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Sexy in a plain/natural Kinda way.....

Of the pleothera of famous actresses out there today who would best fit this description of sexy in a plain/natural with a wholesome air to them....

and secondly in real life if you where the type of guy to hit on just about anyone, is there any reason that would keep you from hitting on a sexy girl or at least make you think twice about it. She has great personality and no obvious mental problems.

there is something wholesome about her, and you know you are a male for once use the right head and you are not going to hurt this one.

she is married, even though that has not stopped you in the past. You know she is happy and her husband is a good guy.

you're married, and the sexy nice girl don't want her to think you are creepy by hitting on her.

or quite simply "I like my woman just a little on the trashy side"


Punster Extraordinaire
Feb 8, 2005
in my pants, where there's a party
I tend to go for the innocent/wholesome look type to begin with. There's something about helping a girl find her inner whore that is irresistable.

As for the second question, the thing that will stop me every time is if she's happy in her current relationship. Why ruin a good thing? You just secretly wish the guy good luck with his find and move on, as there are plenty enough single women out there to begin with. I wouldn't want that to happen to me (it has happened, and it hurts like hell), and I'm a strong believer in karma.

Do onto others as you would have them do to you.


Jan 15, 2004
There are lots of marquee actresses that fit (or at least appear to fit) the Wholesome girl next door image.
Personally, I always thought Jennifer Aniston fit that bill well. My childhood crush was always with Audrey Hepburn.

I am not a 'hit on anything that moves' kind of guy.Not that I don't love to window shop in all types and persona of the fairer sex. I do not do married and I do not get off on either too trashy or too wholesome for that matter.
I guess I prefer a little trash in the bourdoir and a little wholesome in the parlour.
Finally, if you think you will come across as creepy, then you probably are a creep!

Why do you ask Molly? I hope you aren't planning on changing your personna :(


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
As Hafman said: Jennifer Aniston fits my bill as wholesome too. Even when she's made up for the oscars, she has an understated elegance.

(for the record there was an episode of "look-a-like" and the woman claimed to look like Jen, well little did we know that behind the freckles and the glasses OMFG when they were done (facially) she was the spittin' image of can you image being her husband lol)

Like Rub, I too shy away from the "look at me look at me" trashy women. I personally do NOT find them attractive in the least. I could never figure out why a woman would change her hair colour dramatically (I know ladies dye their hair to hide the grey but why not stick to YOUR hair colour?).

Frankly, for godmade or manmade, I'd rather have small and natural than large and fake. I realize that some women have problem breasts due to childbirth/breast feeding and by all means, if you have to have them corrected, then I'm all for that but I get the feeling these days that women (especially younger 20 somethings) thick it's cool to be trashy....


Big and Busty member
Feb 11, 2008
rubmeister100 said:
I don't like trashy girls in any way. I also don't like fake, enhanced, over made up or girls with too much bling, body art tats etc.

Not that I wouldn't fuck them, I'd like them long enough for that but I'm not fundamentally attracted to them.


that's the best. It takes alot to make me laugh but I did at this ;)


Stung with Desire!
Jul 22, 2002
Natalie Portman.
Summer Glau (from the new Terminator: Chronicles of Sarah Connor)


New member
Jul 12, 2003
Molly Robinson said:
Of the pleothera ...
It's refreshing to see such an underused but precise term for overabundance. It is, however, spelled plethora.

As for your questions, here's a simple test: If someone looks much better in real life than they do in a photograph, it's often because the instant captured by the camera often cannot convey the personality behind the skin. Some people smile with their lips, others with their teeth, and some with their whole face. That can look almost clownlike or deceptive in a photograph, but natural in person, if it is a true reflection of their inner self.

It is, of course, the job of the professional photographer to make the inner and outer one and the same, but that also involves role playing on the part of the model, unless the photos are candid. On a scale of 1-10, the outer beauty can be influenced by the inner by about 1.5, plus or minus, so a vain and self absorbed 9.5, on close inspection, might seem to be less attractive than an 8 with a great personality, intelligence, etc.

Unfortunately, if the physical beauty is judged at less than 6, most men won't take the time or effort to see the inner value. Those who do probably don't read this board.

None of this applies if the guy is just trying to get his rocks off for an hour, or impress his buddies with eye candy. Then the 9.5 rules, most of the time.

I'm reminded of dialog in Heathers, between Wynona Ryder and Shannen Doherty:

Wynona: "Heather, why do you have to be such a megabitch?".

Shannen: "Because I can be.".

