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Sending money...

Dougal Short

Exposed Member
May 20, 2009
I answered his first question where he just ask to send money to someone, and I thought he knows her.
Well I do "know her" in the Biblical Sense, as the saying goes! Such a funny business we participate in... I don't worry about sticking my face in her nether-bits, but prefer she not know too much about me... In truth, I would not be too concerned, but having once had my favorite MPA go slightly postal on me (temporarily) for some perceived infraction (which I still don't know), I think it's best to keep things somewhat "at arm's length". If she wasn't 1/3 my age, I would take her home to Mom. Well, maybe not, 'cause Mom is dead, but you get my point.

Anyway, the change in my online banking has done the job... I feel like I did the right thing, she is thrilled to get "something for nothing", and we are looking forward to our next visit, in a few weeks.

Thanks everyone for your help. I knew I could count on you folks!


Jan 31, 2005
Depending on the level of privacy you want:

Bitcoin if you don't want ANYONE to know, but there will be some variance between what the coin is worth when you buy it and they sell it. It's like a foreign currency that is always fluctuating. But very private. You could agree on the number of bitcoins rather then dollars.

If you don't care whether the bank/police could find you, you just want the recipient not to know your name, you could use something like Venmo. It's owned by PayPal now but it allows you to put whatever you want as your public name. Note that Venmo takes a few days to clear so it's best with somebody you trust not to cancel the transaction. (Don't take Venmo payment for your car on Craigslist, do take it from your friend who is sending cash to split a bill with you.)

Another option, buy a prepaid credit card, scratch it, and send them the card data so they can do spend it online.
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Active member
Sep 1, 2001
I'm not a big fan of Bitcoin, but I can completely understand not wanting to tie directly to your personal banking either. I used Goldmoney a few times for transfers and works great to send funds locally and overseas, but I guess could be used for this too? Kinda works like PayPal to send money. But you are using Gold balance to transfer value not a bank account transaction for the transfer. So you can buy Gold with your bank account or credit card, hold that as a balance in your goldmoney wallet. Send i..e $100 CAD worth of Gold to someone as payment. They receive Gold, but they can instantly take out as cash at an ATM or sell the Gold and transfer the cash to there bank account. So I guess its safer and easier than Bitcoin, and you can transact safely ? Just thought I'd share since the other options weren't winning any votes here. ( plus who wouldn't want gold as payment lol gold keeps going up in value vs the Canadian dollar that keeps loosing value! )
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