sex tourism


Personal Sex Therapist
Mar 6, 2003
You appear to be pretty new around here Play[er], so please accept this advice. Never, ever insult the sexual practices of someone else. This is meant to be an open and accepting community. You can question why someone likes something, state that it's not your thing or doesn't turn you on, but don't say that something is sick or wrong. I might not be into . . . say, puke fetishes . . . but I still wouldn't insult someone who is. That is their right, their choice, and it is not for me or you to put down. It's just something that we all try to work towards on these boards. We are all a bit on the outskirts aren't we? Just by being here?


New member
Aug 19, 2003
Toronto (North York)
Mrs_Stiffler said:
You appear to be pretty new around here Play[er], so please accept this advice. Never, ever insult the sexual practices of someone else. This is meant to be an open and accepting community. You can question why someone likes something, state that it's not your thing or doesn't turn you on, but don't say that something is sick or wrong. I might not be into . . . say, puke fetishes . . . but I still wouldn't insult someone who is. That is their right, their choice, and it is not for me or you to put down. It's just something that we all try to work towards on these boards. We are all a bit on the outskirts aren't we? Just by being here?
fair enough...I wouldn't insult puke people either, as they are an obvious minority...I took the liberty to talk about MPs because they are common here and my fellow men probably just cannot imagine how pathetic it looks from the non-NA perspective...I honestly respect SPs and I honestly think that MPs are borderline crooks parasiting on men's greed and stupidity...I'm just being straightforward, which is not common in NA but considered OK in Dutch and many other cultures...
BTW I don't hear offended men here. Only women feel offended for some reason. Did I step on your turf? Sorry...


Better Late than Never
Nov 8, 2002
red-rageous said:
Who is this guy?? (Play(er))
I know that was a rhetorical question but he almost seems like Alien with a new (but no less abrasive) persona.


New member
Jan 18, 2003

Firstly, there are MP's in many areas, Australia and New Zealand being one, England being another. But you don't have to believe me, go there yourself if you want.

As for sexual likes/dislikes, the ladies are right, if you don't like it, it doesn't mean it's bad, sick or otherwise. It just means you don't like it. The last SP I was with, here in Windsor, well, she is somewhat a regular of mine, or me of hers, and I got the sense that she wasn't really in a great mood, or turned on. We talked about it, and she told me what was wrong, we discussed it for a while and she felt a bit better, but not feeling sexy. Well, I hadn't gotten mine, and paid her, so she said what would you like to do. I actually very much like HJ from a sexy woman, very much. It's a thing with me, which is also why I go to MP's that you don't like. Well, I told her what I'd like, she said sure, no problem. She was very enthusiastic about it, she didn't have to do a whole lot (read that she didn't have to get into it with her body so much), and enjoyed it herself, even though she wasn't into the appointment at first. It was so good, we talked some more and then did it 2 more times with chats in between. I was completely satisfied, she was happy that she didn't have to do FS because she wasn't into it and would have just been going through the motions, and was glad to talk about her problem. I don't see how that could possibly be sick or bad in any way. And she did vow to make it up next time, and I know she will. As far as I'm concerned, she could make it up by doing it 4 or 5 times instead. LOL.

But that's just me being a sicko, I guess. I have to tell you, dude, you are offending me by saying that I'm pathetic, greedy and stupid, all in one post. I choose not to say what I could about you, mainly because I think you are speaking from a place of ignorance and intolerance of other's feelings and beliefs (how's that for a backhanded insult?). I think that until you are willing to be more open to someone else's point of view, you will find it difficult to feel welcome around here. You can post your opinion all you want, I don't deny you that right, but just expect a reaction of some sort.

As for him being could and idiot like him be Alien? Alien had a 178 IQ afterall!

I'm done,


Big Bear

New member
Oct 29, 2002
MPs around the world and other info

Playerboy, by the way I think your handle is appropriate in that you certainly don't act like a man here but forget that for the moment. I will answer some of the questions you raise here.

First there are MPs in a number of countries around the world, particularly in the Far East. I have been in ones in Korea, Taipei, Hong Kong, Thailand and The Philippines to start with. You can also find them as part of brothels in a number of other countries, noteablly Germany Czech and a number of other Central European countries.

Second if you want some answers on sex tourism in various countries I suggest you do a search (its that button at the top right hand side of this page). There have been a number of threads on this subject talking about countries as diverse as Brazil to Russia or Australia to Thailand. You are bringing up a lot of old territory here that has been gone over a lot in the past 6 to 9 months.

After you have done your search then ask questions.


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
Hey Player,

Try, and

Concerned about HIV rates in a certain country?

