Back in the day I met a few American draft dodgers, maybe you too.
I concur and yet I wonder if it would've been a good thing had every youth wanted.......................................................
People will volunteer to fight for their homes and families. But they should not be forced to fight in foreign lands. Thats what the draft gives power hungry people. The means to use military forces for personal gain, at no cost to themselves.
to be a draft dodger during WWII. Were I a youth back then and between leaving the
country to risk their lives to safeguard liberty and democracy for future generations
and riding on a bicycle wearing a German helmet in Montreal like Pierre Trudeau
I would've been tempted to join the future PM of Canada in the dark side. While
In principle I do not support mandatory enlistment to the army I think there are
measures we can introduce to bring more young people into the military. Perhaps
incentives like grants and aids for those who complete military services to further
their education can be an option to consider.
And its quite simply Unconstitutional. The Govt doesn't have the right to order someone to kill another.