Scammed by SP's? A cautionary tale


Oct 20, 2009
Have any of you guys had an escort or massage girl hit you up with a fake crisis story to get some money from you? It has happened to me twice now,I am embarrassed to say :eek: and it is making me very cynical about SP's generally.

One girl, a dancer that I had exchanged phone nos with, texted me that she needed a bus ticket to get back from Montreal as she was broke. When I texted back that I would buy the ticket she then asked me for money (which I gave) to pay rent on an apartment that I later learned she does not have! I later learned as well that she did not even use the bus ticket that I bought her! After that she called me once at 5 in the morning,and left a message sounding all teary and whiney, and saying she was in a bad situation. I did not call back, as I am sure she would be claiming to be stranded somewhere again. A few days later she was calling me from an Ottawa number so she obviously made it home! She gave me a fake email address, and stood me up for lunch as well!

The other girl is one I met at a massage joint and she became my favourite regular. Then she sent me a text at 2:00 in the morning asking me to call her as soon as I got the message, and left a voice mail as well which I could not understand because she was (pretending) crying alot.
So i called her and she told me that her twin sister had just died the night before in Europe, AND, her roomates had stolen all her cash, AND she did not want to ask her mother for the money for plane fare so could I please lend her $100.00; as soon as I said yes she then upped it to $700.00! I felt from the start that this had to be bullshit, but at this point was emotionally involved with her to the point that I could not refuse. She was very cagey about where we would meet and showed up in shabby clothes and sunglasses on a rainy day. She kept up the crying act, but I could tell it was fake.

This has definitely taught me that girls in this business care nothing for us clients other than as targets for cash. If they sense they can rip you off they will, since that is an easier way of getting money. For some of them, setting you up emotionally for the big sting is the plan from the beginning!

I have also noticed that alot of dancers tell you the same stories to make you more sympathetic to spending money: She is saving up to go back to school, and she just broke up with her boyfriend.

I have not decided whether to give up this hobby entirely, or just to avoid becoming a regular of any one SP or dancer; as well, I would not exchange phone nos with any more girls!

Anyone else have a similarly embarrasing tale? It feels good for me just to share this!


Jun 6, 2009
No need, just get very cynical fast. You've learned something.

I get the same way with panhandlers. I very seldom buy their story. The funniest one was the guy that approached me outside a bar in the parking lot and told me he and his young daughter were staying at the motel down the way, he was out of work, and couldn't pay the room rate any more as he ran out of money. Could I give him some coin. I said no, but he even tried to hit me on the way out about 90 minute later. saw him work his shtick about 2 weeks later same bar but he didn't approach me, Hmmmm.

Fool me once, ok. Fool me twice, I'm nuts; or something like that. Ask GWB.


Registered SP User
Jan 20, 2004
Between the legs of some hottie
Back when I was doing the SC crawl, I would hear these sob stories all the freakin time. One particular girl from Fantasia told me she was getting kicked out of her apartment if she didn't come up with rent. Then on a seperate occasion she said that her friend was in the hospital, blah, blah, blah. I shook my head but left her a nice tip both times I saw her.


On the fence
Dec 13, 2009
Lesson is to not get emotionally attached to a girl. PERIOD.

The one's I've met are honest... most hate what they are doing.. but see no way out. Some have been in the professional long enough that it's hard to get a real job and starting off at minimum wage when they are used to the $.

It's a vicious cycle and to escape reality a lot of them turn to drugs, which further puts them in a hole.

I met a stripper once, told me straight up - she strings guys along to pay off her debt. The older folk in the 40s are esp. vulnerable - usually they have a good job and high disposable income. Give them little incentives along the way. It's a business - they are absorbed in the world almost 24/7 and always on their game.


Mar 26, 2009
Not all SP's or strippers do this, obviously, but some may try when they think they can succeed. This would never happen to anyone under 40. Just look at Anna Nicole Smith and the 90 year old millionaire she married, if you're old, and have a lot of disposable income, you'll be targeted and there's a very good chance you'll part ways with a lot of your money because men think with the wrong head most of the time.


Well-known member
I got nailed once in my mid 20's for 400$ and I'm much wiser for it.I've been targeted 3 times since then and each time I act panicked and worried for them,say I'm going to the ATM around the corner......and never look back.Not all the ladies are like this obviously.They see the worst aspects of male gender some of the time.Some differentiate and take it on a per case basis and others group us all in the same group and we become disposable moneycocks to scam at every turn.


New member
Dec 27, 2009
This is a nice hobby, just be smart on the SPs that you meet. I know it is hard to refuse specially when emotions are involved. Always think twice before you let go of your money. As they say, women have lots of good weapons to use against men.


