Shooting Victim This Week-End was a Dancer


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
Sadly another one of our sisters has been taken away from us. Shot by her common law-partner this weekend. In the article (link below) they mention how she was getting tired of him just lying around on the couch all day. Meanwhile she was out working as a dancer to pay the rent and feed her child. How typical. How sad. I know we must presume innocent till proven guilty... but I hope they throw the book at this guy.
Thats typicaL????? You mean men never work and all of us sit around while the wife is the bread-earner???
hhhmm......where do I find a wife like that??


Niagara's nightmare
Jan 9, 2002
Niagara Falls
I think the "typical" thing might be the fact that he was laying around all day doing nothing. There is a vast majority, not ALL, but a majority of guys who do this (no i don't have actual percentages and i'm not going anywhere near goober's butt to get them either). Not only in the SC scene but in the MPA and escorts too.

Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
diva631 said:
I think the "typical" thing might be the fact that he was laying around all day doing nothing. There is a vast majority, not ALL, but a majority of guys who do this (no i don't have actual percentages and i'm not going anywhere near goober's butt to get them either). Not only in the SC scene but in the MPA and escorts too.
I really don't want to harp on this in light of the issue, but if you don't have facts or numbers then how can you say it's typical?


semi retired stage lover
Apr 27, 2004
between here and there
When the woman in the relationship works 'in the business',the men tend to lay around.I am speaking from experience. My ex started doing nothing....said he could never make as much money as I did.And typically, he was extremely abusive,but I left before he could shoot me with the rifle my money paid for.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
Sad but true...

johnnyhandsome said:
Thats typicaL????? You mean men never work and all of us sit around while the wife is the bread-earner???
hhhmm......where do I find a wife like that??
Sadly as already pointed out in this and many other threads it is what IMO is a typical situation for a lot of dancers and others in the adult biz.


Niagara's nightmare
Jan 9, 2002
Niagara Falls
Back Burner said:
I really don't want to harp on this in light of the issue, but if you don't have facts or numbers then how can you say it's typical?
I didn't say i didn't have facts, i've seen it happen first hand.
diva631 said:
I think the "typical" thing might be the fact that he was laying around all day doing nothing. There is a vast majority, not ALL, but a majority of guys who do this. Not only in the SC scene but in the MPA and escorts too.
I didnt know that.
So these guys kinda act like their pimp or something??
Jan 24, 2004
The Vegetative State
On second thought, I'm sorry I brought the whole thing up. I just tend to be wary of statements like "The SO's of people who work in industry X are typically...." Rather, the topic here is spousal abuse, which can never find an excuse in what's happening job-wise with the couple in question.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
Back Burner said:
I really don't want to harp on this in light of the issue, but if you don't have facts or numbers then how can you say it's typical?
I guess it up to you how you want to define typical.

From what I have seen and experienced from both working in this biz and being a hobbyist IMO it is a typical situation. OK maybe it's not the majority of dancers etc in this situation but for me it's far too many. Actually IMO just one is too many.

I guess maybe I'm from the 'old school'. For me though there is no excuse for the man of the house not working. I don't care what industry his SO may be in. For the man to sit around and do nothing while the woman is out working (especially in the adult biz) is totally unacceptable.

Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
TheNiteHwk said:
I guess it up to you how you want to define typical.

From what I have seen and experienced from both working in this biz and being a hobbyist IMO it is a typical situation. OK maybe it's not the majority of dancers etc in this situation but for me it's far too many. Actually IMO just one is too many.

I'm not justifying anything, or even defining anything. I was just saying there are stereotypes for ladies in the biz. And my opinion is saying that it's typical that they have a guy sitting at home doing nothing is one of them. (stereotype) I know 2 guys (one a close friend) that dated a dancer and he had a regular 9 to 5.
Guys on this board have dated girls in the biz, and I don't think that they just sit at home all day. (maybe)

I respect your comment.


More Than U Want Me to Be
The meaning of "typical"

Without trying to place words in anyone's mouth, what appears "typical" to me in this story is not that the guy wasn't working, but that he is the likely offender.

Four out of every five Canadian victims of spousal homicide in 1998 were female. [Juristat: Homicide in Canada, 1998, vol. 19, no. 10].

Ontario Women's Directorate: Violence Against Women

Pretty ugly, but typical.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
It’s sad IMO that I can in fact feel I can possibly make blanket statements that will stereotype dancers. I know a few are about to jump on me now to defend the industry rep… and so be it. I’m just calling it like I seen it. I don’t know a whole lot about GTA dancers/etc. I can however speak with volumes of experience about Ottawa/Hull and Montreal. Also spent a bit of time in NF in the dancer biz. For 2.5 years I was a driver on the road 16-18 hours a day and also a booking agent in Ottawa/Hull area. I booked and drove girls all over from Ottawa/Hull, Montreal to Kingston to Bellville to North Bay to Sudbury to NF etc. And I am both sorry and sad to say that typically a lot of girls I met (sometimes I do feel safe saying most) were from broken homes, abusive relationships, had a pimp daddy at home (on the couch) and were involved in or addicted to drugs. It was not unusual for example for a dancer to need credit for her ride in at the start of the shift after making a nice wad the night before. In fact I bought breakfast for many a dancer more then a few times. Anyway I don’t want to sidetrack too much as the spirit of my post originally was to take a moment to pause for this passing weekend and the loss of another human being who worked in the adult industry. Then maybe it’s not a total sidetrack… cause whenever I read or hear stories about girls (in the biz) dying or being beat up etc by abusive SOs, pimps or sometimes even clients; memories of some that I knew and got to know well, got close to and cared about a lot flash through my mind and I wonder if they are OK. How are they doing etc.

Please everyone (if you will) a moment and a prayer tonight for this poor dancer and another moment for all those still ‘out there’.


Senior Retired User
Jan 16, 2004
retired from the game
If you read the article, it states that the mother of the accused had been unsuccessful in keeping her two boys out of trouble. The sad part of this whole story is that it is becoming increasilngly common in the City of Toronto. More people are dying needlessly then ever before, and I for one hope that it soon ends.

To think that in one moment of irrational behaviour, the child lost not only his mother, but also what some could assume was his defacto father.

The greater sorrow here is that the people need to realize the senselessness of this, are unable to.


More Than U Want Me to Be
A few more...

pieces of what aught to be incredibly disturbing information (for those of you who think I just make this stuff up):

2003 Report of the Domestic Violence Death Review Committee of Ontario

Stats Canada: Family Violence, 2003


Corrections: Trends in Violent Crimes, 1997

Stats Canada: Family violence in Canada: a statistical profile

Since violent crime only accounts for 11% of all crime in Canada, the fact that almost all of them are domestic assults, homicides, or sexual assault against women (Two-thirds of these cases were violence committed by a spouse or ex-spouse and 85% of the victims were female) is more than alarming, its is damned horrifying!
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