Pickering Angels

Shawna on BP


New member
Mar 16, 2013
LOL funny! ... but actually yes there are very nice parts, like the Plateau where the Walmart and Loblaws are, near Champlain Bridge. More and more MAs and SPs are relocating there.


New member
Oct 8, 2011
I am curious as well. I spoke with her on the phone and she had the 'Gatineau growl' going on to the extreme. I did not get a great vibe so I passed but would like to hear from anyone who had any experience.


Jan 31, 2006
No real experience, but got an equally bad vibe over texting, only answering one out of 3 questions then unresponsive after...I realize that texting is not for everyone, and she did ask in her ad to limit the texting, but her lack of responses made me bail.


Nov 11, 2007
I am curious as well. I spoke with her on the phone and she had the 'Gatineau growl' going on to the extreme. I did not get a great vibe so I passed but would like to hear from anyone who had any experience.
I had the same experience as you. She has a nice body from the pics, but when I found out the location, I opted to pass.
Too bad though, she might be a diamond in the rough.


New member
Sep 8, 2012
She does have a hot bod. Is that a wedding ring on some of the pics. I can appreciate that the ladies have a life outside providing services but i would rather not know. My préférence anyways.


Active member
Oct 19, 2004
What part of Hull? I can't think of any that are THAT bad. She does look hot!


Apr 17, 2012
I've seen her.

talkative. Doesn't want to kiss.

went to the bathroom right before w/o closing doors which was a major turnoff. but i was horny enough to ignore it.

actual age is probably 38.


Mar 31, 2004
I saw her last night as well. She operates not far from the portage buildings and the Alexandria Bridge and as far as I know the neighborhood is fine.

Her pics are accurate but the face is slightly weathered up close and her breasts are man mades. Her body is very attractive and fit.

Some Context (feel free to skip to the end where I say I would not repeat - this is more of a venting exercise):

I had pre-booked the day before and at the time, the indication was that all services were available as well as extras (inclusive) and for those that like Greek, it would be a YMMV. All very enticing for the rates (140 hh and 200 hr)

I was not going to make the pre-booked call, and did not have a chance to inform her, which was negligent of me. I called her later in the evening when I did have a chance and apologized. I also asked if we could reschedule for an impromptu session later on and she said she was available int the next hour.

She is responsive on the phone and seems to have lost her voice as it keeps fading out on her (actually making it difficult to understand her directions over the phone). She asked me to call when I got to her neighborhood. I did and based on the background noise when calling, she was outside.

She asked to meet me outside her building as she was on her way back from a short walk to the grocery store. She said she recently moved into her building (I don't know if this is true or not). When I saw her I said hello and offered to help her carry some of the items she had in her possession which she politely declined. She than informed me she lost her keys the day before and had no way of getting back into the building and was calling neighbours on her cell to buzz her in. I opted to wait outside and have a smoke and was thinking about cancelling when someone let her into the building. She signalled to me from the glass doors and I made the poor choice of following her. It probably won't be the last time I make dumb choices either.

The Apartment was in a state of flux and a little messy which she apologized for. I asked to take a shower and she seemed surprised at the request and asked if I was dirty. Certainly not, I replied, and my excrement smells like perfume, but I am not as fresh as I could be. (OK I didn't actually say that, but I indicated that I would be more comfortable being freshly showered before becoming intimate - but if she had a problem with me using her shower , then that was fine).

Following the shower (which she clearly was not expecting me to have as they were no soaps or gels (plenty of conditioner though) I was towelling myself of, and she was finishing a phone conversation as I exited the bathroom.

The bed had crumbs and she got undressed.

Again attractive body and she seemed a little more animated at this point and pulled out a condom and proceeded to provide a CBJ. I asked if BBBJ was on the menu and she said no. When I spoke to her on the phone she indicated it was. Already knowing what the answer would be (but just verifying) I also asked about Greek, and she said she never partakes, which again is fine but in contradiction to what she mentioned on the phone which was that she does but it depends on size and girth.

A Brief Interlude: The perception of the duration of a minute depends on which side of the bathroom door you are on. And back to the review...

After an uninspired and rapid BBBJ which a little too much tooth grating on sensitive endings, she asked what position I would prefer which was CG and she said I had to hurry as I had about 5 minutes left. I do like my showers, but I don't think more than 10 minutes passed from the time I entered the apartment (unless she was starting the clock from the minute we met and waited for someone to open the front door to the building).

She was very dry and I wasn't in the mood to stimulate her with DATY as she hadn't showered either and had no lube on hand. No kissing or digits allowed either so I didn't get a chance to initiate some foreplay. So it was effectively either a painful toothy CBJ, possibly an HJ or pray for rain in her lower abdominal area. I suggested a different position which was doggy, which she agreed to with the admonishment that I would have to hurry.

Now she does have an attractive body, so after some admiring of the view and some encouragement from her finished, and then got out of dodge.

So to recap, her personality seems friendly enough but the expectations conveyed on the phone by her do not match up to actual services rendered. Her apartment needs some work, and she needs to get some more tools of the trade on hand for callers (like soap and body gels, and if needed lube for those of us that fail to get her into the mood).

I think she has potential if she is willing to take some advice from someone more blunt than I in face to face situations, but I won't be repeating.


Indy reviewer
May 15, 2003
Thanks for the review Tofu. Sounds like a typical rough trade rush job.
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