Seemingly TERB will be a very, very unhappy place Novermber 3


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Not sure how the hell you could possibly think that it doesn't matter to Canada.
In any substantial ways, it will not matter one bit, which of the two parties in the US occupy the govenorships of states or seats in congress. Even the affiliation of the president matters not to us in any meaningful way, even if we are interested in the presidential elections, just like we follow other celebrities, like lindsay lohan and Angelina Jolie.

You have to be extremely naive if you believe that the foreign policies of the worlds (only) superpower is dependent upon who is govenor of Ohio, congressman from the 3rd district in California or even the president.


Jun 6, 2009
In any substantial ways, it will not matter one bit, which of the two parties in the US occupy the govenorships of states or seats in congress. Even the affiliation of the president matters not to us in any meaningful way, even if we are interested in the presidential elections, just like we follow other celebrities, like lindsay lohan and Angelina Jolie.

You have to be extremely naive if you believe that the foreign policies of the worlds (only) superpower is dependent upon who is govenor of Ohio, congressman from the 3rd district in California or even the president.
On this, we agree.


New member
Apr 1, 2007
Not sure why anyone would be disappointed. Every mid-term - at least every time I can remember - the party in opposition to the President gains a bit. It's the natural order of things, sort of like the sun coming up in the east. And it's not necessarily a bad thing. It's called democracy.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002

I hope the Republican leadership in the House and Senate are giving a great deal of attention to their plans for the next two years as they will need to produce.
What plans?


New member
Feb 28, 2007
Not sure why anyone would be disappointed. Every mid-term - at least every time I can remember - the party in opposition to the President gains a bit. It's the natural order of things, sort of like the sun coming up in the east. And it's not necessarily a bad thing. It's called democracy.
Yes but I think this one will be a little more "interesting thanmost"

Big Sleazy

Active member
Sep 13, 2004
It's not going to matter. Unless you get someone that has the balls to do what's right and fix what's wrong in Washington, the only one's winning are the Corporate Lobbyists, Congressmen and woman, and the President. The rest of America except for the top earners are screwed. No jobs and no future. Just more Wars to pay for while the MIC and the Bankers get rich.

It almost appears that the USA is getting gutted from the inside out. All that will be left when it's all said and done is to rebuild from the ground up. The dollar will continue to lose value until it's not worth anything. They'll have to revalue the dollar and issue a new currency. In the meantime the perpetrators of the crime will be living in Saudi Arabia and the Cayman Islands with all the cash.

In a country where 26% of the people actually vote. You can't really call it a democracy. And what is democracy anyways ? Politicians trying to get the vote from the poor and the money from the wealthy while they try to keep from each others throats. A system where the majority rule so they can rule the minority.

Good Luck.



Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
“Après moi le déluge”

I hope the Republican leadership in the House and Senate are giving a great deal of attention to their plans for the next two years as they will need to produce.
The GOP has NO plans other than saying NO to EVERYTHING Obama proposes.
The 'Mother-of-all-Blowhards' El Rushbloe carped on this today in his daily radio rant, saying/expecting huge gains in the coming elections WILL put the GOP in charge giving the GOP the power to dictate policy reversing all Obama did. This of course will put the USA back on the same track that caused this mess to begin with. Believe that French saying, "After me the Deluge!" is apropos here! We live in interesting times!....:eek:


New member
Jan 19, 2006
In a country where 26% of the people actually vote.
And whose 'fault' is that other than the people who are too lazy to vote.

Frankly if you don't care enough to vote, no one should force you - to be frank you probably shouldn't be voting in the first place.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
So first OTB and now you, can't answer that question. The obvious answer is that they don't have any plans, and yet the two of you seem to be reveling in the prospects of a Republican landslide. What have they proposed other than turning back the clock?


Court jester
Mar 28, 2004
Not sure why anyone would be disappointed. Every mid-term - at least every time I can remember - the party in opposition to the President gains a bit. It's the natural order of things, sort of like the sun coming up in the east. And it's not necessarily a bad thing. It's called democracy.
While that's true, it's also true that two years ago people were predicting the Republicans were out of the game and would take a long time to recover. Some were even saying the demographic trends were against them and they might never recover.

Now, the Republicans are back (at least for the moment), and the Dems are worried Obama may be Jimmy Carter 2.0, rather than the liberal Ronald Reagan that Obama aspires to be.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
So first OTB and now you, can't answer that question. The obvious answer is that they don't have any plans, and yet the two of you seem to be reveling in the prospects of a Republican landslide. What have they proposed other than turning back the clock?
Do you believe that OTB is actually the House Minority Leader and I'm actually the Senate Minority Leader or vis versa? How on earth do we know precisely what actions they intend to take if they respectively become the Speaker of the House and the Senate Majority Leader?

What I am saying, and I would certainly believe that you would agree, is that if given the confidence of the electorate, to maintain it they must have a program rather than just saying 'thanks for having elected us'.


Well-known member
Bet it's pop up..with lots of pictures..and 12 steps for everything from pissing the economy down the 12 steps on how to fight a war in the wrong 12 steps on how to wipe your ass with the constitution every other week......he wrote it the "unconventional" way.

Lets have a contest to see if meant A)with crayons B).drunk C).ghostwriter ..ones that could bullshit with the best of them D).it's blank pages with a hint of cocaine on them.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Where is lange/Frasier when you need him?....:p


New member
Dec 27, 2004
and for those who don't read greek?
"Where does one find Gargamel when one truly needs him?"

(Gargamel is the wizard enemy of the Smurfs from the old cartoon series. Since the German text was in response to Papasmurf...)

My Berlitz German course comes in handy finally lol. When I went to Munich everybody spoke English.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
"Where does one find Gargamel when one truly needs him?"

(Gargamel is the wizard enemy of the Smurfs from the old cartoon series. Since the German text was in response to Papasmurf...)
Now that is funny!....:p
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