Ashley Madison

Short on time Oasis or any other MP


New member
Feb 1, 2007
Just want to know if it is a common practice in MP to get less than what you paid for?

I really enjoy massage and not only looking for the end part of it.

Sent this message to the email I had from booking and didn't get an answer at all.(part of the email only)

'''''''''Very enjoyable moment!

Very good soft massage, no more tension, very good technique.Very talented.

Only disapointment is the ''time''.

Out of my car at 17h55 and back in my car at 18h30 (not a guess, real time)

That include,

-calling from the intercom, stairs, hallway, greeting, payment.
-cleaning oil (wet towel)
-payment again, hallway, stairs, get back to the cars

all that in 35 minutes'''''''''

Is it something that might be only caused by the attendant at that time?

Is it common?

If you pay for 45 min, Is the shower included in that time? I felt like if I received a 20 min massage....

My understanding is that the session starts when you start getting massaged and stops when the MA do not touch you anymore.... Shower for me is just showing respect for the MA.

My last massage(before this one) was at R & E and April offered me to continue the massage after....Was amazing!!!

Let me know what you think , maybe I'm wrong !!! By the way it's not a chemistry problem or non respect of the MA, I'm a really clean person and a respectful gentleman.



New member
Feb 1, 2007
You are right...lesson learned!!!! Never going to see me back , not even answered my email... I would have appreciate some feed-back from them !!

I just didn't feel like saying something while I was leaving. I guess she would have been mad if I would have ask for my other 20 minutes ....


Left-handed user
Jan 6, 2007
The outer fringe
You are right...lesson learned!!!! Never going to see me back , not even answered my email... I would have appreciate some feed-back from them !!

I just didn't feel like saying something while I was leaving. I guess she would have been mad if I would have ask for my other 20 minutes ....
Sorry to hear this, Dave, but can't say I am it is unheard of. Being shortchanged on time is something I have experienced at all establishments I have gone to (this does not apply to Body Basics, where I have never been). There was one attendant at ALO last spring who was dead set on getting it over in 15-20 minutes top!
The surprising thing about ALO is the wide variance in customer services: some attendants are really good, some are like the one you've seen on that day. In a few cases, they more or less told me that the clients often wish it to take no more than 30 minutes...
Management responding to your feedback? Quite unlikely...

take care,

Sorry to hear about your experience Dave :( Best to pay attention to reviews in the future from fellow terbies.....All the Best to you in your future endevours!


Active member
Sep 13, 2005
I think a lot of girls are just not happy and/or just don't care what they are doing and it shows in the length of sessions. The ones that do like their jobs and effort into their sessions are rewarded by repeat and regular customers, (Michelle's and Maureen's come to mind, Body Senses? Forget it.) Shorting on time is a huge turnoff. A 45 min session should last an hour at the studio. 10 min shower, 45 min session, 5 min pay and goodbye. An MA should not even start the tease and flip until at least 30 min into the session. Maybe I'm picky and yes they only make money on tips but if they put some effort in they'd get a repeat customer rather than a pissed off on at one session.


Jun 27, 2006
I can understand your frustration with being short-changed on time but I'd blame the MA, not the parlor. I've enjoyed some of my best sessions at ALO and also some of my worst! Read the boards and see the ladies with the good reviews. If they short-change you on time, don't see them again, soon they'll be out of the business. A note to the management would also be good so they are aware, even if they don't have the sense to respond. I started visiting a spa in November and on the fourth visit (different MA each time) the MA did exactly what happened to you and I haven't been back since. I didn't take my own advice and let management know but I should have. In my experience, if you want a guarantee of the full session and a good time, go independent.

Has Body Basics changed? I was there a few years ago in an industrial strip mall off St-Laurent. The place stunk of cigarette smoke and I was a smoker..just walked out! Is this not the case anymore? Maybe I'll have to give them another try. Any recommendations on who to see?
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I completely agree with you mmad....just b/c 1 girl may be a bad apple at the mp does not mean all other girls are the same...always good to notify management in a case like this is so true....maybe management does not know that particular mpa is short changing clients on there service :( If you are paying for a 45 minute massage Dave that means you should be getting a 45 minute massage period end of story....another example that comes to would the girl giving you the massage feel if she went to get her haircut and hairdresser only cut 3/4 of her hair....and said ok we are done she would not to


New member
Jan 21, 2011
With regards to the OPs question... I have had several similar experiences.
I find that independents in Ottawa take greater care to provide top-notch service.
Yes, there are some good places out there.
But an independent has nothing if she doesn't have her reputation.
I was at one Asian place recently, paid for 45 minutes, and was asked "do you mind if we cut this short - there's another client waiting". I couldn't believe it.
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