Those who are judged most attractive by society's standards don't have to work at being liked, but an inner sense of entitlement detracts from personal appeal on close inpection.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Molly Robinson said:
in real life if you where the type of guy to hit on just about anyone, is there any reason that would keep you from hitting on a sexy girl or at least make you think twice about it. She has great personality and no obvious mental problems.

examples:. . . . .

she is married, even though that has not stopped you in the past. You know she is happy and her husband is a good guy.

you're married, and the sexy nice girl don't want her to think you are creepy by hitting on her.
Molly, I'm not really sure what you’re asking. :confused: Without intending to throw stones at anyone else on TERB. As a generalization you've set up scenarios where he's a gigolo and she's a ____ and the latter statement has nothing what so ever at all with money being involved.


I'm Back
Feb 11, 2002
overlooking an old mill
Personally, I'd just settle for willing...If she is willing and enthusiatic, her attractiveness factor goes right off the scale.


New member
Apr 9, 2006
Wilds of the GTA
Two different issues, starting with #2...

Molly Robinson said:
Of the pleothera of famous actresses out there today who would best fit this description of sexy in a plain/natural with a wholesome air to them....

and secondly in real life if you where the type of guy to hit on just about anyone
, Yes I am

Molly Robinson said:
is there any reason that would keep you from hitting on a sexy girl or at least make you think twice about it. She has great personality and no obvious mental problems.
Yes, if I am already committed to someone(s) else. There are a few other reasons, like my business partner is too important to jeopardize our biz by hitting on his Mrs! While not committed, I have enough play & emotion in my life to bother confusing a civilian or a vulnerable SP.

Molly Robinson said:
there is something wholesome about her, and you know you are a male for once use the right head and you are not going to hurt this one.
What does wholesome have to do with anything? If she is a sleeze (however defined) does that mean she cant be hurt? That she deserves to be hurt? I find the best way to avoid hurt is absolute honesty "Hi, I'm a slut. Wanna play? I am not looking for love, kids, or a relationship:D ."

Molly Robinson said:
she is married, even though that has not stopped you in the past. You know she is happy and her husband is a good guy
Again honesty. Never want to break up a good marriage, but (unless they are swingers/open) something is not perfect if she is willing to play with a blatant male slut. "Good guy"- who cares. Though I am not going to go "Nya, Nya just had a BBBJCIM with your Mrs." Its also important to keep in mind that "no.. mental problems" is a long way from tough enough to play without emotional disaster. I am not a sadist, and I am NOT a drama queen (a very obscure reference, but searchable on TERB, LOL) so I try to avoid potential messes.

Molly Robinson said:
you're married, and the sexy nice girl don't want her to think you are creepy by hitting on her.
N/A for me.

Molly Robinson said:
or quite simply "I like my woman just a little on the trashy side"
I guess definitions are needed, but that could be another looong thread. I love great GFEs who like to play PSE in the right place and time. "trashy" to me means Earl's wife- no thanks.
Last edited:


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Molly Robinson said:
Of the pleothera of famous actresses out there today who would best fit this description of sexy in a plain/natural with a wholesome air to them....
Ellen Paige


Could afford the car but.
Dec 30, 2005
HafDun said:
Why do you ask Molly? I hope you aren't planning on changing your personna :(
I get the sense Molly has presented herself to someone in a sexy plain/natural kinda way...but is now considering whether getting to the "point" is more of an advantage to her than the current perception.

If so, I say put the guy on the floor and jump him, Molly!
rubmeister100 said:
It is my dream to meet a really wholesome tomboy kind of girl who I could make a life with, having active fun while also having a great sex life and being ourselves.

<sigh> I know we have the same taste in woman. "Wholesome Tomboy", I know the exact girl you are talking about....;)


New member
Jul 12, 2003
Molly, on your site, what font did you use for the lettering of The Proper Harlot headings? It looks like a Dave Nalle font from The Scriptorium, but there are differences in the letters between the 'Enter' page and the pages inside. Did someone do hand lettering, while using a font for reference, or is it a commercial font, with multiple weights, (ie: italic, condensed, etc.). It looks a lot like the lettering from this Tarot card deck:



New member
Jul 12, 2003
bobistheowl said:
Molly, on your site, what font did you use for the lettering of The Proper Harlot headings? It looks like a Dave Nalle font from The Scriptorium, but there are differences in the letters between the 'Enter' page and the pages inside. Did someone do hand lettering, while using a font for reference, or is it a commercial font, with multiple weights, (ie: italic, condensed, etc.). It looks a lot like the lettering from this Tarot card deck:

Nevermind, I found it. The font is BlackAdder ITC.
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