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Serious question. I need some advice.


New member
May 2, 2012
Why not buy her a nice dildo?
She has her own toys that have been used. And now she is simply trying to mix it up I guess. Says she likes getting distracted in the produce section imagining what we could get up to. She also suggested an item like a hair brush or a typically non sexual item. Too much porn consumption I think.



New member
IUD's have risk too. My ex damn near died when one became embedded and resulted in a massive infection. It required major surgery to remove...
... scary :(

honestly - I've read a lot about them and never heard of this happening. I did have to sign a waiver acknowledging that there was a minute risk of tubal pregnancy and a minute risk of rupturing the uterus if the IUD is improperly removed. (Some women try to remove it themselves - bad idea... )

I forget The exact percentage of the risks but I I'm pretty -sure it's 1-2% Max.

The only pain in the neck about it for me is occasionally feeling the wire.

I think all girls in the industry should use some form of birth control in addition to condoms - of all the options, I am happy to not have to use anything that plays with my hormones.

Different women have different preferences. Some may even be like Klute's gfe. (Considering her experience - I completely understand - no one would want to go through that experience twice). If both are happy - awesomesauce :)


New member
May 2, 2012
I had a friend get an IUD inserted who claimed she was quite crampy and miserable for the afternoon it went in. That being said I don't think she took the medication at the correct time that you need for before the procedure to relax the cervix.



Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Give klute and his GF a break. They sound like they have a very satisgying sex life, and he is lucky to be with a woman who enjoys pleasuring him in a variety of ways, and realizes that sex can include a lot more than her gentials. Its up to them if PV sex is off the table. One of my most satisfying sexual relationships ages ago was with a woman who had the same concerns.
If she wants veggies, give it to her. Wash them well. I bet the fears of causing a yeast infection are way overblown (ive never seen a cuke with a cheesy discharge problem!)


New member
May 2, 2012
Compared with having an unwanted child, the trauma is negligible.
You may wish to join the Republican party in the US so you can make useful contributions on their all male committee on birth control. GF is trying to avoid getting pregnant because she found the abortion traumatic. Period.

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