I fucking loved this scene. (Not just for her great tits, but the whole set up is hilarious.)https://64.media.tumblr.com/77c3495f51545163a23c77234a3ce8db/tumblr_p40swmrJtD1umk4ogo1_400.gifv
Corinne Alphen Wahl, from Amazon Women on the Moon
That seems remarkably complicated.https://64.media.tumblr.com/bed226bc1cfc3efafa5ceb88a9d8e7d3/tumblr_nftnx7qzAw1tnk01yo1_500.gifv
Procedure to post .gifv animations (Also known as WebP image, or Chrome HTML document)
1) Find a .gifv animation.
2) Right-click the .gifv animation, and select View Image from the menu. The animation above has web address:
3) Copy the web address of the .gifv animation.
4) In the TERB reply window, manually type url inside square brackets, ([ before, and ] after), then paste the web address of the .gifv animation, then manually type /url inside square brackets.
5) Manually type url inside square brackets, immediately followed by img inside square brackets, then paste the web address of the .gifv animation a second time, then manually type [/img] immediately followed by [/url] Note that there should not be any blank spaces in either of these character strings.
6) Type some text below the second pasting of the web address of the .gifv animation. A minimum number of characters is required, more than six, and less than 100. If you don't want to say much, just hold one key down for a while, post the message, then edit the message to remove the excess characters. I wrote Qapla', (Klingon for success), and the animation did not appear in the post. I then went to edit and changed this to:
Qapla' xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, saved the change, and the animation appeared. I then went back into edit to remove the string of x's, and saved. The animation did not disappear. I used 48 characters following the animation in the next post, and the animation did not appear. I then added one x, saved, and it did appear. Perhaps the sequence of posting, editing, and saving makes the animation appear. I'll experiment further, then update these instructions when I figure it out myself. Update: The text below the animation in the TERB reply window can be removed entirely, after the animation appears. I did that in #2,991.
My procedure works, and for me is no longer time consuming. Working on a more efficient way to do it, perhaps with a toolbar option, would be a systems admin task. I enjoyed the challenge of trying to find A way of doing it.That seems remarkably complicated.
Presumably Xenforo is an older platform and doesn't handle WebP natively, but this still seems a super odd workaround.
I'm actually surprised more platforms haven't converted to handling WebP and gifv as they start to displace jpg and gifs
I liked when Joey Travolta took his helmet off on the moon, inhaled, and said "Good old H20". It's one of my favorite comedies,I fucking loved this scene. (Not just for her great tits, but the whole set up is hilarious.)