Shooting Victim This Week-End was a Dancer


Active member
Aug 18, 2001
TheNiteHwk said:
Sadly another one of our sisters has been taken away from us. Shot by her common law-partner this weekend. In the article (link below) they mention how she was getting tired of him just lying around on the couch all day. Meanwhile she was out working as a dancer to pay the rent and feed her child. How typical. How sad. I know we must presume innocent till proven guilty... but I hope they throw the book at this guy.
So... while you may be more qualified to comment as to whether this is a "typical" scenario in a dancer's life...
that is NOT what your comments above construed.

Your comments construed that many (read=ALL) men are guilty of this.

Frankly, I work & travel and average of 12 hrs a day to bring home big bucks in support of my family.
Notice I didn't say "my" child. A child has 2 parents.
(above you construe that her child had only one parent.)

Please understand that I abhor domestic violence.
I am a firm supporter of causes against men who abuse women as well as against deadbeat dads.

To characterize all/most men in the same category as this offender is just wrong.
In fact, your characterization of this as being "typical" male behaviour is truly as sad as this story you relate to above.



New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
Thanks Bone:

You have to excuse me. I only have college education. And that was many years ago. lol.

I can see where some may read into my post that my statement was a general one referring to all men. However I did not mean it that way. I was referring to dancers' SOs. I think most here caught on to that. The child as I understand it was hers and not his. In any case it sounds to me like the guy was a deadbeat and she was bringing home the bacon. Some may find the term typical a little strong. I do not. At the very least IMO we can say this situation is not at all uncommon in this biz. And sadly I think it is a characteristic of the adult biz. In my office for example there are about 30 women working here. Many have kids and almost all (as far as I know) have working & non-abusive partners. In the average dressing room of 30 or 40 dancers I don't think you can say that.


Unbanned (for now) ;)
Mar 17, 2004
Re: Thanks Bone:

TheNiteHwk said:
... And sadly I think it is a characteristic of the adult biz . In my office for example there are about 30 women working here. Many have kids and almost all (as far as I know) have working & non-abusive partners. In the average dressing room of 30 or 40 dancers I don't think you can say that.
You have made a good point NiteHwk. Not to side track the real focus (which is to think about the slain dancer) and hijack this thread ... but why do you think that is. Why do women in the adult industry seem to gravitate towards an SO with predominantly these kinds of characteristics? Dialog on this topic might reflect a mirror image for some and maybe it might be beneficial. Here is to hoping that the cycle can be broken anyway.

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
An interesting thread. The report was the victim and she was a victim probably in more ways than one, was shot to death. Guns, whether a hand gun or a long gun are so bloody impersonal when it comes to taking a life. It was the spousal violence in most cases against women that put emphasis behind getting long guns registered. It was not safer hunting practices, nor was it gang related. Simply put, there were and are too many women being slaughtered by men who had easy access to guns. The guns were not locked up. There was no time span between the initial outburst of violent anger and having to get the gun. At least now if the rules are being followed the weapon has to be unlocked from a gun cabinet, the weapon then has to be loaded, and the trigger pulled. This sequence gives more time for common sense to take place. It also gives the potential victim time to vacate the scene. Obviously none of this helped the poor woman that was shot. Violence sucks, violence against women is violence of the worst kind.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
A few reasons...

tompeepin said:
You have made a good point NiteHwk. Not to side track the real focus (which is to think about the slain dancer) and hijack this thread ... but why do you think that is. Why do women in the adult industry seem to gravitate towards an SO with predominantly these kinds of characteristics? Dialog on this topic might reflect a mirror for some and maybe it might be beneficial. Here is to hoping that the cycle can be broke anyway.
Good question. We have discussed it here before. There are a few reasons I believe. I am leaving the office in 5 mins though so will only mention one. The one reason I think is most common why: Low Self-Esteem.


New member
Sep 29, 2003
Home made weapon.

Sounds like a tube and a shotgun style bullet or large caliber round. Very sick. Very sad. :( Escorts tend to end up with ***** men on those Jerry Springer style shows...and in reality also.
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