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Serenity spa?


Sep 7, 2004
Raven, as alwayse you are a class act. I hate this whole mp thing anyway. I can never justify the cash. If I could get a good actual massage and mabye a good hj or even better a good bj after I would be thrilled. Every experiance so far by myself has been a crappy massage and way overpriced basic services. For my dollar I'll stay with awesome women like our miss raven etc.


I've seen your member
Oct 24, 2008
all over the GTA
Thank you very much boys for your kind words . and for those of you I have not met yet I look forward to meeting you in the near future and for my other boys I look forward to future meetings as well..

amy hot blonde

New member
Feb 9, 2008

I never said I don't know who she is. I didn't know she was on the site saying anything till I got home from my weekend and read these posts, period. I said I only speak for myself and the spa and have no control on her, so end of story. Sorry I have no time for senseless comments ANYMORE!!!!


Banned - Never!!!
Sep 21, 2008
amy hot blonde said:
I never said I don't know who she is. I didn't know she was on the site saying anything till I got home from my weekend and read these posts, period. I said I only speak for myself and the spa and have no control on her, so end of story. Sorry I have no time for senseless comments ANYMORE!!!!
My name is RYLAN! Get it straight.

And like I have told girly, I don't care what you say. I believe you to be dishonest just like her and that is my opinion. I believe RF. I believe that your spa is not professionally run and that people should be made aware of that. I believe people should be made aware of the LE issue as well.

I know it is your job to come up here and defend your spa and say this and that are not true and try to put it all back the reviewer, but that just doesn't jive here little one. We all know the scoop.

Don't want to worry about people on TERB posting negative things, step up your came and run a professional business. It really is that simple.


New member
Nov 28, 2002
The ironic part is that "us fools" pay for this crazyness, to bad this amount of effort couldn't have been put to use at the Spa to ensure everyone has a good time.

Too bad it only takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch.


Mar 6, 2002
First of all, this is the TERB, a review board. It is meant for reviews; good or bad... I'm sorry ladies, but if you may not like what you see, then don't come here. This is where the dirty male truth is told about you. It can also be a guide for your future successso you may be able to provide a more satisfying service -- to keep customers. I will gaurantee many sps, and mps have gained and lost businesss from this board.

Furthermore guys, if your that interested in sessions with the Serinity girls and getting better value for yout money, then see them outside of the spa!!!

Amy --

Necole --


Lost IN the Shwa
Aug 20, 2001
A highly entertaining little thread this has been.

First off, first rule of being on this board ladies. Take criticism constructively. The very first post you put on here full of either a) excuses or b)attacking a poster, you just KILL any hope of ever getting 80% of the guys who read the post. The other 20% might see you if they are really dumb or desparate or both, but even they will not likely take the chance.

What I saw on this thread was a Spa owner trying to discredit ever so gently one of the mainstay's of this board, and THAT my friends was a HUGE mistake. Anyone who has read this forum for any length of time will realize Ralph's rep for trying new places out and being pretty fair in his reviews. You attack him, you attack me....or Rylan or any other poster on here who has been around a while.

If your crappy little MP doesn't have showers, don't knock us for not having them, either get em or move some place where you can get them.

Every time I see some whack job woman who cant spell and has attitude, I find it tremendous fun to read, but I wouldn't come near her if I was on my last legs.

Nope..was going to check this place out, but THIS did it for me.

Thanks Ralph, Rylan, for being the targets of two whiners.

The only woman who came ahead on this deal was LadyRaven, who obviously gets it. Business...and this is a business dictates the customer is always right, even when he aint, because the war you hope to win kills you in the end if you start it.
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