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
A guy once stopped my wife and I at an intersection about 5 blocks from my house.... round noon.... said his kid was very sick and needed to go for treatment every day in Hamilton, but he doesn't have a car... no money for a cab... blah blah blah.... i could come to his house right over there and see. I gave him $40 I had on me. My SO said I was nuts.

Later that night the same guy was making the rounds on my street, knocking on every door with the same story, or a variation of it. Turns out he was a know crack head and has used that line for years.... My neighbor chased him down and threatened to kick his ass if he didn't get off our street. I heard the noise and came out.... same guy. same story... crack head.

Lesson learned.


New member
Dec 27, 2004
We all have stories. I was in South Beach in the 1990's and was leaving for the day so had walked to the parking lot to load up my beach stuff in the trunk of my car and this rough around the edges mid-20's girl in a bikini comes up to me and gives me a story about how she was at the beach and somebody stole her wallet and so she hasn't had anything to eat all day and could I spare some change for food as her friends weren't coming by to pick her up until 9pm (it was 5pm now). I could see the track marks on her arm. So I said "Is this for drugs or food?" and she was momentarily fazed and said "For food" so I said "see that place over there - they have a decent deluxe gourmet burger with fries and a drink for $14.99. Here's $20, but only if you promise to go there and order the food". She said "Yeah, I promise for sure, thanks! I'm heading over there right now - watch me go there". So I left and as I was driving out of the parking lot I looked across the street and could see 75% of the tables at the place but didn't see her there. She might have been in the 25% of tables out of view though...maybe I want to give her the benefit of the doubt on that as she looked like a rough version of one of my then g/f's friends.

Of course if you're going to be hounded by a panhandler, better to be a mid-20's girl in a bikini than an old hobo lol. BUT, I know a guy at work who went to Rio on business and he's walking by the beach and two early 20's girls in string bikinis and high heels come up to him and say hello. While he is distracted checking out one's breasts the other standing to the side gives him a martial arts blow to the neck/chest and he falls to ground gasping for breath. While the karate girl stands over him ready for more, the other one reaches in his pocket and takes his wallet, then they both take off down a dark alley. After a couple of minutes he regains his breath and walk back to his hotel. He didn't report it as he was too embarrased to say he was beaten up by two 19 year old girl in bikinis lol, though he told all the guys at the office how the martial arts one was bent over him with an arm raised to attack again if he moved while her breasts hung a inch above his face lol. He joked that they didn't even f--- him first before screwing him over. Blame it on Rio.


Active member
Feb 26, 2005
sucks that they try this on people. If a dancer is begging for $100, why couldn't she just work a shift and make that money?


New member
Jul 6, 2008
sucks that they try this on people. If a dancer is begging for $100, why couldn't she just work a shift and make that money?
Because there's nothing better than "free" money. If you could find a sucker to pay you $100 and going to work for $100, what would you do?
SPs, MPs and strippers are in the fantasy game -- us guys have to remember that.


I've seen your member
Oct 24, 2008
all over the GTA
girls that do that shit really piss me off.. there are tons of honest friendly sps . we are not all like the scammers.. they make all of us look bad. not cool.


Active member
Sep 6, 2008
It is sad that we all have to become so jaded. Sad but unfortunately necessary.
You have to learn fast or else (lose your wallet).

You have to remind yourself, they're doing it for the $$$ and nothing else.

No Pretty Women scenarios!


Aug 17, 2008
No matter how much we try to fight it, us men tend to be at the mercy of our desires. I am in the process of acquiring another business, something I swore I would never do again in my life, just to encourage my signifigant other to return to me. I know it won't end well, but I am motivated to do it anyway. When woman are involved, it is very hard to say no to their demands. I wish I had more resolve as do alot of other men I'm sure, but sadly, woman have such an amazing power of persuasion - wether actively initiated or passively exposed, that we men strive to please the opposite sex to our downfall. We then say we won't do it again, but we usually do.


Tongue please
Aug 5, 2006
For a guy who got marked as an easy target it sounds like you got off easy . You really
didn't come across a super blood sucker that can take a guy for thousands .
Hookers are no different than anybody else you "loan" money to . People that
need to borrow money are generally in that situation because they aren't good with
money which means paying it back as well .

At least with a hooker there is the good possibility of getting your cock sucked in
repayment .

I am just wondering goose if you ever had the same thing happen with a
civilian lady ?


Registered SP User
Jan 20, 2004
Between the legs of some hottie
Please Please Please do not lump us all together. There are alot of great girls in this industry that would never do this to a client. We treat this as our business and like any business their are good ones and bad ones.
This is so true. Just like there are good "hobbyist" and bad ones. I think OP just wanted some tales of us guys getting taken to the cleaners.


Pop Rock Kid
I also agree there are many ladies out there that are respectful and don't try to pull these kind of cons. The way I see it, if they are professional and are attentive to giving us a positive experience, we will see them again. Repeat business will get so much more money out of us than a one time scam.
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