To put that in context, he said "find' as in potentially lost ballots, he never once said 'fabricate' me some votes yet twisting those words sure seems like a fun thing to do by the media.
He said find, and even game his the exact number he needed to be found. In normal English that can easily mean fabricate
"At one point on the call, Trump told Raffensperger, "What I want to do is this. I just want to find, uh, 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have, because we won the state"
If you are asking someone to find potentially lost ballets, you wouldn't put a number on it.
Seems twisting words is a popular pastime, among trump supporters.
Oh when he said fix it, he meant the country so well you would never have to vote again, really WTF? a guy who already tried to overturn election results, who faceplanted heavily with lawsuit after lawsuit, who had a coup attempt and was OK with his people chanting Hang Mike Pence but no... he could not have meant fix, as in the rig the election..
Sound like those people who actually believe Andrew Taint is innocent even though he has been self snitching for ages.