I also recommend searching for your country of choice in the TERB search function. Alot of guys have enjoyed beautiful women from Cuba/Brazil/etc and have posted their experiences on here. Make sure to select "posts within one year".

If you're thinking about Europe, I highly recommend you fly into the UK and then take small flights within the EU. A flight from the UK to Poland for example is usually 20-30 euros and once you're in the EU zone, customs is seamless.

Let me know how it goes.



Big Bear

New member
Oct 29, 2002

Thanks for the compliment. Having been in over 65 countries around the world on business in the last 15 years it is good to know it has been good for something besides a reason for divorce.


New member
Aug 19, 2003
Toronto (North York)
But that's just me being a sicko, I guess. I have to tell you, dude, you are offending me by saying that I'm pathetic, greedy and stupid, all in one post. I choose not to say what I could about you, mainly because I think you are speaking from a place of ignorance and intolerance of other's feelings and beliefs (how's that for a backhanded insult?). !

I'm done,

Coolguy. [/B][/QUOTE]

hey, I did not mean to offend you for liking i said , I'd never offend minority. I meant majority of people who go there while what they really want is FS. Cool guy like you should understand that.


New member
Jan 18, 2003
That wasn't really how you put it, Playerboy. And even then, some guys go there and get FS at times. There may be a reason they go there with that in mind, but I think that you are incorrect, in that the majority of guys go for usual MP services and a minority go in expecting FS or othewise. From what I read and see, most guys who expect FS or otherwise have gotten it in the past, and that's why they go back. Misinformation is a bad thing, dude.

Big Bear

New member
Oct 29, 2002
Player(boy) You speaking to me?

Who is your last post addressed to me, or someone else. It isn't clear. If it is to me I'm not sure what I said to deserve the tirade at the top as I and others have at least tried to suggest ways to answer your questions. Perhaps I could have spared your the sarcasm but frankly with what you have posted I thought you deserved it.


New member
Aug 19, 2003
Toronto (North York)
djk said:
Hey Player,

Try, and

Concerned about HIV rates in a certain country?

I also recommend searching for your country of choice in the TERB search function. Alot of guys have enjoyed beautiful women from Cuba/Brazil/etc and have posted their experiences on here. Make sure to select "posts within one year".

If you're thinking about Europe, I highly recommend you fly into the UK and then take small flights within the EU. A flight from the UK to Poland for example is usually 20-30 euros and once you're in the EU zone, customs is seamless.

Let me know how it goes.


tnx bro


Personal Sex Therapist
Mar 6, 2003
Player, I think you also have a serious misconception about MPs, which is why I suggested doing some research before seeing one. Not all MPs offer sexual services at all. Some simply offer a therapeutic massage. Others offer an erotic massage, which includes massaging your full body. You know what??? Having your personal parts played with feels good, whether you are a man or a woman. Nothing sick about that. But you have to be sure that you are seeing the right sort of MP.

Having said that, I also don't believe that many men go to an MP wanting FS. In fact, I know of a number who specifically avoid FS because of the disease risk or other factors and choose an MP simply because they enjoy a full massage and release. If you want FS you go to an SP, if you want an erotic massage you go to an MP. Simple.


New member
Aug 19, 2003
Toronto (North York)
Play[er]boy said:
hey djk thnx a lot, i got valuable info on Brasil etc...

As a token of my appreciation - if you are still interested in Cuba, I can give you priceless fresh (3 months old) info on cuban MODELS (real, not SPs) me or something


New member
Aug 19, 2003
Toronto (North York)
Mrs_Stiffler said:

Having said that, I also don't believe that many men go to an MP wanting FS. In fact, I know of a number who specifically avoid FS because of the disease risk or other factors and choose an MP simply because they enjoy a full massage and release. [/B]
my sentiments exactly - those who believe that there is less risk from BBHJ than from FS with C are ignorant (should I say idiots?) just ask your doctor.
number of other factors you mentioned are mostly $$ problems - which I as a student can somewhat relate to, but still it's pathetic and I'd rather save for a great sex than have 2 HJ/week...but hey it's just me...


Personal Sex Therapist
Mar 6, 2003
And then there are the married men who aren't getting any action at home, don't want to engage in FS, no matter how safe the girl might be, but still want some sexual connection. They choose a hand job for a wide variety reasons. Not just a shortage of money. I'm also sure that some of them simply enjoy a massage and if they find it 'stimulating' like to know that there is help with the release at the end. And you are right, there can be some risk of infection anywhere. The only 100% safe contact is no contact, but a hand job is probably among the safest sexual contacts that you can enjoy.

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
Save your breath Mrs.S
He's not getting it.
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