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Shit storm is on the way.

wiskey bravo

Active member
Jul 14, 2017
As good as the old people have it today? Doubt it Boomer. Housing is 7x+ income, rent is higher as a result, food is a lot higher portion of the household budget, Energy costs are a significantly higher portion of a household budget, Income and other texes are significantly higher, never mind tuition at College/universities. Never mind the wage stagnation that has occurred for a number of reasons. This means less ability to save, invest, and other quality of life issues.

all this before “we must solve climate change” which really means less productivity, higher taxes, and a significant reduction in quality of life.

It’s going to get worse for the younger as old people rapaciously demand and take healthcare spaces and tax $ never mind long term care issues that the ‘be kind’ people will demand that the government solves.

We’ve fucked over our kids.

please feel to prove your case with something other than bonhomme homilies.
I agree with you on everything. Its clear how expensive life is costing. But I really think its important to capitalize on decisions at an early age. Education is important. Knowing the field of choice and what the salary will look like down the road is key to avoid major upsets. I'm not a gifted entrepreneur, therefore, I need school. In addition to school it also depends on who your partner is. I'm college educated and my partner has an MBA in finance. I make 250,000 and she makes 245,000. I started my career at an early age making 18,900. Then slowly started to climb the corporate ladder. I believe she started making 38,000 10 years ago. We both haven't reached the ceiling in our financial careers, however, at this current state of inflation we are not suffering. My true suffering took place when I was making18,900, student loans were kicking (120,000) and I had to still eat/sleep. I'm 47 and my partner is 39.

Anyways we have child. As much as I want her to do something she loves, I also want her to be financially secure which I feel is more important. Sorry that's the greedy side of me. I don't want her being stuck at a salary that restricts her living. I stress to the younger generation the following: live within your means and make as much money since you're spending most of your time there. I know its not easy man. I feel it. My financial hardships took place during school when you needed parents the most. ( mine were already dead - cancer ). If I can do it, so can anyone else. Pick your path wisely. Also pair up with someone who has the same ambition as you. If she doesn't - don't settle. Do it on your own then. Just my two cents. Life is getting tougher, therefore, I need to respond by sharpening my pencil. I learned quickly no one cares about my complaints.

On a random note, if anyone is looking for a significant career change or has kids who would make good aviators google " Pilot Shortage" . Jump on this train now. Its a global problem. American Airlines paying wide body Captains 590,000USD per year. Narrow body captains 475,000USD. Its the same for Corporate Pilot jobs as well flying for the 1 percent.

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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2022
@wiskey bravo

I agree with you on everything. Its clear how expensive life is costing. But I really think its important to capitalize on decisions at an early age. Education is important. Knowing the field of choice and what the salary will look like down the road is key to avoid major upsets. I'm not a gifted entrepreneur, therefore, I need school. In addition to school it also depends on who your partner is. I'm college educated and my partner has an MBA in finance. I make 250,000 and she makes 245,000. I started my career at an early age making 18,900. Then slowly started to climb the corporate ladder. I believe she started making 38,000 10 years ago. We both haven't reached the ceiling in our financial careers, however, at this current state of inflation we are not suffering. My true suffering took place when I was making18,900, student loans were kicking (120,000) and I had to still eat/sleep. I'm 47 and my partner is 39.

All very true but it also depends on opportunity. This isn't necessarily financial but more, say, cultural. Examples being, if you come from a family that doesn't value education, you're fucked. If they have mental illnesses, you're likely fucked. If they're abusive and you need to leave home early, you're fucked. Now, these have always been in place but due to a variety of reasons, the price for even minor failure in today's society is much more 'impactful' and significant. Society is bifurcating into the educated (AI 'safe') and those who are not and it really isn't going to be pretty. I have no idea what the solution is since I think it's an "Asimov Foundation" trend.

On a random note, if anyone is looking for a significant career change or has kids who would make good aviators google " Pilot Shortage" . Jump on this train now. Its a global problem. American Airlines paying wide body Captains 590,000USD per year. Narrow body captains 475,000USD. Its the same for Corporate Pilot jobs as well flying for the 1 percent.

