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Services - When, How Discussed

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Active member
Dec 30, 2018
Why not tell the clients that you'll provide "the services" after doing an inspection? If the inspection is not passed successfully, you could revert back to a less expensive and basic experience. Seems like a good solution for both sides.
There’s no ‘basic experience’, my rates are my rates. Even you just want to go for a walk in the park (which happens more than you think)or spend time at my Incall. The way I personally run my business works out well for me, but it’s not for everyone. There’s no model where you are all things for all people, I don’t try to be. I’m just sharing my experience and perspective.


Ruby Lust, The Red MILF
Supporting Member
Dec 9, 2016
Ottawa / Gatineau
Just as there are many "types" of clients there are also many "types" of providers. Some are open to discuss services , some are not. Those who will discuss might be honest while others are just trying to close the deal.
Exactly this. People can and will say anything today. A client can say they will arrive on time when suddenly they had an car accident. They can say they are perfectly clean and respectful but have little self-awareness. And provider can literally take your fee at the door and just tell you to leave. Discussing services ahead in this context is only as good as someone’s word and ability to predict the future. And even then there can be a divide between what you mean by deep kissing and what the provider means.

I personally prefer to focus on communicating passion, a professional attitude and consistent reputation for delivering great experiences because I think that goes a lot further towards demonstrating who I am. And it feels more authentic.

I’ve abandonned GFE, but I think it’s clear enough “full-service” means penetrative sex and I’m happy to clarify I’m generally ok with one or two other aspects of what can be on the table, especially what I mean by PSE, since that’s a specific service upgrade. Beyound that, approaching with a laundry-list of acronyms, you’re starting to sound like you haven’t done your research, a boundary-pusher and not the attitude I’m looking for in a client much less a great one I want to invest time doing a detailed personal Q&A with.

Most people I connect with today are looking for an organic experience of mutual pleasure, whatever that happens to be for us, and not to execute services on my body or extract acts I'm not also enjoyjng in the moment.

You guys should be picky but so should we. And yes, being picky is a massive privilege, one that I’m grateful for. It’s also a privilege on the client side, not an entitlement. A little more mutual-gratitude might help improve the tone communications all around.


Active member
Jan 24, 2019
So people who disagree with you or want to assert their boundaries with what they feel comfortable with are princesses?
Usually, I like to be diplomatic in these posts and try to have a mature and constructive conversation, but you just struck a nerve with me today.

It’s funny you decided to contribute to this conversation with an entitled and condescending message. Although we met three years ago, you were the most difficult client I have ever interacted with since I became a SW. Your inquiry was so painful how you asked questions, how high maintenance you were. We won’t even get into your review that made zero sense. If anything, you’re one of the reasons I have chosen not to discuss services anymore, so I don’t have to deal with princesses like you.
The fact you read it that way reminds me why I never repeated. If you get offended by a simple inquiry into the services you provide, when your business is to provide a service. Not because you don't offer service X Y or Z. You discussed the services you provide and waived your screening for me so you wouldn't even fall in that category. If a service provider refuses to tell you what services they offer, why would you see them? Call any other professional, doctor, lawyer, whatever and tell them what you're looking for and they reply with a "maybe I do, maybe I don't, come find out" - are you still going to go? No reasonable person would. I don't care what experience you want to provide. I only care about the experience I want to have. Sue me lol.

Not funny at all. Clients get plenty of entitlement and condescension from the SW side, what's good for the goose... Funny, if I was the worst, why did you say you would still see me if I could get over wanting 2 shots in an hour when you called me at 1am to ask me to remove my review of you? A mostly positive review that simply stated a few facts you didn't like - and I still took it down out of respect for you.
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Active member
Dec 30, 2018
I got offended because if you read your original comment, you call providers like me princesses and my clients unreasonable. It was rude.

Three years ago, I didn't know any better and entertained your inquiry. Your inquiry was painful and took more energy out of me than any other inquiry I've ever experienced. In person, you were pleasant; I had a good evening with you. You wrote a decent review, but your complaint about a specific service wasn't properly able to be performed because of your body type. You even admitted to me that it's not the first time that happened on other dates. But for some reason, you put the onus on me, which is why I asked you to delete it. For the two shots, I adamantly expressed that it’s never *guaranteed* because it’s your body, and often people can’t go twice within the hour. I prefer to be honest, rather than tell people what they want to hear just to get them in the door. This reinforces why I don’t discuss services anymore. Also, from what we discussed, you did want to repeat, but since we couldn’t agree about the two-shots dilemma, we both decided we weren’t a match.
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