolating since around that time as well. I think that was the day I first announced that I would not be working until further notice.

Japan has such low “numbers” because testing isn’t being done. You can report on something you are not caring enough to track.

28,000 people have died from this virus globally. Over 600K infected. Again, global numbers. IF those numbers don’t make someone think, then I don’t know what will.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
If we didn't already know, we are finding out a lot of jobs can be performed from a home office. Less traffic, less pollution, less contact with infected humans. Less time loss in transit. Less traffic accidents.

Even if they re-open the economy, I have no desire to go out to a crowded bar/restaurant, night club, theatre, etc.


The Chiseler
Jan 4, 2008
working from home may be the new norm. Office space in the downtown core is very expensive. At the office one can work a whole day without having to talk to anyone face to face regardless.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
working from home may be the new norm. Office space in the downtown core is very expensive. At the office one can work a whole day without having to talk to anyone face to face regardless.
Of course pouring concrete from home, fixing a car or serving scotch may be somewhat problematic.


Active member
Feb 18, 2013
People in Japan are working. No shutdown. The subways are as jammed as ever. Most people wearing masks. 43 deaths so far.
Sweden has 10 million people. 4000 cases & 92 deaths so far. Life has been going on uninterrupted. Ski resorts, restaurants, bars all open. No masks - nothing. Their Nordic neighbors Norway and Denmark have shut down.

My fellow Canadians. There are lessons here. We are not Italy. We are not Spain. We are not New York City. I am an engineer. I deal in facts not hysteria. Look at the facts. The coronavirus is doing much less harm than the flu, which has sickened 40,101 people so far and killed over 1000. In terrible years, the flu kills about 3500, including hundreds of kids. For some reason, the young dont seem to be affected as much by the coronavirus. But all schools are closed. I go for walks with my dog and oncoming people avoid the sidewalk like I have the plague. It's as if getting the virus is a death sentence. And yet many afflicted people dont even require hospitalization. I live with 2 healthcare providers. They tell me the hospitals are not anymore busier than normal.

We are starring a fucking depression in the face. Dont people care about that???????
if the economy goes down, it will be far worse for people


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
if the economy goes down, it will be far worse for people
May First will be the judgement day for the small businesses and the regular folks across this country. 70% will not be able to make rents/mortgage payments. We will have no choice, then.
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