You are correct & absolutely very true. I have a cousin's kid close to graduating. Great opportunities out there. A retired pilot friend recertified so he can train pilots. He can write his own salary because there is a shortage of pilots for training as well. I think this shortage has been coming for about 8(?) years.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
yeah its going to happen. 2018 and it still didnt happen. but yeah its going to happen. sure sure.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
We are at the edge at this point, the shit storm can happen soon or it can happen as late as after November 2024. I believe that the U.S.A. is putting out information to manipulate the economy to balance inflation and stabilize the economy. There is also a political agenda, it is not in the interest of the Biden administration to allow the economy to crash before the elections. That is not to say that the economic downturn can not happen before November 2024. If the news is bad enough it can cause a cascade of events to trigger a recession. We live in uncertain times.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
We are at the edge at this point, the shit storm can happen soon or it can happen as late as after November 2024. I believe that the U.S.A. is putting out information to manipulate the economy to balance inflation and stabilize the economy. There is also a political agenda, it is not in the interest of the Biden administration to allow the economy to crash before the elections. That is not to say that the economic downturn can not happen before November 2024. If the news is bad enough it can cause a cascade of events to trigger a recession. We live in uncertain times.
when is next election?

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
In 2019 we did not have a recession for 10 years, the government was expecting an economic slow down. Then the pandemic hit and the movement ( around the world ) had to spend to minimize the situation. They also had to print a lot of money to keep the economy going. The world has to pay for all of this and I believe the economy in the next 3-4 years will be slow. The may be an event that slows the economy, but this will slow inflation so that we can eventually return to normal. This will take years. The world governments are doing their best to avoid a recession/depression. If we have many economic slow downs rather than one big crash, then we can avoid a situation where there are hoards of U-Men at the soup lines.



Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
I find these articles funny because money like gold does not disappear. The amount of junk you can buy with a dollar is always changing but that dollar will always exist. If old people have all the money they will die and redistribute. Old people using more health care is simply shifting more tax money into health care. That money you spent on an x box is redistributed from your employer to you to Sony to its workers to whatever they buy repeated. Money does not disappear its redistributed. When recession hits the money slows down which is exactly what is intended with interest rate hikes. Everything you spend money on creates jobs and puts your money in the pockets of others.

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
As good as the old people have it today? Doubt it Boomer. Housing is 7x+ income, rent is higher as a result, food is a lot higher portion of the household budget, Energy costs are a significantly higher portion of a household budget, Income and other texes are significantly higher, never mind tuition at College/universities. Never mind the wage stagnation that has occurred for a number of reasons. This means less ability to save, invest, and other quality of life issues.

all this before “we must solve climate change” which really means less productivity, higher taxes, and a significant reduction in quality of life.

It’s going to get worse for the younger as old people rapaciously demand and take healthcare spaces and tax $ never mind long term care issues that the ‘be kind’ people will demand that the government solves.

We’ve fucked over our kids.

please feel to prove your case with something other than bonhomme homilies.
In general, not sure I could agree more. Kids can’t vote until they are 18………..it’s easy for people ( and thus politicians) to fuck them over……………..

the near term, mid term future. Who the hell knows. People have been predicting a RE crash for 20 years. I doubt many saw the population growth, and it’s causes coming…that’s led to demand>>>>>>>>>>>>>>supply.

Only a-select handful of professionals saw 2008 coming. If you claim you did, why aren’t you a billionaire? We also saw the credit crunch ( Google that) coming.we did not expect it to be what it was, or as widespread.

No-one saw Covid coming…

See the thread about Pros being wrong…

What I might suggest. Is that there a dark storm clouds on the horizon. Debt and consumer debt. Interest rates and inflation, Boomers leaving the workforce, not contributing to GDP, Boomers hammering healthcare..

If a snowball starts, it could get very ugly. And don’t think your safe.
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