Search Engine Optimization??


Sensual Seduction
Feb 1, 2008
Anyone know anything about this? If so, How do I get it for my website? (yes, I know it is down at the moment, should be back up in a few days)


New member
Aug 18, 2008
Well I am no techie but I believe its not something you get. I believe it is how your site is view by search engines. There is three ways to improve your visibility on searchs. One is to have alot of key words on your website that attracts your piticular client. Key words need to be in full, for example instead of bbbj you need to have it say bare back blow job. The reasoning behind this is how many people google bbbj, compared to bare , back , blow, job, now you have 4 words the search engine will target, instead of one acronym. Another is something to do with your html, which I have no idea. The last is simply how many hits (visits) your site gets. So you need to increase the amount of pictures, words, videos on your website that will attract hits. Or get friends, relatives ... to simply keep visiting your site, sort of spam your site with visits lol Open page to site, close page to site repeat continously lol! Hope this sort of helps as this is I believe how google and others sort out who gets to the top of the page. So if for example if Paris Hilton is all the talk on the web, plaster your page with Paris Hilton references lol. She will love it lol

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
SEO is good only if the product or service is good. The more people that know you exist the better it is for you, it is easier to have a return client than it is to attract a new one. You might want to try some SP optimization.


Sensual Seduction
Feb 1, 2008
Well I am no techie but I believe its not something you get. I believe it is how your site is view by search engines. There is three ways to improve your visibility on searchs. One is to have alot of key words on your website that attracts your piticular client. Key words need to be in full, for example instead of bbbj you need to have it say bare back blow job. The reasoning behind this is how many people google bbbj, compared to bare , back , blow, job, now you have 4 words the search engine will target, instead of one acronym. Another is something to do with your html, which I have no idea. The last is simply how many hits (visits) your site gets. So you need to increase the amount of pictures, words, videos on your website that will attract hits. Or get friends, relatives ... to simply keep visiting your site, sort of spam your site with visits lol Open page to site, close page to site repeat continously lol! Hope this sort of helps as this is I believe how google and others sort out who gets to the top of the page. So if for example if Paris Hilton is all the talk on the web, plaster your page with Paris Hilton references lol. She will love it lol
LMAO My new bestest friend Paris Hilton
Thank you hon for explaining this...I was not sure what it was so now I know to go check my site to make sure I have the keywords I need. :)


Sensual Seduction
Feb 1, 2008
SEO is good only if the product or service is good. The more people that know you exist the better it is for you, it is easier to have a return client than it is to attract a new one. You might want to try some SP optimization.
Hmmm, o.k. well thank you for the advice, not quite sure how to optimize my service as I offer just about everything under the sun lol. I do my best each and every time and to my knowledge have had no unhappy clients.
Anything in particular you would suggest?


New member
Aug 18, 2008
Best thing to do is expand all the words bbbj- bare back blow job etc. Then expand your exposer, ie post your links in appropriate sites in an attempt to get hits (visits to page). Todays hot topic is Lybian rebel fighters so maybe you should offer free bare back blow jobs to every Lybian freedom fighter lol! Hope you do well!


New member
Aug 18, 2008
The Paris Hilton trick will not work for two reasons: its not relevant to your site and there is way too much competition. When you search "Paris Hilton" in quotes there are 78 million sites, you will never rank in the top ten with that keyword. Use relevant keywords with less competition.
The quickest easiest method is having your main keywords in the URL, the title and the description aswell as in the content. Try using Wordpress they have excellent SEO plugins that are helpful and time saving.
This is what I meant about html content which I know nothing about, as for the Paris Hilton reference, that was just an example of hot topic of the day, certainly Paris Hilton reference will not help now. When she was hot, some one searching for a Paris Hilton sp look a like, this might have helped.


New member
Sep 3, 2005
Best thing to do is expand all the words bbbj- bare back blow job etc. Then expand your exposer, ie post your links in appropriate sites in an attempt to get hits (visits to page). Todays hot topic is Lybian rebel fighters so maybe you should offer free bare back blow jobs to every Lybian freedom fighter lol! Hope you do well!
I am not confident this advice is correct. Expanding bbbj to bare back blow job only benefits you IF people are searching for "bare back blow job" instead of "bbbj" Perhaps you can include both but I would argue bbbj is more popular search term over bare back blow job.

This page from Google may help

and here


New member
Dec 11, 2007
Anyone know anything about this? If so, How do I get it for my website? (yes, I know it is down at the moment, should be back up in a few days)
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is actually a little more involved than what has been described so far. No disrespect intended to the previous post'ees. Key words and phrases are definitely part of the solution.

Whom ever is looking after your web site should take a look at implementing Google Analytics for your site. If done properly, your site's ranking will improve over time. It is also very important to keep the web site content fresh (regularly updated).

All the best.


New member
Aug 18, 2008
Monthly Google Searches


bare back blow job

toronto bbbj

You need to submit your site to Yahoo and Bing, it is only indexed by Google.
I did omit that you would also want to keep the acronyms.The object of the game is to get the hits, be included in the searches, if you just list bbbj the you are one of the 40,500 but when you include bare back blow job you ad 1600 and so on.


New member
Aug 18, 2008
Bad advice to use irrelevant words to try to boost page ranking. Google figures out stuff like that and blacklists sites that do it.

Frankly, trying to get first or second page search engine (Google) ranking is not going to help your biz that much.

Simple advertising on places like TERB, Now, Backpages, and other advertising sites that men go to when they are horny is going to deliver better results in terms of actually turning views into paying customers.

That you are a specific type appealing to a specific market/client I'd suggest that you have better pictures that most clearly show your look and style. That way when someone sees your pic/ad they are most definitely interested and will be more likely to follow through with a booking, showing up and PAYING!

"Hits" and google page rank are not as important
The best advice yet, although I was just trying to answer the question lol


Sensual Seduction
Feb 1, 2008
Bad advice to use irrelevant words to try to boost page ranking. Google figures out stuff like that and blacklists sites that do it.

Frankly, trying to get first or second page search engine (Google) ranking is not going to help your biz that much.

Simple advertising on places like TERB, Now, Backpages, and other advertising sites that men go to when they are horny is going to deliver better results in terms of actually turning views into paying customers.

That you are a specific type appealing to a specific market/client I'd suggest that you have better pictures that most clearly show your look and style. That way when someone sees your pic/ad they are most definitely interested and will be more likely to follow through with a booking, showing up and PAYING!

"Hits" and google page rank are not as important
Sound advice, thank you :)

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Hmmm, o.k. well thank you for the advice, not quite sure how to optimize my service as I offer just about everything under the sun lol. I do my best each and every time and to my knowledge have had no unhappy clients.
Anything in particular you would suggest?

SP Optimization

Its simple, you have to be unique and better than anyone else. You have to make the client want to see you again instead of going to another girl next time. You have to keep the surprises coming. I know an SP that dresses impeccably outside and when i unwrap the package she is dresses impeccably under her clothing as well. She makes me want to see her, she makes me want to be there and as I am leaving she makes me want to come back. She does anal, and when I come, she contracts her butt and milks me dry and does not pull out till I am exhausted.

Can you do that?

big dogie

Active member
Jun 15, 2003
in a van down by the river
First is your site needs to be on the internet! If the bots try to visit your site and it is not up or fast to load your site drops heavily in the rankings.

b d

Anyone know anything about this? If so, How do I get it for my website? (yes, I know it is down at the moment, should be back up in a few days)
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